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Dispose() Method


Releases all resources used by this LeadStream.

public void Dispose() 
Public Sub Dispose() 

The LeadStream class implements the IDisposable interface, it is recommended that you follow the standard .NET dispose pattern when using the LeadStream class. For more information, refer to the IDisposable interface documentation in MSDN.

When the value of LeadStreamDisposeStream is true, then the underlying framework System.IO.Stream stored in the LeadStream.Stream property will also be disposed if not null. This indicate that this LeadStream was created with the disposseStream parameter set to true to indicate ownership of the underlying object.

When the value of LeadStreamDisposeStream is false, the underlying framework System.IO.Stream stored in the LeadStream.Stream property is not disposed. This indicate that this LeadStream was created with the dispsoeStream parameter set to false to indicate that the user owns the underlying object and is responsible for disposing it.

Refer to RasterCodecs Async Operations for more information and examples.


For .NET Framework: A reference to the Leadtools.Async.dll assembly is required to use this functionality.

For .NET Standard: This functionality is included in the Leadtools.dll assembly.

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Leadtools Assembly
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