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#include "ltdic.h"
static pDICOMCODEDCONCEPT LDicomContextGroup::GetLastCodedConcept(pContextGroup)
Returns a pointer to the last Coded Concept in the specified Context Group.
Pointer to a DICOMCONTEXTGROUP structure that specifies a Context Group in the Context Group Table. The function Returns a pointer to the last Coded Concept in this Group, if it contains any.
Value | Meaning |
!NULL | Pointer to a DICOMCODEDCONCEPT structure that specifies the last Coded Concept in the specified Context Group. |
NULL | The specified Context Group does not contain any Coded Concepts. |
Along with this function, the following functions can be used to maneuver through the Coded Concepts of a Context Group in the Context Group Table:
You can also use the LDicomContextGroup::GetCountCodedConcept and LDicomContextGroup::FindIndexCodedConcept functions to enumerate the Coded Concepts.
Use the LDicomContextGroup::GetContextGroup function to obtain the Context Group to which a Coded Concept belongs.
Required DLLs and Libraries
Win32, x64
For an example, refer to LDicomContextGroup::GetFirstCodedConcept.
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.NET, Java, Android, and iOS/macOS Assemblies
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Imaging, Medical, and Document