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public DicomTag GetFirst()
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable) LTDicomTag *first;
public DicomTag getFirst()
DicomTag^ GetFirst();
DicomTag class that contains the first item in the Data Element Tag Table.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;
public void TestTagTable()
//Make sure to initialize the DICOM engine, this needs to be done only once
//In the whole application
//We don't need to call this since the DicomEngine.Startup already does that for us
//These calls are for demonstration purposes only
//We can also call FindByIndex if we know the index of this Tag
DicomTag tag = DicomTagTable.Instance.Find(DicomTag.PatientName);
DicomTag tag1 = DicomTagTable.Instance.Insert(DicomTag.PatientName, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Patient's Name", DicomVRType.PN, 1, 1, 1);
Console.WriteLine("Tag Information:");
Console.WriteLine("code is: {0}", tag1.ToHexString());
Console.WriteLine("VR is : {0}", tag1.VR);
Console.WriteLine("MinVM is : {0}", tag1.MinVM);
Console.WriteLine("MaxVM is : {0}", tag1.MaxVM);
Console.WriteLine("VMDivider is : {0}", tag1.VMDivider);
Debug.Assert(DicomTagTable.Instance.Exists(tag1) == true);
DicomTagTable.Instance.SetName(tag1, "Patient's Name 1");
int count = 0;
//If we want to loop through all the Tags in the table we can do this:
tag = DicomTagTable.Instance.GetFirst();
while (tag != null)
// We can also access the rest of the properties of DicomTag in here,
// such as DicomTagType.Code, DicomTagType.Name, DicomTagType.Mask
if (tag.Code == DicomTag.PatientName)
tag = DicomTagTable.Instance.GetNext(tag);
//We can use GetLast and GetPrevious to achieve the same thing
Debug.Assert(count == DicomTagTable.Instance.GetCount());
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