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DicomAssociate Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DicomAssociate.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor DicomAssociate Initializes a new instance of the DicomAssociate class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddPresentationContext Adds a Presentation Context to the DICOM Associate.
Public Method AddTransfer Adds a Transfer Syntax to the specified Presentation Context.
Public Method AddUserInformation Appends a User-defined item to the DICOM Associate.
Public Method Default Sets the default values for the DICOM Associate object.
Public Method DeletePresentation Deletes a Presentation Context in the DICOM Associate.
Public Method DeleteUserInformation Deletes a User-defined item.
Public Method DelTransfer Deletes a Transfer Syntax from the specified Presentation Context.
Public Method FindAbstract Finds the Presentation Context with the specified Abstract Syntax.
Public Method FindAbstracts Gets the presentation contexts that contain the specified Abstract Syntax.
Public Method FindNextAbstract Find the next presentation context that contains the specified Abstract Syntax.
Public Method GetAbstract Gets the Abstract Syntax for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
Public Method GetAbstractCount Gets the number of presentation contexts for the specified Abstract Syntax.
Public Method GetExtendedData Gets the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.
Public Method GetExtendedDataLength Gets the length of the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.
Public Method GetExtendedDataPtr Gets the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.
Public Method GetPresentationContextID Gets the ID of the Presentation Context at the specified index.
Public Method GetProviderRole Determines whether the Provider Role is supported for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
Public Method GetResult Returns the result of the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
Public Method GetTransfer Gets the Transfer Syntax for the specified Presentation Context and index.
Public Method GetTransferCount Returns the number of Transfer Syntax entries for the specified Presentation Context.
Public Method GetUserInformationData Gets the data of the specified User-defined item.
Public Method GetUserInformationDataLength Gets the length of the specified User-defined item.
Public Method GetUserInformationDataPtr Gets the data of the specified User-defined item.
Public Method GetUserInformationType Gets the type of the specified User-defined item.
Public Method GetUserRole Determines whether the User Role is supported for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
Public Method IsRoleSelect Determines whether Role Selection is enabled for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
Public Method Reset Removes all elements from the DICOM Associate and resets it to the specified type.
Public Method SetAbstract Sets the Abstract Syntax of the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
Public Method SetAsynchronousOperations Enables or disables Asynchronous Operation support. It also sets the number of operations that can be invoked, if enabled.
Public Method SetExtendedData Sets the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.
Public Method SetPresentationContextID Sets the ID for a Presentation Context.
Public Method SetResult Sets the result of the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
Public Method SetRoleSelect Enables or disables Role Selection. It also sets the User Role and Provider Role, if enabled, for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
Public Method SetTransfer Sets a Transfer Syntax for the specified Presentation Context.
Public Method SetUserInformation Sets the specified User-defined item.
Public Method ToString This member overrides ToString and returns a descriptive string for the DicomAssociate.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases all resources used by the DicomAssociate.
Protected Method Finalize This member overrides Finalize.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property ApplicationContextName Gets or sets the Application Context Name for the DICOM Associate.
Public Property Called Gets or sets the Called AE title for the DICOM Associate.
Public Property Calling Gets or sets the Calling AE title for the DICOM Associate.
Public Property ImplementationVersionName Gets or sets the Implementation Version Name.
Public Property ImplementClass Gets or sets the Implementation Class UID.
Public Property InvokedOperationsCount Gets the number of Asynchronous Operations that may be invoked.
Public Property IsAsynchronousOperations Indicates whether Asynchronous Operations are supported.
Public Property IsRequest Gets or sets a value indicating whether the DICOM Associate is an Associate Request or an Associate Accept.
Public Property MaxLength Gets or sets the Maximum Length for data transfer.
Public Property PerformedOperationsCount Gets the number of completed Asynchronous Operations.
Public Property PresentationContextCount Gets the number of Presentation Context entries for the DICOM Associate.
Public Property UserInformationCount Gets the number of User-defined items in the DICOM Associate.
Public Property Version Gets or sets the version of the DICOM Associate.

See Also

DicomAssociate Class

Leadtools.Dicom Namespace

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