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typedef struct tagFILMBOXPARAMETERS
L_UINT uStructSize;
L_PCTSTR pszImageDisplayFormat;
L_PCTSTR pszFilmOrientation;
L_PCTSTR pszFilmSizeID;
L_PCTSTR pszMagnificationType;
L_INT32 nMaxDensity;
L_PCTSTR pszConfigurationInformation;
L_PCTSTR pszAnnotationDisplayFormatID;
L_PCTSTR pszSmoothingType;
L_PCTSTR pszBorderDensity;
L_PCTSTR pszEmptyImageDensity;
L_INT32 nMinDensity;
L_PCTSTR pszTrim;
L_INT32 nIllumination;
L_INT32 nReflectedAmbientLight;
L_PCTSTR pszRequestedResolutionID;
The FILMBOXPARAMETERS structure is used to specify the parameters of Film Boxes.
Size of the structure.
Image Display Format (2010,0010).
Film Orientation (2010,0040).
Film Size ID (2010,0050).
Magnification Type (2010,0060).
Max Density (2010,0130).
Configuration Information (2010,0150).
Annotation Display Format ID (2010,0030).
Smoothing Type (2010,0080).
Border Density (2010,0100).
Empty Image Density (2010,0110).
Min Density (2010,0120).
Trim (2010,0140).
Illumination (2010,015E).
Reflected Ambient Light (2010,0160).
Requested Resolution ID (2020,0050).
Refer to the DICOM standard for more details about the attributes described by this structure.
When the structure is used with the functions LDicomPrintSCU::CreateFilmBox and LDicomPrintSCU::UpdateFilmBox, the member uStructSize must specify the size of the structure. The function LDicomPrintSCU::GetDefaultFilmBoxParameters sets the member to the size of the structure.
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