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Leadtools Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy


Overview and description of Leadtools classes, delegates, enumerations, interfaces, and structures.

Class Description
Class DrawEngine Access to the drawing engine and fonts options used globally by LEADTOOLS.
Class GeometryTools Utility class containing helper methods for LEADTOOLS primitive types.
Class HttpClientLeadStream ILeadStream support for streaming data in URLs.
Class LeadCollection<T> Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.
Class LeadFileStream ILeadStream support for disk files.
Class LeadLengthDConverter Converts a LeadLengthD from one data type to another.
Class LeadMatrixConverter Converts a LeadMatrix from one data type to another.
Class LeadPointConverter Converts a LeadPoint from one data type to another.
Class LeadPointDConverter Converts a LeadPointD from one data type to another.
Class LeadRectConverter Converts a LeadRect from one data type to another.
Class LeadRectDConverter Converts a LeadRectD from one data type to another.
Class LeadSizeConverter Converts a LeadSize from one data type to another.
Class LeadSizeDConverter Converts a LeadSizeD from one data type to another.
Class Factory Factory class that can be used to quickly create ILeadStream objects from various input or output sources.
Class LeadStream ILeadStream support for any .NET System.IO.Stream.
Class LeadtoolsException Base class for all exception classes thrown by LEADTOOLS.
Class NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the CollectionChanged event.
Class RasterBufferConverter Provides support for converting image data buffers.
Class RasterBufferResize Provides support for resizing image data buffers.
Class RasterColorSpace Provides support for converting buffered image data from one color space to another.
Class RasterColorTypeConverter Converts RasterColor objects from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeConverter.
Class RasterCommentMetadata Extends the RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with comment metadata stored within various image file formats.
Class RasterCurve Defines a curve.
Class RasterDefaults Specifies the default extra values used when creating RasterImage objects.
Class RasterException The exception that is thrown when a LEADTOOLS error occurs.
Class RasterImage The RasterImage class serves as a working area for image manipulation and conversion. LEADTOOLS functions use this class to access an image in memory and to maintain the properties of an image.
Class RasterImageAllocateData Provides data for the RasterImageAllocateCallback callback.
Class RasterImageAnimator Animates an image that has time-based frames.
Class RasterImageChangedEventArgs Provides data for the Changed event.
Class RasterImagePagesChangedEventArgs Provides data for the PagesChanged event.
Class RasterImageResize Provides support for resizing images.
Class RasterImageResizeEventArgs Provides data for the Resize event.
Class RasterMarkerMetadata Extends the RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with marker metadata stored within various image file formats.
Class RasterMetadata Provides base functionality for dealing with metadata stored in various image file formats.
Class RasterOverlayAttributes Contains the overlay attributes of a DICOM image.
Class RasterPalette Encapsulates and provides support for managing image palettes.
Class RasterRegion Describes a region of interest in a RasterImage object.
Class RasterRegionXForm Provides data for translating between region coordinates and external representations of those coordinates.
Class RasterRleCompressor Provides support for working with compressed image data buffers.
Class RasterSupport The RasterSupport class provides methods for setting a LEADTOOLS runtime license and unlocking support for optional LEADTOOLS features, such as LEADTOOLS Document/Medical capabilities. For activating server licenses, see Activating Server Licenses.
Class RasterTagMetadata Extends the RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with tag metadata stored within various image file formats.
Structure Description
Structure AutoFixImageResolutionOptions Provides the information needed to automatically convert the resolution of digital photos in LEADTOOLS toolkits.
Structure DrawEngineOptions Drawing and fonts options used globally by LEADTOOLS.
Structure GlobalMemoryThresholds Holds conventional memory restrictions used when allocating new RasterImage objects.
Structure LeadLengthD Defines a double length value.
Structure LeadMatrix Represents a 3x3 affine transformation matrix used for transformations in 2-D space.
Structure LeadPoint Stores two integer numbers that represent the coordinates of a point (X and Y).
Structure LeadPointD Stores two double numbers that represent the coordinates of a point (X and Y).
Structure LeadRect Stores four integer numbers that represent the coordinates and size of a rectangle (X, Y, Width, and Height).
Structure LeadRectD Describes the width, height, and location of a rectangle in double numbers.
Structure LeadSize Stores two integer numbers that represent a size (Width and Height).
Structure LeadSizeD Stores two double numbers that represent the size of an object.
Structure RasterColor Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of alpha, red, green, and blue.
Structure RasterColor16 Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of alpha, red, green, and blue.
Structure RasterHsvColor Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of hue, saturation, value.
Structure RasterImageMemoryInformation Stores information about the memory allocated for the RasterImage's data.
Structure RasterMemoryThreshold Holds the memory restrictions used when allocating new RasterImage objects.
Structure RasterMetadataRational Encapsulates a rational value, for use with classes derived from RasterMetadata.
Structure RasterMetadataURational Encapsulates an unsigned rational value, for use with classes derived from RasterMetadata.
Structure RasterNativeBuffer Holds a native (unmanaged) pointer and its length.
Delegate Description
Delegate RasterImageAllocateCallback Callback to use when new RasterImage objects are created by LEADTOOLS.
Interface Description
Interface ILeadStream The ILeadStream interface supports .NET await/async operations in LEADTOOLS.
Interface IPageRasterizer Converts a document page into a raster image.
Interface IRenderingEngine Defines a LEADTOOLS rendering engine.
Interface ISvgDocument Defines an SVG document.
Enumeration Description
Enumeration AutoFixImageResolutionUnit Units to use for the page size.
Enumeration DrawEngineType Draw engine type.
Enumeration DrawShadowFontMode Shadow font mode.
Enumeration LeadEventsDispatchMode Specifies the mode used to dispatch LEADTOOLS events.
Enumeration LeadFillMode Specifies how a polygonal shape with crossing lines is filled.
Enumeration LEADResourceDirectory Specifies the LEADTOOLS resource directory.
Enumeration LeadSeekOrigin Specifies the position in a stream to use for seeking.
Enumeration LeadStreamAccess Specifies the type of stream access requested.
Enumeration LeadStreamMode Specifies how the operating system should open a stream.
Enumeration LeadStreamShare Defines constants for read, write, or read/write access to a stream.
Enumeration LeadTempFileMode Enumeration that indicates whether the temp files are on disk, in memory or a combination of disk and memory.
Enumeration NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction Describes the action that caused a CollectionChanged event.
Enumeration RasterByteOrder Indicates the color byte order of the image data.
Enumeration RasterColorSpaceFormat16 Indicates the raster image data 16-bit color space format.
Enumeration RasterColorSpaceFormat8 Indicates the raster image data 8-bit colorspace format.
Enumeration RasterCommentMetadataDataType Indicates the data type for a metadata comment.
Enumeration RasterCommentMetadataType List of available metadata comments.
Enumeration RasterCompression Indicates the compression type for the image data.
Enumeration RasterConvertBufferFlags Options for the RasterBufferConverter.Convert method.
Enumeration RasterConvertToDibType Options for converting image to Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB).
Enumeration RasterCurveClose Indicates how to close the curve.
Enumeration RasterCurveType Indicates the type of curve that is being defined.
Enumeration RasterDitheringMethod Indicates the dithering method used for the image.
Enumeration RasterExceptionCode Used as a value for the RasterException.Code property.
Enumeration RasterGetSetOverlayAttributesFlags Determines which attributes are to be retrieved or changed.
Enumeration RasterGetSetOverlayImageMode Determines how to set or retrieve the overlay RasterImage.
Enumeration RasterGrayscaleMode Indicates the kind of grayscale palette, if any, that an image has.
Enumeration RasterImageAnimationDisposalMethod Used for the disposal methods used after rendering each frame in an animated image.
Enumeration RasterImageAnimatorState The RasterImageAnimator state.
Enumeration RasterImageChangedFlags Indicates the type(s) of change that has occurred in a RasterImage.
Enumeration RasterImageFormat Indicates the image file format.
Enumeration RasterImageInformationFlags Indicates which members of the RasterImageMemoryInformation structure are valid.
Enumeration RasterImagePagesChangedAction Indicates whether pages are added, removed or inserted from a RasterImage object.
Enumeration RasterImageUnderlayFlags Indicators of how the underlying image is to be positioned.
Enumeration RasterKernelType Indicates the Leadtools Kernel type.
Enumeration RasterKnownColor Specifies the known system colors.
Enumeration RasterMemoryFlags Indicates the type of memory to allocate.
Enumeration RasterMetadataFlags Indicates the type of metadata.
Enumeration RasterPaintAlignMode Determines how to align the image in the destination rectangle.
Enumeration RasterPaintSizeMode Determines how to fit the image in the destination rectangle.
Enumeration RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags Indicates how the range is used to fill and type of the lookup table and whether it contains signed or unsigned data.
Enumeration RasterRegionCombineMode Controls the creation of an image region.
Enumeration RasterSizeFlags Flags which control the behavior of image resize methods.
Enumeration RasterSupportType Indicates the optional LEADTOOLS feature to check.
Enumeration RasterTagMetadataDataType Indicates the data type for a metadata tag.
Enumeration RasterUpdateOverlayBitsFlags Determines whether the main image or the overlay image should be updated.
Enumeration RasterViewPerspective Indicates the view perspective of the image data.
Enumeration RasterWindowLevelMode Indicates whether window level changes are used by the paint and image processing functions or only by the paint functions.
Enumeration RasterYUVFormat Used with SetYUVData and GetYUVData to specify the YUV data format.

See Also


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