Leadtools Library Changes


Version Changes: 21 to 22

New Members (version 22)

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.GeometryTools.getBoundingRect Gets the rectangle that contains all the points in an array.
Leadtools.GeometryTools.getCenterPoint Gets the point of a rectangle.
Leadtools.GeometryTools.getCornerPoints Gets the four corner points of a rectangle.
Leadtools.ImageLoader Loads an HTML, SVG, or other XML element from a URL.
Leadtools.ImageLoaderAjaxOptions Provides options for use with an ImageLoader AJAX load.
Leadtools.ImageLoaderPreRunEventArgs Provides data for the ImageLoader.PreRun event.
Leadtools.ImageLoaderPreSendEventArgs Provides data for the ImageLoader.PreSend event.
Leadtools.ImageLoaderProcessAjaxDataCallback A callback type for use with ImageLoader.processAjaxData.
Leadtools.ImageLoaderUrlMode Specifies the mode by which the image or XML will be loaded.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing Provides support for image processing on an HTML5 ImageData.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Completed event.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingErrorEventArgs Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Error event.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Progress event.
Leadtools.LeadCollection Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.
Leadtools.LeadEvent LEADTOOLS support for JavaScript events.
Leadtools.LeadEventArgs Represents the base class for classes that contain event data, and provides a value to use for events that do not include event data.
Leadtools.LeadEventType Default event object.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.#ctor Creates a new LeadLengthD object.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.create Initializes a new LeadLengthD object with explicit parameters.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.equals Specifies whether two LeadLengthD objects contain the same values.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.fromJSON Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadLengthD instance.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.toJSON Converts this LeadLengthD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.#ctor Initializes a new instance of LeadMatrix
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.append Appends the specified LeadMatrix to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.create Creates a new LeadMatrix with the specified values.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.equals Compares two LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.fromJSON Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadMatrix instance.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.multiply Multiplies a LeadMatrix by another LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.prepend Prepends the specified LeadMatrix onto this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotate Applies a rotation of the specified angle about the origin of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotateAt Rotates this matrix about the specified point.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotateAtPrepend Prepends a rotation of the specified angle at the specified point to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotatePrepend Prepends a rotation of the specified angle to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scale Appends the specified scale vector to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scaleAt Scales this LeadMatrix by the specified amount about the specified point.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scaleAtPrepend Prepends the specified scale about the specified point of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scalePrepend Prepends the specified scale vector to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.skew Appends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.skewPrepend Prepends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.toJSON Converts this LeadMatrix to a JSON-compatible dictionary object.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformPoint Transforms the specified point by the LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformPoints Transforms the specified points by this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformRect Transforms the specified rect by the LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformVector Transforms the specified vector point by the LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.translate Appends a translation of the specified offsets to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.translatePrepend Prepends a translation of the specified offsets to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.#ctor Creates a new LeadPointD object.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.create Initializes a new LeadPointD object with explicit parameters.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.equals Specifies whether two LeadPointD objects contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.fromJSON Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadPointD instance.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.toJSON Converts this LeadPointD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.#ctor Creates a new LeadRectD object.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.contains Determines whether the specified point is contained within this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.containsPoint Determines whether the specified point is contained within this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.containsRect Determines if the rectangular region represented by the specified value is entirely contained within this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.create Initializes a new LeadRectD object with explicit parameters.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.equals Specifies whether two LeadRectD contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.fromJSON Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadRectD instance.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.fromLTRB Creates a LeadRectD with the specified edge locations.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.inflate Inflates this LeadRectD by the specified amount.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.inflateRect Returns a LeadRectD resulting from inflating the specified rectangle by the specified amount.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersect Replaces this LeadRectD with the intersection of itself and the specified LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersectRects Returns a LeadRectD that represents the intersection of two rectangles.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersectsWith Determines if this LeadRectD intersects with a test value.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.offset Adjusts the location of this rectangle by the specified amount.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.scale Scales this LeadRectD by the specified amount.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.toJSON Converts this LeadRectD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.union Combines this LeadRectD with the specified value.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.unionRects Gets a LeadRectD that contains the union of two rectangles.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.#ctor Creates a new LeadSizeD object.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.create Initializes a new LeadSizeD object with explicit parameters.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.equals Specifies whether two LeadSizeD contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.fromJSON Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadSizeD instance.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.toJSON Converts this LeadSizeD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object.
Leadtools.LTBrowser Specifies the current browser.
Leadtools.LTDevice Specifies the current device.
Leadtools.LTHelper Represents a helper class used by the various LEADTOOLS components to detect the current browser and operating system.
Leadtools.LTOS Specifies the current operating system.
Leadtools.LTRender A generic callback type with no parameters and a void return type.
Leadtools.LTVersion Holds properties about the version of LEADTOOLS being used.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.create Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs with the specified action.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createAdd Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for an add operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createMove Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a move operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createRemove Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a remove operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createReplace Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a replace operation.
Leadtools.RasterSupport.isLocked Indicates whether support is locked for an optional feature, such as LEADTOOLS Document/Medical capabilities.
Leadtools.RasterSupport.licenseDirectory The directory path where LEADTOOLS looks for the license file.
Leadtools.RasterSupport.requestTimeout Number of milliseconds to wait while setting a license asynchronously.
Leadtools.RasterSupport.setLicenseBuffer Sets the runtime license for LEADTOOLS from a memory buffer and unlocks support for optional features such as LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Document, and Medical capabilities.
Leadtools.RasterSupport.setLicenseText Sets the runtime license for LEADTOOLS from a text string and unlocks support for optional features such as LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Document, and Medical capabilities.
Leadtools.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri Sets the runtime license for LEADTOOLS from a URI and unlocks support for optional features such as LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Document, and Medical capabilities.
Leadtools.SetLicenseUriResult Result of calling RasterSupport.setLicenseUri.

Removed Members (version 22)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 20 to 21

New Members (version 21)

The following members have been added:


Removed Members (version 21)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 19 to 20

New Members (version 20)

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.ImageLoader.AjaxWithCredentials Indicates whether to send credentials with the XMLHttpRequest for an image.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.always Occurs after either the Done or Fail event handlers have fired.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.DefaultAjaxWithCredentials Indicates the default for AjaxWithCredentials.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.DefaultImgCrossOrigin Indicates the default for ImgCrossOrigin.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.done Occurs when the image has loaded successfully.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.fail Occurs when the image has failed to load.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.ImgCrossOrigin Indicates how to handle cross-origin image requests.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.preRun Occurs when the Run method is called, sending out ImageLoaderPreRunEventArgs.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.PreSend Occurs before an image request is made, sending out ImageLoaderPreSendEventArgs.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.WorkingImageElement The HTMLImageElement used in the image request.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.Xhr The XMLHttpRequest object used in the image data request.
Leadtools.ImageLoaderPreSendEventArgs Provides data for the ImageLoader.PreSend event.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.completed Occurs when the command finishes running.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.error Occurs when an error occurs when the command is running.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.progress Occurs while the command is running to provide progress report.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.collectionChanged Occurs when an item is added, removed, changed, moved, or the entire list is refreshed.
Leadtools.LTHelper.browser Gets or sets the current browser.
Leadtools.LTHelper.device Gets or sets the current device.
Leadtools.LTHelper.msPointerEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports the Windows 8 style touch input.
Leadtools.LTHelper.OS Gets or sets the current operating system.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsAnimationFrame Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports the HTML 5 animation frame.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsCanvas Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports HTML 5 Canvas element.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsCSSTransitions Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports CSS3 Transitions, either through the normal transitionrule or a vendor prefix such as webkitTransition/webkit-transition.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsFileReader Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports the File/FileReader API, including the File, FileReader, URL, and Blob objects.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsHTMLPointerEvents Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports the CSS rule pointer-events for HTML elements.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsMouse Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports mouse input.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsMultiTouch Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports multi-touch input.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsScroll Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports scrollbars.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsTouch Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports touch input.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsTransform Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports HTML transformation.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsTypedArray Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports HTML typed arrays.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsWebGL Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports WebGL.
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsWebWorker Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports HTML 5 Web Workers.
Leadtools.LTHelper.vendor Gets or sets the current browser vendor.
Leadtools.LTHelper.version Gets or sets the current browser version.
Leadtools.LTVersion Holds properties about the version of LEADTOOLS being used.
Leadtools.RasterSupport Contains methods and properties to set the client LEADTOOLS license.

Removed Members (version 20)

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.ImageLoader.always.remove Occurs after either the Done or Fail event handlers have fired.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.done.remove Occurs when the image has loaded successfully.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.fail.remove Occurs when the image has failed to load.
Leadtools.ImageLoader.preRun.remove Occurs when the Run method is called, sending out ImageLoaderPreRunEventArgs.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.completed.remove Occurs when the command finishes running.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.error.remove Occurs when an error occurs when the command is running.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.progress.remove Occurs while the command is running to provide progress report.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.collectionChanged.remove Occurs when an item is added, removed, changed, moved, or the entire list is refreshed.

Version Changes: 18 to 19

New Members

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.ImageLoader - Loads an HTML, SVG, or other XML element from a URL.
Leadtools.ImageLoaderAjaxOptions - Provides options for use with an ImageLoader AJAX load.
Leadtools.ImageLoaderPreRunEventArgs - Provides data for the PreRun event.
Leadtools.ImageLoaderUrlMode - Specifies the mode by which the Image or XML will be loaded.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing - Provides support for image processing on a HTML5 ImageData.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs - Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Completed event.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingErrorEventArgs - Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Error event.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs - Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Progress event.
Leadtools.LeadCollection - Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.
Leadtools.LeadEvent - LEADTOOLS support for JavaScript events.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.#ctor Creates a new LeadLengthD object.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.clone Creates an exact copy of this LeadLengthD object.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.create Initializes a new LeadLengthD object with explicit parameters.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.equals Specifies whether two LeadLengthD objects contain the same values.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.fromJSON Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadLengthD instance.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.toJSON Converts this LeadLengthD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.toString Converts this LeadLengthD to a human-readable string.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.value Gets or sets the value of this LeadLengthD.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.#ctor Initializes a new instance of LeadMatrix
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.append Appends the specified LeadMatrix to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.clone Creates an exact copy of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.create Creates a new LeadMatrix with the specified values.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.determinant Gets the determinant of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.equals Compares two LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.fromJSON Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadMatrix instance.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.hasInverse Gets a value that indicates whether this LeadMatrix is invertible.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.identity Gets an identity LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.invert Inverts this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.isIdentity Gets a value that indicates whether this LeadMatrix is an identity matrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.m11 Gets or sets the value of the first row and first column of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.m12 Gets or sets the value of the first row and second column of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.m21 Gets or sets the value of the second row and first column of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.m22 Gets or sets the value of the second row and second column of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.multiply Multiplies a LeadMatrix by another LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.offsetX Gets or sets the value of the third row and first column of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.offsetY Gets or sets the value of the third row and first column of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.prepend Prepends the specified LeadMatrix onto this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotate Applies a rotation of the specified angle about the origin of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotateAt Rotates this matrix about the specified point.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotateAtPrepend Prepends a rotation of the specified angle at the specified point to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotatePrepend Prepends a rotation of the specified angle to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scale Appends the specified scale vector to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scaleAt Scales this LeadMatrix by the specified amount about the specified point.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scaleAtPrepend Prepends the specified scale about the specified point of this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scalePrepend Prepends the specified scale vector to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.setIdentity Changes this LeadMatrix into an identity matrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.skew Appends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.skewPrepend Prepends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.toJSON Converts this LeadMatrix to a JSON-compatible dictionary object.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.toString Converts this LeadMatrix to a human-readable string.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformPoint Transforms the specified point by the LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformPoints Transforms the specified points by this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformRect Transforms the specified rect by the LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformVector Transforms the specified vector point by the LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.translate Appends a translation of the specified offsets to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.translatePrepend Prepends a translation of the specified offsets to this LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.#ctor Creates a new LeadPointD object.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.clone Creates an exact copy of this LeadPointD object.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.create Initializes a new LeadPointD object with explicit parameters.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.empty Gets a value that represents a static empty LeadPointD.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.equals Specifies whether two LeadPointD objects contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.fromJSON Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadPointD instance.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.isEmpty Gets a value that indicates whether this instance of LeadPointD is Empty.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.toJSON Converts this LeadPointD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.toString Converts this LeadPointD to a human-readable string.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.x Gets or sets a value that represents the X coordinate for this LeadPointD.
Leadtools.LeadPointD.y Gets or sets a value that represents the Y coordinate for this LeadPointD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.#ctor Creates a new LeadRectD object.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.bottom Gets the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.bottomLeft Gets a LeadPointD that represents the bottom-left edge of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.bottomRight Gets a LeadPointD that represents the bottom-right edge of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.clone Creates an exact copy of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.contains Determines whether the specified point is contained within this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.containsPoint Determines whether the specified point is contained within this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.containsRect Determines if the rectangular region represented by the specified value is entirely contained within this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.create Initializes a new LeadRectD object with explicit parameters.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.empty Gets a value that represents a static empty LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.equals Specifies whether two LeadRectD contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.fromJSON Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadRectD instance.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.fromLTRB Creates a LeadRectD with the specified edge locations.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.height Gets or sets the height of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.inflate Inflates this LeadRectD by the specified amount.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.inflateRect Returns a LeadRectD resulting from inflating the specified rectangle by the specified amount.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersect Replaces this LeadRectD with the intersection of itself and the specified LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersectRects Returns a LeadRectD that represents the intersection of two rectangles.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersectsWith Determines if this LeadRectD intersects with a test value.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.isEmpty Gets a value that indicates whether this instance of LeadRectD is Empty.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.left Gets the x-coordinate of the left edge of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.location Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.offset Adjusts the location of this rectangle by the specified amount.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.right Gets the x-coordinate of the right edge of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.scale Scales this LeadRectD by the specified amount.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.size Gets or sets the size of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.toJSON Converts this LeadRectD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.top Gets the y-coordinate of the top edge of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.topLeft Gets a LeadPointD that represents the top-left edge of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.topRight Gets a LeadPointD that represents the top-right edge of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.toString Converts this LeadRectD to a human-readable string.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.union Combines this LeadRectD with the specified value.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.unionRects Gets a LeadRectD that contains the union of two rectangles.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.width Gets or sets the width of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.x Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadRectD.y Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of this LeadRectD.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.#ctor Creates a new LeadSizeD object.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.clone Creates an exact copy of this LeadSizeD object.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.create Initializes a new LeadSizeD object with explicit parameters.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.empty Gets a value that represents a static empty LeadSizeD.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.equals Specifies whether two LeadSizeD contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.fromJSON Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadSizeD instance.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.height Gets or sets a value that represents the width for this LeadSizeD.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.isEmpty Gets a value that indicates whether this instance of LeadSizeD is Empty.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.toJSON Converts this LeadSizeD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.toString Converts this LeadSizeD to a human-readable string.
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.width Gets or sets a value that represents the width for this LeadSizeD.
Leadtools.LTBrowser - Specifies the current browser.
Leadtools.LTDevice - Specifies the current device.
Leadtools.LTHelper - Represents a helper class used by the various LEADTOOLS components to detect the current browser and operating system.
Leadtools.LTOS - Specifies the current operating system.
Leadtools.LTRender - A generic callback type with no parameters and a void return type.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.action Gets the action that caused the event.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.create Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs with the specified action.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createAdd Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for an add operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createMove Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a move operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createRemove Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a remove operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createReplace Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a replace operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateReset Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a reset operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.newItems Gets the list of new items involved in the change.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.newStartingIndex Gets the 0-based index at which the change occurred.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.oldItems Gets the list of old items involved in the change.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.oldStartingIndex Gets the 0-based index at which a Move, Remove, or Replace action occurred.

Removed Members

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.ILeadStream - The ILeadStream interface defines methods similar to the operating system file functions.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ChangeViewPerspectiveCommand - Rotates and flips the image data as necessary to achieve the desired view perspective.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ClearCommand - Sets all bits to 0 in the specified image, making it a black image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ClearNegativePixelsCommand - Sets all pixels with negative color values to 0.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CloneCommand - Creates a copy of a Leadtools.RasterImage object.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommand - Converts an image from any bits-per-pixel to any bits-per-pixel.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommandDataEventArgs - Provides data for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommand.Data event.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommandMode - Options for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommand.Mode property.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommandPaletteFlags - Palette options, for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommand.PaletteFlags property.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineFastCommand - Combines image data from two images (source and destination), letting you specify the areas to be combined and the operations to be performed when combining the data.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineFastCommandFlags - Flags for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineFastCommand.Flags.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineWarpCommand - Combines image data from the source image (the slave) and the destination image (the master), using a perspective warp.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineWarpCommandFlags - Flags for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineWarpCommand.Flags property.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CopyDataCommand - Copies image data from one image to another.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CopyRectangleCommand - Copies a portion of an image to create another image that is the size of the rectangle that you specify.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CreateGrayscaleImageCommand - Converts a 1-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-, or 32-bit Leadtools.RasterImage to an 8-bit, 12-bit, or 16-bit grayscale image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CropCommand - Crops the image, resulting in an image that is the size of the specified rectangle.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.DetectAlphaCommand - Determines if the image has meaningful alpha channel values.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.FillCommand - Fills the specified image with the specified color.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.FlipCommand - Flips a Leadtools.RasterImage from top to bottom or from left to right.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.GrayscaleCommand - Converts a 1-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-, or 32-bit image to an 8-bit, 12-bit, or 16-bit grayscale image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.IRasterCommand - Allows an inheriting class to implement a Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand class which, provides functionality for performing an image processing command on an image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.PremultiplyAlphaValuesCommand - Converts the image data to or from premultiplied alpha values.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterColorChannel - Indicates the channel that will be used in image processing methods.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand - The Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand class implements Leadtools.ImageProcessing.IRasterCommand and is the base class for all LEADTOOLS image processing commands.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommandProcessor - Batch processes a collection of Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand object on a collection of Leadtools.RasterImage objects.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommandProcessorCancel - Indicates whether or not to continue with the image processing command.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommandProcessorProgressEventArgs - Provides data for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommandProcessor.Progress event.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommandProgressEventArgs - Provides data for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand.Progress event.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterUserMatchTable - Maintains a predefined table to speed conversion with a user palette when using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommand.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ResizeCommand - Resizes the image from an existing image, and puts the resized image into a destination image, leaving the original image intact.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RotateCommand - Rotates an image by the number of degrees specified.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RotateCommandFlags - Flags for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RotateCommand.Flags property.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ScrambleCommand - Scrambles all or a portion of an image.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ScrambleCommandFlags - Flags for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ScrambleCommand.Flags property.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SetAlphaValuesCommand - Fills the image alpha values, while preserving the other image components.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ShearCommand - Moves the corners of an image in the fashion of a parallelogram.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SizeCommand - Resizes an image to a new width and height.
Leadtools.LeadBufferStream - The Leadtools.LeadBufferStream class provides an implementation of the Leadtools.ILeadStream interface that operates on a memory buffer.
Leadtools.LeadCollection`1 - Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.
Leadtools.LeadEventsDispatchMode - Specifies the mode used to dispatch LEADTOOLS events.
Leadtools.LeadFileStream - The Leadtools.LeadFileStream class provides an implementation of the Leadtools.ILeadStream interface that operates on a disk file.
Leadtools.LeadFillMode - Specifies how a polygonal shape with crossing lines is filled.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.#ctor(double) Initializes a new instance of Leadtools.LeadLengthD with the specified value.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Clone Returns an exact copy of this Leadtools.LeadLengthD
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Create(double) Creates a new instance of Leadtools.LeadLengthD with the specified value.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Equals(LeadLengthD) Specifies whether this Leadtools.LeadLengthD structure contains the same value as the specified object.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Equals(LeadLengthD,LeadLengthD) Specifies whether two Leadtools.LeadLengthD structures contain the same values.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Equals(object) Specifies whether this Leadtools.LeadLengthD structure contains the same value as the specified object.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.GetHashCode Returns a hash code for this Leadtools.LeadLengthD structure.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.op_Equality(LeadLengthD,LeadLengthD) Specifies whether two Leadtools.LeadLengthD structures contains the same values.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.op_Inequality(LeadLengthD,LeadLengthD) Specifies whether this Leadtools.LeadLengthD structure does not contain the same values as the specified object.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Parse(string) Parses a string and returns a new instance of Leadtools.LeadLengthD from it.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.ToString Converts this Leadtools.LeadLengthD to a human-readable string.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.ToString(IFormatProvider) Converts this Leadtools.LeadLengthD to a human-readable string using the specified provider.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.ToString(string,IFormatProvider) Converts this Leadtools.LeadLengthD to a human-readable string using the specified format and provider.
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Value Gets or sets the value of this Leadtools.LeadLengthD object.
Leadtools.LeadLengthDConverter - Converts a Leadtools.LeadLengthD from one data type to another.
Leadtools.LeadLengthDHelper - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadLengthD
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.#ctor(double,double,double,double,double,double) Initializes a new Leadtools.LeadMatrix with the specified values.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Append(LeadMatrix) Appends the specified Leadtools.LeadMatrix to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Clone Creates an exact copy of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Create(double,double,double,double,double,double) Creates a new Leadtools.LeadMatrix with the specified values.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Determinant Gets the determinant of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Equals(LeadMatrix) Specifies whether this Leadtools.LeadMatrix structure contains the same values as the specified object.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Equals(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) Compares two Leadtools.LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Equals(object) Specifies whether this Leadtools.LeadMatrix structure contains the same values as the specified object.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.GetHashCode Returns a hash code for this Leadtools.LeadMatrix structure.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.GetStringDescription Converts this Leadtools.LeadMatrix to a human-readable string.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.HasInverse Gets a value that indicates whether this Leadtools.LeadMatrix is invertible.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Identity Gets an identity Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Invert Inverts this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.IsEqual(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) Compares two Leadtools.LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.IsIdentity Gets a value that indicates whether this Leadtools.LeadMatrix is an identity matrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.M11 Gets or sets the value of the first row and first column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.M12 Gets or sets the value of the first row and second column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.M21 Gets or sets the value of the second row and first column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.M22 Gets or sets the value of the second row and second column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Multiply(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) Multiplies a Leadtools.LeadMatrix by another Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.OffsetX Gets or sets the value of the third row and first column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.OffsetY Gets or sets the value of the third row and first column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.op_Equality(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) Compares two Leadtools.LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.op_Inequality(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) Compares two Leadtools.LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they do not contain the same coordinates.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.op_Multiply(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) Multiplies a Leadtools.LeadMatrix by another Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Parse(string) Parses a string and returns a new instance of Leadtools.LeadMatrix from it.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Prepend(LeadMatrix) Prepends the specified Leadtools.LeadMatrix onto this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Rotate(double) Applies a rotation of the specified angle about the origin of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.RotateAt(double,double,double) Rotates this matrix about the specified point.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.RotateAtPrepend(double,double,double) Prepends a rotation of the specified angle at the specified point to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.RotatePrepend(double) Prepends a rotation of the specified angle to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Scale(double,double) Appends the specified scale vector to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ScaleAt(double,double,double,double) Scales this Leadtools.LeadMatrix by the specified amount about the specified point.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ScaleAtPrepend(double,double,double,double) Prepends the specified scale about the specified point of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ScalePrepend(double,double) Prepends the specified scale vector to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Set(double,double,double,double,double,double) Sets the values of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.SetIdentity Changes this Leadtools.LeadMatrix into an identity matrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Skew(double,double) Appends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.SkewPrepend(double,double) Prepends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ToString Converts this Leadtools.LeadMatrix to a human-readable string.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ToString(IFormatProvider) Converts this Leadtools.LeadMatrix to a human-readable string using the specified provider.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ToString(string,IFormatProvider) Converts this Leadtools.LeadMatrix to a human-readable string using the specified format and provider.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Transform(LeadPointD) Transforms the specified Leadtools.LeadPointD by the Leadtools.LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TransformPoint(LeadPointD) Transforms the specified Leadtools.LeadPointD by the Leadtools.LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TransformPoints(LeadPointD[]) Transforms the specified Leadtools.LeadPointD array by the Leadtools.LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TransformPoints(LeadPointD[],LeadPointD[]) Transforms the specified points by this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TransformRect(LeadRectD) Transforms the specified Leadtools.LeadRectD by the Leadtools.LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TransformVector(LeadPointD) Transforms the specified vector point by the Leadtools.LeadMatrix and returns the result.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Translate(double,double) Appends a translation of the specified offsets to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TranslatePrepend(double,double) Prepends a translation of the specified offsets to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix.
Leadtools.LeadMatrixConverter - Converts a Leadtools.LeadMatrix from one data type to another.
Leadtools.LeadPoint - Stores two integer numbers that represent the coordinates of a point (X and Y).
Leadtools.LeadPointConverter - Converts a Leadtools.LeadPoint from one data type to another.
Leadtools.LeadPointDConverter - Converts a Leadtools.LeadPointD from one data type to another.
Leadtools.LeadPointDHelper - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadPointD
Leadtools.LeadPointHelper - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadPoint
Leadtools.LeadRect - Stores four integer numbers that represent the coordinates and size of a rectangle (X, Y, Width, and Height).
Leadtools.LeadRectConverter - Converts a Leadtools.LeadRect from one data type to another.
Leadtools.LeadRectDConverter - Converts a Leadtools.LeadRectD from one data type to another.
Leadtools.LeadRectDHelper - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadRectD
Leadtools.LeadRectHelper - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadRect
Leadtools.LeadSeekOrigin - Specifies the position in a stream to use for seeking.
Leadtools.LeadSize - Stores two integer numbers that represent a size (Width and Height).
Leadtools.LeadSizeConverter - Converts a Leadtools.LeadSize from one data type to another.
Leadtools.LeadSizeDConverter - Converts a Leadtools.LeadSizeD from one data type to another.
Leadtools.LeadSizeDHelper - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadSizeD
Leadtools.LeadSizeHelper - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadSize
Leadtools.LeadStream - The Leadtools.LeadStream class provides a generic implementation of the Leadtools.ILeadStream interface that operates on a variety of stream types.
Leadtools.LeadStreamAccess - Specifies the type of stream access requested.
Leadtools.LeadStreamFactory - The Leadtools.LeadStreamFactory class provides helper functions for creating an Leadtools.ILeadStream instance.
Leadtools.LeadStreamMode - Specifies how the operating system should open a stream.
Leadtools.LeadStreamShare - Defines constants for read, write, or read/write access to a stream.
Leadtools.LeadtoolsException - Base class for all exception classes thrown by LEADTOOLS.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.Action Gets the action that caused the event.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.Create(NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction) Creates a new instance of Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs with the specified action.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateMove(int,int) Creates a new instance of Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a move operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateRemove(int) Creates a new instance of Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a remove operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateReplace(int) Creates a new instance of Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a replace operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.NewItems Gets the list of new items involved in the change.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.NewStartingIndex Gets the 0-based index at which the change occurred.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.OldItems Gets the list of old items involved in the change.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.OldStartingIndex Gets the 0-based index at which a Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction, Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction, or Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction action occurred.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventHandler - Handler for the Leadtools.LeadCollection`1.CollectionChanged event.
Leadtools.RasterBufferConverter - Provides support for converting image data buffers.
Leadtools.RasterBufferResize - Provides support for resizing image data buffers.
Leadtools.RasterByteOrder - Indicates the color byte order of the image data
Leadtools.RasterCollection`1 - Represents a generic collection of objects.
Leadtools.RasterCollectionEventArgs1 | - Provides information for *Leadtools.RasterCollection1.ItemAdded* and Leadtools.RasterCollection1.ItemRemoved methods.  
Leadtools.RasterColor - Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of alpha, red, green, and blue.
Leadtools.RasterColor16 - Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of alpha, red, green, and blue.
Leadtools.RasterColor16Helper - Helper methods for the Leadtools.RasterColor16 structure.
Leadtools.RasterColorHelper - Helper methods for the Leadtools.RasterColor structure.
Leadtools.RasterColorSpace - Provides support for converting buffered image data from one color space to another.
Leadtools.RasterColorSpaceFormat16 - Indicates the raster image data 16-bit color space format.
Leadtools.RasterColorSpaceFormat8 - Indicates the raster image data 8-bit colorspace format.
Leadtools.RasterColorTypeConverter - Converts Leadtools.RasterColor objects from one data type to another. Access this class through the System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
Leadtools.RasterCommentMetadata - Extends the Leadtools.RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with comment metadata stored within various image file formats.
Leadtools.RasterCommentMetadataDataType - Indicates the data type for a metadata comment.
Leadtools.RasterCommentMetadataType - List of available metadata comments.
Leadtools.RasterCompression - Indicates the compression type for the image data.
Leadtools.RasterConvertBufferFlags - Options for the Leadtools.RasterBufferConverter.Convert(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Leadtools.RasterByteOrder,Leadtools.RasterByteOrder,Leadtools.RasterColor[],Leadtools.RasterColor[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Leadtools.RasterConvertBufferFlags) method.
Leadtools.RasterConvertToDibType - Options for converting image to Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB).
Leadtools.RasterCurve - Defines a curve.
Leadtools.RasterCurveClose - Indicates how to close the curve.
Leadtools.RasterCurveType - Indicates the type of curve that is being defined.
Leadtools.RasterDefaults - Specifies the default extra values used when creating Leadtools.RasterImage objects.
Leadtools.RasterDitheringMethod - Indicates the dithering method used for the image.
Leadtools.RasterException - The exception that is thrown when a LEADTOOLS error occurs.
Leadtools.RasterExceptionCode - Used as a value for the Leadtools.RasterException.Code property.
Leadtools.RasterGetSetOverlayAttributesFlags - Determines which attributes are to be retrieved or changed.
Leadtools.RasterGetSetOverlayImageMode - Determines how to set or retrieve the overlay Leadtools.RasterImage.
Leadtools.RasterGrayscaleMode - Indicates the kind of grayscale palette, if any, that an image has.
Leadtools.RasterHsvColor - Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of hue, saturation, value.
Leadtools.RasterHsvColorHelper - Helper methods for the Leadtools.RasterHsvColor structure.
Leadtools.RasterImage - The Leadtools.RasterImage class serves as a working area for image manipulation and conversion. LEADTOOLS functions use this class for accessing the image in memory and for maintaining the characteristics of the image.
Leadtools.RasterImageAllocateCallback - Callback to use when new Leadtools.RasterImage objects are crated by LEADTOOLS.
Leadtools.RasterImageAllocateData - Provides data for the Leadtools.RasterImageAllocateCallback callback.
Leadtools.RasterImageAnimationDisposalMethod - Used for the disposal methods used after rendering each frame in an animated image.
Leadtools.RasterImageAnimator - Animates an image that has time-based frames.
Leadtools.RasterImageAnimatorState - The Leadtools.RasterImageAnimator state.
Leadtools.RasterImageChangedEventArgs - Provides data for the Leadtools.RasterImage.Changed event.
Leadtools.RasterImageChangedFlags - Indicates the type(s) of change that has occurred in a Leadtools.RasterImage.
Leadtools.RasterImageFormat - Indicates the image file format.
Leadtools.RasterImageInformationFlags - Indicates which members of the Leadtools.RasterImageMemoryInformation structure are valid.
Leadtools.RasterImageMemoryInformation - Stores information about the memory allocated for the Leadtools.RasterImage's data.
Leadtools.RasterImagePagesChangedAction - Indicates whether pages are added, removed or inserted from a Leadtools.RasterImage object.
Leadtools.RasterImagePagesChangedEventArgs - Provides data for the Leadtools.RasterImage.PagesChanged event.
Leadtools.RasterImageResize - Provides support for resizing images.
Leadtools.RasterImageResizeEventArgs - Provides data for the Leadtools.RasterImageResize.Resize event.
Leadtools.RasterImageUnderlayFlags - Indicators of how the underlying image is to be positioned.
Leadtools.RasterKernelType - Indicates the Leadtools Kernel type.
Leadtools.RasterKnownColor - Specifies the known system colors.
Leadtools.RasterMarkerMetadata - Extends the Leadtools.RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with marker metadata stored within various image file formats.
Leadtools.RasterMemoryFlags - Indicates the type of memory to allocate.
Leadtools.RasterMemoryThreshold - Holds the memory restrictions used when allocating new Leadtools.RasterImage objects.
Leadtools.RasterMetadata - Provides base functionality for dealing with metadata stored in various image file formats.
Leadtools.RasterMetadataFlags - Indicates the type of metadata.
Leadtools.RasterMetadataRational - Encapsulates a rational value, for use with classes derived from Leadtools.RasterMetadata.
Leadtools.RasterMetadataRationalHelper - Utility class for Leadtools.RasterMetadataRational
Leadtools.RasterMetadataURational - Encapsulates an unsigned rational value, for use with classes derived from Leadtools.RasterMetadata.
Leadtools.RasterMetadataURationalHelper - Utility class for Leadtools.RasterMetadataURational
Leadtools.RasterNativeBuffer - Holds a native (unmanaged) pointer and its length.
Leadtools.RasterOverlayAttributes - Contains the overlay attributes of a DICOM image.
Leadtools.RasterPaintAlignMode - Determines how to align the image in the destination rectangle.
Leadtools.RasterPaintSizeMode - Determines how to fit the image in the destination rectangle.
Leadtools.RasterPalette - Encapsulates and provides support for managing image palettes.
Leadtools.RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags - Indicates how the range is used to fill and type of the lookup table and whether it contains signed or unsigned data.
Leadtools.RasterRegion - Describes a region of interest in a Leadtools.RasterImage object.
Leadtools.RasterRegionCombineMode - Controls the creation of an image region.
Leadtools.RasterRegionXForm - Provides data for translating between region coordinates and external representations of those coordinates.
Leadtools.RasterRleCompressor - Provides support for working with compressed image data buffers.
Leadtools.RasterSizeFlags - Flags which control the behavior of image resize methods.
Leadtools.RasterSupport - The Leadtools.RasterSupport class provides methods for setting a LEADTOOLS runtime license and unlocking support for optional LEADTOOLS features, such as LEADTOOLS Document/Medical capabilities. For activating server licenses, see Leadtools.Topics.LEADTOOLSLicenseServer.
Leadtools.RasterSupportType - Indicates the optional LEADTOOLS feature to check.
Leadtools.RasterTagMetadata - Extends the Leadtools.RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with tag metadata stored within various image file formats.
Leadtools.RasterTagMetadataDataType - Indicates the data type for a metadata tag.
Leadtools.RasterUpdateOverlayBitsFlags - Determines whether the main image or the overlay image should be updated.
Leadtools.RasterViewPerspective - Indicates the view perspective of the image data.
Leadtools.RasterWindowLevelMode - Indicates whether window level changes are used by the paint and image processing functions or only by the paint functions.

Version Changes: 17.5 to 18

New Members

The following members have been added to the existing types:

Member Description
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction Describes the action that caused a CollectionChanged event.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction.Add One or more items were added to the collection.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction.Remove One or more items were removed from the collection.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction.Replace One or more items were replaced in the collection.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction.Move One or more items were moved within the collection.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction.Reset The content of the collection changed dramatically.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the CollectionChanged event.
Leadtools.LeadEventArgs.AddToEvent(Object,String,Delegate) Adds a handler to an event.
Leadtools.LeadEventArgs.RemoveFromEvent(Object,String,Delegate) Removes a handler from an event.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs (Constructor) Initializes a new NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs object.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.Create(Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction) Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs with the specified action.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateMove(Int32,Int32) Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a move operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateRemove(Int32) Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a remove operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateReplace(Int32) Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a replace operation.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.Action Gets the action that caused the event.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.NewItems Gets the list of new items involved in the change.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.OldItems Gets the list of old items involved in the change.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.NewStartingIndex Gets the 0-based index at which the change occurred.
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.OldStartingIndex Gets the 0-based index at which a Move, Remove, or Replace action occurred.
Leadtools.LeadCollection Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.ToArray Gets an array of the items in this collection.
Leadtools.LeadCollection (Constructor) Initializes a new empty instance of the LeadCollection class.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Clear Removes all items from the LeadCollection.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Remove(Object) Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the LeadCollection.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Add(Object) Adds an object to the end of the LeadCollection.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Contains(Object) Determines whether an item is in the LeadCollection.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.InsertItem(Int32,Object) Inserts an item into the LeadCollection at the specified index.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Insert(Int32,Object) Inserts an item into the LeadCollection at the specified index.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Move(Int32,Int32) Moves the item at the specified index to a new location in the collection.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.MoveItem(Int32,Int32) Moves the item at the specified index to a new location in the collection.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.OnCollectionChanged(Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs) Raises the CollectionChanged event with the provided arguments.

Removes the item at the specified index of the LeadCollection.

Leadtools.LeadCollection.RemoveItem(Int32) Removes the item at the specified index of the collection.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.SetItem(Int32,Object) Replaces the item at the specified index.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.ClearItems Removes all items from the collection.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.IndexOf(Object) Searches for the specified object and returns the 0-based index of the first occurrence within the entire LeadCollection.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Count Gets the number of items contained in the LeadCollection.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Item(Int32) Gets or sets the item at the specified index.
Leadtools.LeadCollection.CollectionChanged Occurs when an item is added, removed, changed, moved, or the entire list is refreshed.
Leadtools.LeadEvent LEADTOOLS support for JavaScript events.
Leadtools.LeadEvent.Create(Object,String) Creates a new LeadEvent object.
Leadtools.LeadEvent.Invoke(Object,Leadtools.LeadEventArgs) Invokes this event with the specified sender and data.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Progress event.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs (Constructor) Initializes a new instance of ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs with default parameters.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs.Create(Int32) Creates a new instance of ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs with the specified parameters.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs.Percentage Gets the current image processing completion percentage.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs.Cancel Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to abort the current image processing operation.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Completed event.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs (Constructor) Initializes a new instance of ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.ImageData Gets the result HTML5 canvas image data.
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results Gets a dictionary that contains the extra results.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing Provides support for image processing on a HTML5 ImageData.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing (Constructor) Initializes a new instance of ImageProcessing.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Abort Abort the current image processing.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Run Run the current image processing.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.JSFilePath Gets or sets the path to JavaScript file containing the image processing functions to use.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Command Gets or sets the name of the image processing command to run.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ImageData Gets or sets the source HTML5 canvas image data.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Arguments Get the dictionary to add the arguments for the current image processing command to.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Progress Occurs while the command is running to provide progress report.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Completed Occurs when the command finishes running.
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.IsRunning Gets a value that indicate whether the image processing command is currently running.
Leadtools.LTHelper.SupportsWebWorker Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports HTML 5 Web Workers.
Leadtools.LTHelper.LoadJS(String,Action) Helper method to dynamically load a JS file and add it to the script section of the current document.
Leadtools.LTHelper.RemoveJS(String) Helper method to dynamically remove a JS file previously loaded from the script section of the current document.
Leadtools.LTHelper.EnsureUsableCanvas(Leadtools.Html.CanvasElement) Helper method to ensure that a canvas of a given size is usable.

Version Changes: 17 to 17.5

New JavaScript Library

The following library has been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v17.5:

Namespace Description
Leadtools JavaScript Provides objects and functions that define the basic primitives, enable image transformations, and support various browsers and operating systems.
Help Version 22.0.2023.1.18
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