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Medical3DControl Class Events


For a list of all members of this type, see Medical3DControl members

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event
AnnotationChanged Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AnnotationClicked Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AnnotationCreated Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AutomationDoubleClick Event that must trigger when the pointer (mouse or touch) is double-clicked or double-tapped on the control. Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.AnnPointerEventArgs (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AutomationEnabledChanged Event that must trigger whenever the value of AutomationEnabled is changed. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AutomationGotFocus Event that must trigger when the control receives the focus. LeadEventArgs (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AutomationLostFocus Event that must trigger when the control loses the focus. LeadEventArgs (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AutomationPointerDown Event that must trigger when the pointer (mouse or touch) is down or tapped on the control. Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.AnnPointerEventArgs (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AutomationPointerMove Event that must trigger when the pointer (mouse or touch) is moved or dragged on the control. Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.AnnPointerEventArgs (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AutomationPointerUp Event that must trigger when the pointer (mouse or touch) is up or released from the control. Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.AnnPointerEventArgs (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AutomationSizeChanged Event that must trigger whenever the size of the control changes. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AutomationTransformChanged Event that must trigger whenever the value of AutomationTransform is changed. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event AutomationUseDpiChanged Event that must trigger whenever the value of AutomationUseDpi is changed. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event BuiltInTag Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event CameraMoved Occurs when the user moves the camera with the mouse using the MoveCamera action.
Public Event CameraRotated Occurs when the user rotates the camera with the mouse using the RotateCamera action.
Public Event CameraSettingsChanged Occurs when the user moves or rotates the camera with the mouse using the RotateCamera or MoveCamera actions.
Public Event CameraZoomed Occurs when the user zooms the camera with the mouse using the ZoomCamera action.
Public Event CellDragDrop Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event CellDragOver Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event CellParentChanged Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event ChangingWindowLevel Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event CustomAnnotationDataRequested Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event DeleteAnnotation Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event DesignerCreated Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event ObjectChanged Occurs when the user moves, rotates or scales the object with the mouse using the MoveObject or RotateObject actions.
Public Event ObjectMoved Occurs when the user moves the object with the mouse using the MoveObject action.
Public Event ObjectRotated Occurs when the user rotates the object with the mouse using the RotateObject action.
Public Event ObjectScaled Occurs when the user scales the object with the mouse using the ScaleObject action.
Public Event PlaneChanged Occurs when the user moves or rotates the MPR plane or clipping planes with the mouse using the MovePlane or RotatePlane actions.
Public Event PlaneMoved Occurs when the user moves the MPR plane or clipping planes with the mouse using the MovePlane action.
Public Event PlaneRotated Occurs when the user rotates the MPR plane or clipping planes with the mouse using the RotatePlane action.
Public Event ProbeToolTextChanged Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event SelectedSubCellChanged Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event SpyGlassStarted Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event StartDrawingAnnotation Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event UIChanged Optional delegate method for additional processing.
Public Event UserTag Optional delegate method for additional processing. (Inherited from MedicalViewerBaseCell)
Public Event WindowLevelChanged Occurs when the user changes the window-level values with the mouse using the WindowLevel action.

Help Version 20.0.2020.3.31
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Leadtools.Medical3D Assembly