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LeadMatrix Structure Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see LeadMatrix members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method static  | Shared in VB != Compares two LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they do not contain the same coordinates.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB * Multiplies a LeadMatrix by another LeadMatrix.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB == Compares two LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they contain the same coordinates.
Public Method Append Appends the specified LeadMatrix to this LeadMatrix.
Public Method Clone Creates an exact copy of this LeadMatrix.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB Create Creates a new LeadMatrix with the specified values.
Public Method Equals Specifies whether this LeadMatrix structure contains the same values as the specified object.
Public Method GetHashCode Returns a hash code for this LeadMatrix structure.
Public Method Invert Inverts this LeadMatrix.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB Multiply Multiplies a LeadMatrix by another LeadMatrix.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB Parse Parses a string and returns a new instance of LeadMatrix from it.
Public Method Prepend Prepends the specified LeadMatrix onto this LeadMatrix.
Public Method Rotate Applies a rotation of the specified angle about the origin of this LeadMatrix.
Public Method RotateAt Rotates this matrix about the specified point.
Public Method RotateAtPrepend Prepends a rotation of the specified angle at the specified point to this LeadMatrix.
Public Method RotatePrepend Prepends a rotation of the specified angle to this LeadMatrix.
Public Method Scale Appends the specified scale vector to this LeadMatrix.
Public Method ScaleAt Scales this LeadMatrix by the specified amount about the specified point.
Public Method ScaleAtPrepend Prepends the specified scale about the specified point of this LeadMatrix.
Public Method ScalePrepend Prepends the specified scale vector to this LeadMatrix.
Public Method Set Sets the values of this LeadMatrix.
Public Method SetIdentity Changes this LeadMatrix into an identity matrix.
Public Method Skew Appends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this LeadMatrix.
Public Method SkewPrepend Prepends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this LeadMatrix.
Public Method ToString Converts this LeadMatrix to a human-readable string using the specified format and provider.
Public Method Transform Transforms the specified point by the LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Public Method TransformPoints Transforms the specified points by this LeadMatrix.
Public Method TransformRect Transforms the specified rect by the LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Public Method Translate Appends a translation of the specified offsets to this LeadMatrix.
Public Method TranslatePrepend Prepends a translation of the specified offsets to this LeadMatrix.

See Also


LeadMatrix Structure

Leadtools Namespace

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