#include "ltdic.h"

L_VOID pEXT_CALLBACK Your Function(hCU, pszPrintJobInstanceUID, uEventTypeID, pReportInformation, pUserData)

Called when a Print Job status report is received from the Print SCP.



Handle to the DICOM Print SCU.

L_TCHAR pszPrintJobInstanceUID

Pointer to the character string that contains the SOP Instance UID of the Print Job SOP Instance for which the status report was sent.

L_INT16 uEventTypeID

The Event Type ID which indicates the status of the Print Job. The following values are possible:

Value Meaning
1 Event Type Name = Pending
2 Event Type Name = Printing
3 Event Type Name = Done
4 Event Type Name = Failure

const pPRINTERREPORTINFO pReportInformation

Pointer to a PRINTJOBREPORTINFO structure that specifies Print Job information. This can be NULL.

L_VOID * pUserData

Pointer to user-defined data.




This callback function is called whenever the Print SCU receives a report from the Print SCP about the changes in the status of a Print Job. The intended Print Job is specified by its SOP Instance UID. If the Print Job SOP Class is supported on the Association, this function is expected to be called. Otherwise, it will never be called.

If the status of the Print Job is Pending or Failure, the Print SCP is supposed to supply additional information about the pending/error condition in the Attribute Execution Status Info (the pszExecutionStatusInfo member of the PRINTJOBREPORTINFO structure).

The implementation of the LDicomPrintSCU class for this function simply does nothing. In order to make use of this callback function, you should create a new class derived from the LDicomPrintSCU and override the function providing the desired implementation.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64

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