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AnnProtractorObject Class


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnProtractorObject members

Public Fields

Name Description
AcuteProperty Identifies the Acute dependency property.
AnglePrecisionProperty Identifies the AnglePrecision dependency property.
AngularUnitAbbreviationProperty Identifies the AngularUnitAbbreviation dependency property.
AngularUnitProperty Identifies the AngularUnit dependency property.
ArcRadiusProperty Identifies the ArcRadius dependency property.
CenterPointProperty Identifies the CenterPoint dependency property.
DpiXProperty Identifies the DpiX dependency property.
DpiYProperty Identifies the DpiY dependency property.
FirstPointProperty Identifies the FirstPoint dependency property.
FontDecorationProperty Identifies the FontDecoration dependency property.
FontFamilyNameProperty Identifies the FontFamilyName dependency property.
FontSizeProperty Identifies the FontSize dependency property.
FontStretchProperty Identifies the FontStretch dependency property.
FontStyleProperty Identifies the FontStyle dependency property.
FontWeightProperty Identifies the FontWeight dependency property.
GaugeLengthProperty Identifies the GaugeLength dependency property.
MeasurementUnitProperty Identifies the MeasurementUnit dependency property.
PrecisionProperty Identifies the Precision dependency property.
RestrictLengthProperty Identifies the RestrictLength dependency property.
SecondPointProperty Identifies the SecondPoint dependency property.
ShowAngleProperty Identifies the ShowAngle dependency property.
ShowGaugeProperty Identifies the ShowGauge dependency property.
ShowLengthProperty Identifies the ShowLength dependency property.
ShowTickMarksProperty Identifies the ShowTickMarks dependency property.
TickMarksLengthProperty Identifies the TickMarksLength dependency property.
UnitAbbreviationProperty Identifies the UnitAbbreviation dependency property.
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