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Medical3DContainer Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see Medical3DContainer members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method
HandleMouseDown Handles the mouse down event that occur on the control.
Public Method HandleMouseMove Handles the mouse move event that occurs on the control.
Public Method HandleMouseUp Handles the mouse up event that occurs on the control.
Public Method Render Renders the objects of the container on the specified control.
Public Method ResetPosition Resets the position of all objects in the container to (0, 0, 0).
Public Method ResetRotation Resets the rotation of all the objects to (0, 0, 0).
Public Method ResetScale Resets the scale of all the objects in the container.
Public Method RotateX Rotates all the objects in the container by a specific amount in the x-axis.
Public Method RotateY Rotates all the objects in the container by a specific amount in the y-axis.
Public Method RotateZ Rotates all the objects in the container by a specific amount in the z-axis.
Public Method Scale Scales all objects in the container by a specific amount in any direction.
Public Method ScaleX Scales all objects in the container by a specific amount in the x-axis.
Public Method ScaleY Scales all objects in the container by a specific amount in the y-axis.
Public Method ScaleZ Scales all objects in the container by a specific amount in the z-axis.
Public Method SendAddFrame Sends the frame mapped to the specified ID to the rendering engine.
Public Method Translate Translates all objects in the container by a specific amount in the specific axis.
Public Method TranslateX Translates all objects in the container by a specific amount in the x-axis.
Public Method TranslateY Translates all objects in the container by a specific amount in the y-axis.
Public Method TranslateZ Translates all objects in the container by a specific amount in the z-axis.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method
Dispose Releases all the resources used by this Medical3DContainer.
Protected Method Finalize Overrides Finalize.

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