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AnnRunDesigner Class


This class extends AnnDesigner to provide standard functionality for running Annotation objects on an annotation container.


public class AnnRunDesigner : Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnDesigner
Public Class AnnRunDesigner  
   Inherits Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnDesigner 
public ref class AnnRunDesigner : public Leadtools.Windows.Annotations.AnnDesigner


Other specific annotation object classes such as AnnButtonRunDesigner derive from this base class.


Uses an AnnRunDesigner to handle a button click

Silverlight C#
Silverlight VB
Imports Leadtools.Windows.Controls 
Imports Leadtools.Windows.Annotations 
Private Class MyWindow1 : Inherits Window 
   Private container As AnnContainer 
   Private viewer As ImageViewer 
   Private currentDesigner As AnnDesigner 
   Public Sub New(ByVal title As String) 
      Me.Title = title 
      Me.Width = 500 
      Me.Height = 200 
      ' load an image into the viewer 
      viewer = New ImageViewer() 
      ' fix this path to an existing image file on your system 
      viewer.Source = New BitmapImage(New Uri(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "cannon.jpg"))) 
      viewer.Width = Double.NaN 
      viewer.Height = Double.NaN 
      ' create and set up the container 
      container = New AnnContainer() 
      container.Width = viewer.Source.Width 
      container.Height = viewer.Source.Height 
      AddHandler container.MouseLeftButtonDown, AddressOf container_MouseLeftButtonDown 
      AddHandler container.MouseMove, AddressOf container_MouseMove 
      AddHandler container.MouseLeftButtonUp, AddressOf container_MouseLeftButtonUp 
      ' Set the container as a content of viewer 
      viewer.Content = container 
      ' Create a dockPanel to contain the controls 
      Dim panel As DockPanel = New DockPanel() 
      ' set the viewer as a content of the window 
      Me.Content = panel 
      ' add a few objects to the container 
      Dim rectObj As AnnRectangleObject = New AnnRectangleObject() 
      rectObj.Rect = New Rect(100, 100, 200, 200) 
      rectObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue 
      rectObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0 
      rectObj.Fill = Colors.Yellow 
      Dim buttonObj As AnnButtonObject = New AnnButtonObject() 
      buttonObj.Rect = New Rect(100, 320, 200, 2400) 
      buttonObj.Text = "Goto Leadtools website" 
      buttonObj.Foreground = Colors.Black 
      buttonObj.FontFamilyName = "Arial" 
      buttonObj.FontSize = 8 
      buttonObj.Hyperlink = "http://www.leadtools.com" 
   End Sub 
   Private Sub container_MouseLeftButtonDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseButtonEventArgs) 
      ' see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      If Not currentDesigner Is Nothing Then 
         e = New MouseButtonEventArgs(InputManager.Current.PrimaryMouseDevice, e.Timestamp, MouseButton.Left) 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseRightButtonDown(DirectCast(sender, AnnContainer), e) 
      End If 
      If (Not e.Handled) Then 
         ' the mouse click was not handled by a designer 
         ' check if the click was on top of an existing object that we can start running 
         Dim pt As System.Windows.Point = e.GetPosition(Me.container) 
         Dim obj As AnnObject = container.HitTest(pt) 
         If Not obj Is Nothing Then 
            ' yes, start the run designer for this object 
            If TypeOf obj Is AnnButtonObject Then 
               Dim buttonRunDesigner As AnnButtonRunDesigner = New AnnButtonRunDesigner(Me.container) 
               StartRunning(buttonRunDesigner, obj, e) 
               Dim runDesigner As AnnRunDesigner = New AnnRunDesigner(Me.container) 
               StartRunning(runDesigner, obj, e) 
            End If 
         End If 
      End If 
   End Sub 
   Private Sub container_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) 
      ' see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      If Not currentDesigner Is Nothing Then 
         e = New MouseEventArgs(InputManager.Current.PrimaryMouseDevice, e.Timestamp) 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseMove(DirectCast(sender, AnnContainer), e) 
      End If 
   End Sub 
   Private Sub container_MouseLeftButtonUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseButtonEventArgs) 
      ' see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      If Not currentDesigner Is Nothing Then 
         e = New MouseButtonEventArgs(InputManager.Current.PrimaryMouseDevice, e.Timestamp, MouseButton.Left) 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(DirectCast(sender, AnnContainer), e) 
      End If 
   End Sub 
   Private Sub StartRunning(ByVal runDesigner As AnnRunDesigner, ByVal obj As AnnObject, ByVal e As MouseButtonEventArgs) 
      ' set up the current designer 
      AddHandler runDesigner.Run, AddressOf OnDesignerRun 
      runDesigner.Object = obj 
      currentDesigner = runDesigner 
      e = New MouseButtonEventArgs(InputManager.Current.PrimaryMouseDevice, e.Timestamp, MouseButton.Left) 
      currentDesigner.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(runDesigner.Container, e) 
   End Sub 
   Private Sub OnDesignerRun(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AnnRunDesignerEventArgs) 
      ' show information on the current edit operation 
      Console.WriteLine("Object: {0}, Status: {1}, ", e.Object.GetType().Name, e.OperationStatus) 
      If e.OperationStatus = AnnDesignerOperationStatus.End Then 
         ' check if the object does not have a hyperlink, if so, show a message box 
         If e.Object.Hyperlink Is Nothing OrElse e.Object.Hyperlink = String.Empty Then 
            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You clicked an object of type {0} that does not have a hyperlink", e.Object.GetType().Name)) 
         End If 
      End If 
   End Sub 
End Class 
Public Sub AnnRunDesigner_AnnRunDesigner(ByVal title As String) 
   Dim window As MyWindow1 = New MyWindow1(title) 
End Sub 
Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS 
Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images" 
End Class 
using Leadtools.Windows.Controls; 
using Leadtools.Windows.Annotations; 
using Leadtools.Demos; 
using Leadtools.Help; 
class MyWindow1 : Window 
   AnnContainer container; 
   ImageViewer viewer; 
   AnnDesigner currentDesigner; 
   public MyWindow1(string title) 
      this.Title = title; 
      this.Width = 500; 
      this.Height = 200; 
      // load an image into the viewer 
      viewer = new ImageViewer(); 
      // fix this path to an existing image file on your system 
      viewer.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "cannon.jpg")));   
      viewer.Width = double.NaN; 
      viewer.Height = double.NaN; 
      // create and set up the container 
      container = new AnnContainer(); 
      container.Width = viewer.Source.Width; 
      container.Height = viewer.Source.Height; 
      container.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(container_MouseLeftButtonDown); 
      container.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(container_MouseMove); 
      container.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(container_MouseLeftButtonUp); 
      // Set the container as a content of viewer 
      viewer.Content = container; 
      // Create a dockPanel to contain the controls 
      DockPanel panel = new DockPanel(); 
      // set the viewer as a content of the window 
      this.Content = panel; 
      // add a few objects to the container 
      AnnRectangleObject rectObj = new AnnRectangleObject(); 
      rectObj.Rect = new Rect(100, 100, 200, 200); 
      rectObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue; 
      rectObj.Fill = Colors.Yellow; 
      rectObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0; 
      AnnButtonObject buttonObj = new AnnButtonObject(); 
      buttonObj.Rect = new Rect(100, 320, 200, 2400); 
      buttonObj.Foreground = Colors.Black; 
      buttonObj.FontFamilyName = "Arial"; 
      buttonObj.Text = "Goto Leadtools website"; 
      buttonObj.FontSize = 8; 
      buttonObj.Hyperlink = @"http://www.leadtools.com"; 
   void container_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
      // see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      if(currentDesigner != null) 
         e = new MouseButtonEventArgs(InputManager.Current.PrimaryMouseDevice, 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseRightButtonDown(sender as AnnContainer, e); 
         // the mouse click was not handled by a designer 
         // check if the click was on top of an existing object that we can start running 
         Point pt = e.GetPosition(this.container); 
         AnnObject obj = container.HitTest(pt); 
         if (obj != null) 
            // yes, start the run designer for this object 
            if(obj is AnnButtonObject) 
               AnnButtonRunDesigner buttonRunDesigner = new AnnButtonRunDesigner(this.container); 
               StartRunning(buttonRunDesigner, obj, e); 
               AnnRunDesigner runDesigner = new AnnRunDesigner(this.container); 
               StartRunning(runDesigner, obj, e); 
   void container_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
      // see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      if(currentDesigner != null) 
         e = new MouseEventArgs(InputManager.Current.PrimaryMouseDevice, 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseMove(sender as AnnContainer,e); 
   void container_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
      // see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      if(currentDesigner != null) 
         e = new MouseButtonEventArgs(InputManager.Current.PrimaryMouseDevice, 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(sender as AnnContainer, e); 
   private void StartRunning(AnnRunDesigner runDesigner, AnnObject obj, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
      // set up the current designer 
      runDesigner.Run += new EventHandler<AnnRunDesignerEventArgs>(OnDesignerRun); 
      runDesigner.Object = obj; 
      currentDesigner = runDesigner; 
      e = new MouseButtonEventArgs(InputManager.Current.PrimaryMouseDevice, 
      currentDesigner.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(runDesigner.Container, e); 
   private void OnDesignerRun(object sender, AnnRunDesignerEventArgs e) 
      // show information on the current edit operation 
      Console.WriteLine("Object: {0}, Status: {1}, ", e.Object.GetType().Name, e.OperationStatus); 
      if(e.OperationStatus == AnnDesignerOperationStatus.End) 
         // check if the object does not have a hyperlink, if so, show a message box 
         if(e.Object.Hyperlink == null ||   e.Object.Hyperlink == string.Empty) 
            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You clicked an object of type {0} that does not have a hyperlink", e.Object.GetType().Name)); 
public void AnnRunDesigner_AnnRunDesigner(string title) 
   MyWindow1 window = new MyWindow1(title); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"; 
using Leadtools.Windows.Controls; 
using Leadtools.Windows.Annotations; 
using Leadtools.Examples; 
class MyWindow1 : ChildWindow  
   AnnContainer container; 
   ImageViewer viewer; 
   AnnDesigner currentDesigner; 
   public MyWindow1(string title) 
      this.Title = title; 
      this.Width = 500; 
      this.Height = 200; 
      // load an image into the viewer 
      // fix this path to an existing image file on your system 
      viewer = new ImageViewer(); 
      viewer.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path + "ScarletMacaws.jpg"));   
      viewer.Width = double.NaN; 
      viewer.Height = double.NaN; 
      // create and set up the container 
      container = new AnnContainer(); 
      BitmapSource bmp = (BitmapSource)viewer.Source; 
      container.Width = bmp.PixelWidth; 
      container.Height = bmp.PixelHeight; 
      container.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(container_MouseLeftButtonDown); 
      container.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(container_MouseMove); 
      container.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(container_MouseLeftButtonUp); 
      // Set the container as a content of viewer 
      viewer.Content = container; 
      // Create a Panel to contain the controls 
      StackPanel panel = new StackPanel(); 
      // set the viewer as a content of the window 
      this.Content = panel; 
      // add a few objects to the container 
      AnnRectangleObject rectObj = new AnnRectangleObject(); 
      rectObj.Rect = new Rect(100, 100, 200, 200); 
      rectObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue; 
      rectObj.Fill = Colors.Yellow; 
      rectObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0; 
   void container_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
      // see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      if(currentDesigner != null) 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseRightButtonDown(sender as AnnContainer, e); 
         // the mouse click was not handled by a designer 
         // check if the click was on top of an existing object that we can start running 
         Point pt = e.GetPosition(this.container); 
         AnnObject obj = container.HitTest(pt); 
         if (obj != null) 
            // yes, start the run designer for this object 
            AnnRunDesigner runDesigner = new AnnRunDesigner(this.container); 
            StartRunning(runDesigner, obj, e); 
   void container_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) 
      // see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      if(currentDesigner != null) 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseMove(sender as AnnContainer,e); 
   void container_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
      // see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      if(currentDesigner != null) 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(sender as AnnContainer, e); 
   private void StartRunning(AnnRunDesigner runDesigner, AnnObject obj, MouseButtonEventArgs e) 
      // set up the current designer 
      runDesigner.Run += new EventHandler<AnnRunDesignerEventArgs>(OnDesignerRun); 
      runDesigner.Object = obj; 
      currentDesigner = runDesigner; 
      currentDesigner.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(runDesigner.Container, e); 
   private void OnDesignerRun(object sender, AnnRunDesignerEventArgs e) 
      // show information on the current edit operation 
      Console.WriteLine("Object: {0}, Status: {1}, ", e.Object.GetType().Name, e.OperationStatus); 
      if(e.OperationStatus == AnnDesignerOperationStatus.End) 
         // check if the object does not have a hyperlink, if so, show a message box 
         if(e.Object.Hyperlink == null ||   e.Object.Hyperlink == string.Empty) 
            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You clicked an object of type {0} that does not have a hyperlink",  
public void AnnRunDesigner_AnnRunDesigner(string title) 
   MyWindow1 window = new MyWindow1(title); 
Imports Leadtools.Windows.Controls 
Imports Leadtools.Windows.Annotations 
Private Class MyWindow1 : Inherits ChildWindow 
   Private container As AnnContainer 
   Private viewer As ImageViewer 
   Private currentDesigner As AnnDesigner 
   Public Sub New(ByVal title As String) 
      Me.Title = title 
      Me.Width = 500 
      Me.Height = 200 
      ' load an image into the viewer 
      viewer = New ImageViewer() 
      ' fix this path to an existing image file on your system 
      viewer.Source = _ 
         New BitmapImage(New Uri(LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path & "ScarletMacaws.jpg")) 
      viewer.Width = Double.NaN 
      viewer.Height = Double.NaN 
      ' create and set up the container 
      container = New AnnContainer() 
      Dim bmp As BitmapSource = CType(viewer.Source, BitmapSource) 
      container.Width = bmp.PixelWidth 
      container.Height = bmp.PixelHeight 
      AddHandler container.MouseLeftButtonDown, AddressOf container_MouseLeftButtonDown 
      AddHandler container.MouseMove, AddressOf container_MouseMove 
      AddHandler container.MouseLeftButtonUp, AddressOf container_MouseLeftButtonUp 
      ' Set the container as a content of viewer 
      viewer.Content = container 
      ' Create a Panel to contain the controls 
      Dim panel As StackPanel = New StackPanel() 
      ' set the viewer as a content of the window 
      Me.Content = panel 
      ' add a few objects to the container 
      Dim rectObj As AnnRectangleObject = New AnnRectangleObject() 
      rectObj.Rect = New Rect(100, 100, 200, 200) 
      rectObj.Stroke = Colors.Blue 
      rectObj.Fill = Colors.Yellow 
      rectObj.StrokeThickness = 2.0 
   End Sub 
   Private Sub container_MouseLeftButtonDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseButtonEventArgs) 
      ' see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      If Not currentDesigner Is Nothing Then 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseRightButtonDown(TryCast(sender, AnnContainer), e) 
      End If 
      If (Not e.Handled) Then 
         ' the mouse click was not handled by a designer 
         ' check if the click was on top of an existing object that we can start running 
         Dim pt As Point = e.GetPosition(Me.container) 
         Dim obj As AnnObject = container.HitTest(pt) 
         If Not obj Is Nothing Then 
            ' yes, start the run designer for this object 
            Dim runDesigner As AnnRunDesigner = New AnnRunDesigner(Me.container) 
            StartRunning(runDesigner, obj, e) 
         End If 
      End If 
   End Sub 
   Private Sub container_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) 
      ' see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      If Not currentDesigner Is Nothing Then 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseMove(TryCast(sender, AnnContainer),e) 
      End If 
   End Sub 
   Private Sub container_MouseLeftButtonUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseButtonEventArgs) 
      ' see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event 
      If Not currentDesigner Is Nothing Then 
         currentDesigner.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(TryCast(sender, AnnContainer), e) 
      End If 
   End Sub 
   Private Sub StartRunning(ByVal runDesigner As AnnRunDesigner, ByVal obj As AnnObject, ByVal e As MouseButtonEventArgs) 
      ' set up the current designer 
      AddHandler runDesigner.Run, AddressOf OnDesignerRun 
      runDesigner.Object = obj 
      currentDesigner = runDesigner 
      currentDesigner.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(runDesigner.Container, e) 
   End Sub 
   Private Sub OnDesignerRun(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AnnRunDesignerEventArgs) 
      ' show information on the current edit operation 
      Console.WriteLine("Object: {0}, Status: {1}, ", e.Object.GetType().Name, e.OperationStatus) 
      If e.OperationStatus = AnnDesignerOperationStatus.End Then 
         ' check if the object does not have a hyperlink, if so, show a message box 
         If e.Object.Hyperlink Is Nothing OrElse e.Object.Hyperlink = String.Empty Then 
            MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You clicked an object of type {0} that does not have a hyperlink", e.Object.GetType().Name)) 
         End If 
      End If 
   End Sub 
End Class 
Public Sub AnnRunDesigner_AnnRunDesigner(ByVal title As String) 
   Dim window As MyWindow1 = New MyWindow1(title) 
End Sub 


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Leadtools.Windows.Annotations Assembly
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