Version Changes: 21 to 22
The following members have been added:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.GeometryTools.getBoundingRect |
Gets the rectangle that contains all the points in an array. |
Leadtools.GeometryTools.getCenterPoint |
Gets the point of a rectangle. |
Leadtools.GeometryTools.getCornerPoints |
Gets the four corner points of a rectangle. |
Leadtools.ImageLoader |
Loads an HTML, SVG, or other XML element from a URL. |
Leadtools.ImageLoaderAjaxOptions |
Provides options for use with an ImageLoader AJAX load. |
Leadtools.ImageLoaderPreRunEventArgs |
Provides data for the ImageLoader.PreRun event. |
Leadtools.ImageLoaderPreSendEventArgs |
Provides data for the ImageLoader.PreSend event. |
Leadtools.ImageLoaderProcessAjaxDataCallback |
A callback type for use with ImageLoader.processAjaxData . |
Leadtools.ImageLoaderUrlMode |
Specifies the mode by which the image or XML will be loaded. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing |
Provides support for image processing on an HTML5 ImageData. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs |
Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Completed event. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingErrorEventArgs |
Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Error event. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs |
Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Progress event. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection |
Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed. |
Leadtools.LeadEvent |
LEADTOOLS support for JavaScript events. |
Leadtools.LeadEventArgs |
Represents the base class for classes that contain event data, and provides a value to use for events that do not include event data. |
Leadtools.LeadEventType |
Default event object. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.#ctor |
Creates a new LeadLengthD object. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.create |
Initializes a new LeadLengthD object with explicit parameters. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.equals |
Specifies whether two LeadLengthD objects contain the same values. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.fromJSON |
Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadLengthD instance. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.toJSON |
Converts this LeadLengthD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.#ctor |
Initializes a new instance of LeadMatrix |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.append |
Appends the specified LeadMatrix to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.create |
Creates a new LeadMatrix with the specified values. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.equals |
Compares two LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.fromJSON |
Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadMatrix instance. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.multiply |
Multiplies a LeadMatrix by another LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.prepend |
Prepends the specified LeadMatrix onto this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotate |
Applies a rotation of the specified angle about the origin of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotateAt |
Rotates this matrix about the specified point. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotateAtPrepend |
Prepends a rotation of the specified angle at the specified point to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotatePrepend |
Prepends a rotation of the specified angle to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scale |
Appends the specified scale vector to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scaleAt |
Scales this LeadMatrix by the specified amount about the specified point. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scaleAtPrepend |
Prepends the specified scale about the specified point of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scalePrepend |
Prepends the specified scale vector to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.skew |
Appends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.skewPrepend |
Prepends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.toJSON |
Converts this LeadMatrix to a JSON-compatible dictionary object. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformPoint |
Transforms the specified point by the LeadMatrix and returns the result. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformPoints |
Transforms the specified points by this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformRect |
Transforms the specified rect by the LeadMatrix and returns the result. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformVector |
Transforms the specified vector point by the LeadMatrix and returns the result. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.translate |
Appends a translation of the specified offsets to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.translatePrepend |
Prepends a translation of the specified offsets to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.#ctor |
Creates a new LeadPointD object. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.create |
Initializes a new LeadPointD object with explicit parameters. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.equals |
Specifies whether two LeadPointD objects contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.fromJSON |
Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadPointD instance. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.toJSON |
Converts this LeadPointD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.#ctor |
Creates a new LeadRectD object. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.contains |
Determines whether the specified point is contained within this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.containsPoint |
Determines whether the specified point is contained within this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.containsRect |
Determines if the rectangular region represented by the specified value is entirely contained within this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.create |
Initializes a new LeadRectD object with explicit parameters. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.equals |
Specifies whether two LeadRectD contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.fromJSON |
Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadRectD instance. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.fromLTRB |
Creates a LeadRectD with the specified edge locations. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.inflate |
Inflates this LeadRectD by the specified amount. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.inflateRect |
Returns a LeadRectD resulting from inflating the specified rectangle by the specified amount. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersect |
Replaces this LeadRectD with the intersection of itself and the specified LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersectRects |
Returns a LeadRectD that represents the intersection of two rectangles. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersectsWith |
Determines if this LeadRectD intersects with a test value. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.offset |
Adjusts the location of this rectangle by the specified amount. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.scale |
Scales this LeadRectD by the specified amount. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.toJSON |
Converts this LeadRectD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.union |
Combines this LeadRectD with the specified value. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.unionRects |
Gets a LeadRectD that contains the union of two rectangles. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.#ctor |
Creates a new LeadSizeD object. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.create |
Initializes a new LeadSizeD object with explicit parameters. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.equals |
Specifies whether two LeadSizeD contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.fromJSON |
Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadSizeD instance. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.toJSON |
Converts this LeadSizeD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object. |
Leadtools.LTBrowser |
Specifies the current browser. |
Leadtools.LTDevice |
Specifies the current device. |
Leadtools.LTHelper |
Represents a helper class used by the various LEADTOOLS components to detect the current browser and operating system. |
Leadtools.LTOS |
Specifies the current operating system. |
Leadtools.LTRender |
A generic callback type with no parameters and a void return type. |
Leadtools.LTVersion |
Holds properties about the version of LEADTOOLS being used. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.create |
Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs with the specified action. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createAdd |
Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for an add operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createMove |
Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a move operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createRemove |
Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a remove operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createReplace |
Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a replace operation. |
Leadtools.RasterSupport.isLocked |
Indicates whether support is locked for an optional feature, such as LEADTOOLS Document/Medical capabilities. |
Leadtools.RasterSupport.licenseDirectory |
The directory path where LEADTOOLS looks for the license file. |
Leadtools.RasterSupport.requestTimeout |
Number of milliseconds to wait while setting a license asynchronously. |
Leadtools.RasterSupport.setLicenseBuffer |
Sets the runtime license for LEADTOOLS from a memory buffer and unlocks support for optional features such as LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Document, and Medical capabilities. |
Leadtools.RasterSupport.setLicenseText |
Sets the runtime license for LEADTOOLS from a text string and unlocks support for optional features such as LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Document, and Medical capabilities. |
Leadtools.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri |
Sets the runtime license for LEADTOOLS from a URI and unlocks support for optional features such as LEADTOOLS Imaging Pro, Document, and Medical capabilities. |
Leadtools.SetLicenseUriResult |
Result of calling RasterSupport.setLicenseUri. |
The following members have been removed:
Name |
None |
Version Changes: 20 to 21
The following members have been added:
Name |
None |
The following members have been removed:
Name |
None |
Version Changes: 19 to 20
The following members have been added:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.AjaxWithCredentials |
Indicates whether to send credentials with the XMLHttpRequest for an image. |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.always |
Occurs after either the Done or Fail event handlers have fired. |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.DefaultAjaxWithCredentials |
Indicates the default for AjaxWithCredentials . |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.DefaultImgCrossOrigin |
Indicates the default for ImgCrossOrigin . |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.done |
Occurs when the image has loaded successfully. | |
Occurs when the image has failed to load. |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.ImgCrossOrigin |
Indicates how to handle cross-origin image requests. |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.preRun |
Occurs when the Run method is called, sending out ImageLoaderPreRunEventArgs . |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.PreSend |
Occurs before an image request is made, sending out ImageLoaderPreSendEventArgs . |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.WorkingImageElement |
The HTMLImageElement used in the image request. |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.Xhr |
The XMLHttpRequest object used in the image data request. |
Leadtools.ImageLoaderPreSendEventArgs |
Provides data for the ImageLoader.PreSend event. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.completed |
Occurs when the command finishes running. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.error |
Occurs when an error occurs when the command is running. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.progress |
Occurs while the command is running to provide progress report. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.collectionChanged |
Occurs when an item is added, removed, changed, moved, or the entire list is refreshed. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.browser |
Gets or sets the current browser. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.device |
Gets or sets the current device. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.msPointerEnabled |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports the Windows 8 style touch input. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.OS |
Gets or sets the current operating system. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsAnimationFrame |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports the HTML 5 animation frame. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsCanvas |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports HTML 5 Canvas element. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsCSSTransitions |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports CSS3 Transitions, either through the normal transition rule or a vendor prefix such as webkitTransition /webkit-transition . |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsFileReader |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports the File/FileReader API, including the File, FileReader, URL, and Blob objects. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsHTMLPointerEvents |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports the CSS rule pointer-events for HTML elements. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsMouse |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports mouse input. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsMultiTouch |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports multi-touch input. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsScroll |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports scrollbars. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsTouch |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports touch input. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsTransform |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports HTML transformation. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsTypedArray |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports HTML typed arrays. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsWebGL |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports WebGL. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.supportsWebWorker |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports HTML 5 Web Workers. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.vendor |
Gets or sets the current browser vendor. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.version |
Gets or sets the current browser version. |
Leadtools.LTVersion |
Holds properties about the version of LEADTOOLS being used. |
Leadtools.RasterSupport |
Contains methods and properties to set the client LEADTOOLS license. |
The following members have been removed:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.always.remove |
Occurs after either the Done or Fail event handlers have fired. |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.done.remove |
Occurs when the image has loaded successfully. | |
Occurs when the image has failed to load. |
Leadtools.ImageLoader.preRun.remove |
Occurs when the Run method is called, sending out ImageLoaderPreRunEventArgs. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.completed.remove |
Occurs when the command finishes running. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.error.remove |
Occurs when an error occurs when the command is running. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.progress.remove |
Occurs while the command is running to provide progress report. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.collectionChanged.remove |
Occurs when an item is added, removed, changed, moved, or the entire list is refreshed. |
Version Changes: 18 to 19
The following members have been added:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.ImageLoader | - Loads an HTML, SVG, or other XML element from a URL. |
Leadtools.ImageLoaderAjaxOptions | - Provides options for use with an ImageLoader AJAX load. |
Leadtools.ImageLoaderPreRunEventArgs | - Provides data for the PreRun event. |
Leadtools.ImageLoaderUrlMode | - Specifies the mode by which the Image or XML will be loaded. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing | - Provides support for image processing on a HTML5 ImageData. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs | - Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Completed event. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingErrorEventArgs | - Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Error event. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs | - Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Progress event. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection | - Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed. |
Leadtools.LeadEvent | - LEADTOOLS support for JavaScript events. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.#ctor | Creates a new LeadLengthD object. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.clone | Creates an exact copy of this LeadLengthD object. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.create | Initializes a new LeadLengthD object with explicit parameters. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.equals | Specifies whether two LeadLengthD objects contain the same values. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.fromJSON | Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadLengthD instance. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.toJSON | Converts this LeadLengthD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.toString | Converts this LeadLengthD to a human-readable string. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.value | Gets or sets the value of this LeadLengthD. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.#ctor | Initializes a new instance of LeadMatrix |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.append | Appends the specified LeadMatrix to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.clone | Creates an exact copy of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.create | Creates a new LeadMatrix with the specified values. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.determinant | Gets the determinant of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.equals | Compares two LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.fromJSON | Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadMatrix instance. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.hasInverse | Gets a value that indicates whether this LeadMatrix is invertible. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.identity | Gets an identity LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.invert | Inverts this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.isIdentity | Gets a value that indicates whether this LeadMatrix is an identity matrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.m11 | Gets or sets the value of the first row and first column of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.m12 | Gets or sets the value of the first row and second column of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.m21 | Gets or sets the value of the second row and first column of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.m22 | Gets or sets the value of the second row and second column of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.multiply | Multiplies a LeadMatrix by another LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.offsetX | Gets or sets the value of the third row and first column of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.offsetY | Gets or sets the value of the third row and first column of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.prepend | Prepends the specified LeadMatrix onto this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotate | Applies a rotation of the specified angle about the origin of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotateAt | Rotates this matrix about the specified point. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotateAtPrepend | Prepends a rotation of the specified angle at the specified point to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.rotatePrepend | Prepends a rotation of the specified angle to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scale | Appends the specified scale vector to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scaleAt | Scales this LeadMatrix by the specified amount about the specified point. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scaleAtPrepend | Prepends the specified scale about the specified point of this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.scalePrepend | Prepends the specified scale vector to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.setIdentity | Changes this LeadMatrix into an identity matrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.skew | Appends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.skewPrepend | Prepends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.toJSON | Converts this LeadMatrix to a JSON-compatible dictionary object. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.toString | Converts this LeadMatrix to a human-readable string. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformPoint | Transforms the specified point by the LeadMatrix and returns the result. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformPoints | Transforms the specified points by this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformRect | Transforms the specified rect by the LeadMatrix and returns the result. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.transformVector | Transforms the specified vector point by the LeadMatrix and returns the result. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.translate | Appends a translation of the specified offsets to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.translatePrepend | Prepends a translation of the specified offsets to this LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.#ctor | Creates a new LeadPointD object. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.clone | Creates an exact copy of this LeadPointD object. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.create | Initializes a new LeadPointD object with explicit parameters. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.empty | Gets a value that represents a static empty LeadPointD. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.equals | Specifies whether two LeadPointD objects contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.fromJSON | Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadPointD instance. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.isEmpty | Gets a value that indicates whether this instance of LeadPointD is Empty. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.toJSON | Converts this LeadPointD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.toString | Converts this LeadPointD to a human-readable string. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.x | Gets or sets a value that represents the X coordinate for this LeadPointD. |
Leadtools.LeadPointD.y | Gets or sets a value that represents the Y coordinate for this LeadPointD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.#ctor | Creates a new LeadRectD object. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.bottom | Gets the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.bottomLeft | Gets a LeadPointD that represents the bottom-left edge of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.bottomRight | Gets a LeadPointD that represents the bottom-right edge of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.clone | Creates an exact copy of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.contains | Determines whether the specified point is contained within this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.containsPoint | Determines whether the specified point is contained within this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.containsRect | Determines if the rectangular region represented by the specified value is entirely contained within this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.create | Initializes a new LeadRectD object with explicit parameters. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.empty | Gets a value that represents a static empty LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.equals | Specifies whether two LeadRectD contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.fromJSON | Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadRectD instance. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.fromLTRB | Creates a LeadRectD with the specified edge locations. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.height | Gets or sets the height of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.inflate | Inflates this LeadRectD by the specified amount. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.inflateRect | Returns a LeadRectD resulting from inflating the specified rectangle by the specified amount. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersect | Replaces this LeadRectD with the intersection of itself and the specified LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersectRects | Returns a LeadRectD that represents the intersection of two rectangles. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.intersectsWith | Determines if this LeadRectD intersects with a test value. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.isEmpty | Gets a value that indicates whether this instance of LeadRectD is Empty. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.left | Gets the x-coordinate of the left edge of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.location | Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.offset | Adjusts the location of this rectangle by the specified amount. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.right | Gets the x-coordinate of the right edge of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.scale | Scales this LeadRectD by the specified amount. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.size | Gets or sets the size of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.toJSON | Converts this LeadRectD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object. | | Gets the y-coordinate of the top edge of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.topLeft | Gets a LeadPointD that represents the top-left edge of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.topRight | Gets a LeadPointD that represents the top-right edge of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.toString | Converts this LeadRectD to a human-readable string. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.union | Combines this LeadRectD with the specified value. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.unionRects | Gets a LeadRectD that contains the union of two rectangles. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.width | Gets or sets the width of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.x | Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadRectD.y | Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of this LeadRectD. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.#ctor | Creates a new LeadSizeD object. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.clone | Creates an exact copy of this LeadSizeD object. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.create | Initializes a new LeadSizeD object with explicit parameters. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.empty | Gets a value that represents a static empty LeadSizeD. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.equals | Specifies whether two LeadSizeD contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.fromJSON | Converts a JSON-compatible dictionary object to a new LeadSizeD instance. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.height | Gets or sets a value that represents the width for this LeadSizeD. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.isEmpty | Gets a value that indicates whether this instance of LeadSizeD is Empty. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.toJSON | Converts this LeadSizeD to a JSON-compatible dictionary object. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.toString | Converts this LeadSizeD to a human-readable string. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeD.width | Gets or sets a value that represents the width for this LeadSizeD. |
Leadtools.LTBrowser | - Specifies the current browser. |
Leadtools.LTDevice | - Specifies the current device. |
Leadtools.LTHelper | - Represents a helper class used by the various LEADTOOLS components to detect the current browser and operating system. |
Leadtools.LTOS | - Specifies the current operating system. |
Leadtools.LTRender | - A generic callback type with no parameters and a void return type. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.action | Gets the action that caused the event. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.create | Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs with the specified action. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createAdd | Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for an add operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createMove | Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a move operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createRemove | Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a remove operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.createReplace | Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a replace operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateReset | Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a reset operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.newItems | Gets the list of new items involved in the change. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.newStartingIndex | Gets the 0-based index at which the change occurred. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.oldItems | Gets the list of old items involved in the change. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.oldStartingIndex | Gets the 0-based index at which a Move, Remove, or Replace action occurred. |
The following members have been removed:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.ILeadStream | - The ILeadStream interface defines methods similar to the operating system file functions. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ChangeViewPerspectiveCommand | - Rotates and flips the image data as necessary to achieve the desired view perspective. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ClearCommand | - Sets all bits to 0 in the specified image, making it a black image. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ClearNegativePixelsCommand | - Sets all pixels with negative color values to 0. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CloneCommand | - Creates a copy of a Leadtools.RasterImage object. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommand | - Converts an image from any bits-per-pixel to any bits-per-pixel. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommandDataEventArgs | - Provides data for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommand.Data event. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommandMode | - Options for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommand.Mode property. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommandPaletteFlags | - Palette options, for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommand.PaletteFlags property. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineFastCommand | - Combines image data from two images (source and destination), letting you specify the areas to be combined and the operations to be performed when combining the data. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineFastCommandFlags | - Flags for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineFastCommand.Flags. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineWarpCommand | - Combines image data from the source image (the slave) and the destination image (the master), using a perspective warp. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineWarpCommandFlags | - Flags for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CombineWarpCommand.Flags property. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CopyDataCommand | - Copies image data from one image to another. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CopyRectangleCommand | - Copies a portion of an image to create another image that is the size of the rectangle that you specify. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CreateGrayscaleImageCommand | - Converts a 1-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-, or 32-bit Leadtools.RasterImage to an 8-bit, 12-bit, or 16-bit grayscale image. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.CropCommand | - Crops the image, resulting in an image that is the size of the specified rectangle. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.DetectAlphaCommand | - Determines if the image has meaningful alpha channel values. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.FillCommand | - Fills the specified image with the specified color. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.FlipCommand | - Flips a Leadtools.RasterImage from top to bottom or from left to right. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.GrayscaleCommand | - Converts a 1-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-, or 32-bit image to an 8-bit, 12-bit, or 16-bit grayscale image. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.IRasterCommand | - Allows an inheriting class to implement a Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand class which, provides functionality for performing an image processing command on an image. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.PremultiplyAlphaValuesCommand | - Converts the image data to or from premultiplied alpha values. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterColorChannel | - Indicates the channel that will be used in image processing methods. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand | - The Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand class implements Leadtools.ImageProcessing.IRasterCommand and is the base class for all LEADTOOLS image processing commands. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommandProcessor | - Batch processes a collection of Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand object on a collection of Leadtools.RasterImage objects. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommandProcessorCancel | - Indicates whether or not to continue with the image processing command. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommandProcessorProgressEventArgs | - Provides data for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommandProcessor.Progress event. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommandProgressEventArgs | - Provides data for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand.Progress event. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterUserMatchTable | - Maintains a predefined table to speed conversion with a user palette when using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ColorResolutionCommand. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ResizeCommand | - Resizes the image from an existing image, and puts the resized image into a destination image, leaving the original image intact. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RotateCommand | - Rotates an image by the number of degrees specified. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RotateCommandFlags | - Flags for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RotateCommand.Flags property. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ScrambleCommand | - Scrambles all or a portion of an image. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ScrambleCommandFlags | - Flags for the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ScrambleCommand.Flags property. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SetAlphaValuesCommand | - Fills the image alpha values, while preserving the other image components. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ShearCommand | - Moves the corners of an image in the fashion of a parallelogram. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SizeCommand | - Resizes an image to a new width and height. |
Leadtools.LeadBufferStream | - The Leadtools.LeadBufferStream class provides an implementation of the Leadtools.ILeadStream interface that operates on a memory buffer. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection`1 | - Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed. |
Leadtools.LeadEventsDispatchMode | - Specifies the mode used to dispatch LEADTOOLS events. |
Leadtools.LeadFileStream | - The Leadtools.LeadFileStream class provides an implementation of the Leadtools.ILeadStream interface that operates on a disk file. |
Leadtools.LeadFillMode | - Specifies how a polygonal shape with crossing lines is filled. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.#ctor(double) | Initializes a new instance of Leadtools.LeadLengthD with the specified value. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Clone | Returns an exact copy of this Leadtools.LeadLengthD |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Create(double) | Creates a new instance of Leadtools.LeadLengthD with the specified value. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Equals(LeadLengthD) | Specifies whether this Leadtools.LeadLengthD structure contains the same value as the specified object. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Equals(LeadLengthD,LeadLengthD) | Specifies whether two Leadtools.LeadLengthD structures contain the same values. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Equals(object) | Specifies whether this Leadtools.LeadLengthD structure contains the same value as the specified object. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.GetHashCode | Returns a hash code for this Leadtools.LeadLengthD structure. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.op_Equality(LeadLengthD,LeadLengthD) | Specifies whether two Leadtools.LeadLengthD structures contains the same values. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.op_Inequality(LeadLengthD,LeadLengthD) | Specifies whether this Leadtools.LeadLengthD structure does not contain the same values as the specified object. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Parse(string) | Parses a string and returns a new instance of Leadtools.LeadLengthD from it. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.ToString | Converts this Leadtools.LeadLengthD to a human-readable string. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.ToString(IFormatProvider) | Converts this Leadtools.LeadLengthD to a human-readable string using the specified provider. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.ToString(string,IFormatProvider) | Converts this Leadtools.LeadLengthD to a human-readable string using the specified format and provider. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthD.Value | Gets or sets the value of this Leadtools.LeadLengthD object. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthDConverter | - Converts a Leadtools.LeadLengthD from one data type to another. |
Leadtools.LeadLengthDHelper | - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadLengthD |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.#ctor(double,double,double,double,double,double) | Initializes a new Leadtools.LeadMatrix with the specified values. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Append(LeadMatrix) | Appends the specified Leadtools.LeadMatrix to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Clone | Creates an exact copy of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Create(double,double,double,double,double,double) | Creates a new Leadtools.LeadMatrix with the specified values. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Determinant | Gets the determinant of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Equals(LeadMatrix) | Specifies whether this Leadtools.LeadMatrix structure contains the same values as the specified object. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Equals(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) | Compares two Leadtools.LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Equals(object) | Specifies whether this Leadtools.LeadMatrix structure contains the same values as the specified object. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.GetHashCode | Returns a hash code for this Leadtools.LeadMatrix structure. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.GetStringDescription | Converts this Leadtools.LeadMatrix to a human-readable string. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.HasInverse | Gets a value that indicates whether this Leadtools.LeadMatrix is invertible. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Identity | Gets an identity Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Invert | Inverts this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.IsEqual(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) | Compares two Leadtools.LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.IsIdentity | Gets a value that indicates whether this Leadtools.LeadMatrix is an identity matrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.M11 | Gets or sets the value of the first row and first column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.M12 | Gets or sets the value of the first row and second column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.M21 | Gets or sets the value of the second row and first column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.M22 | Gets or sets the value of the second row and second column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Multiply(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) | Multiplies a Leadtools.LeadMatrix by another Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.OffsetX | Gets or sets the value of the third row and first column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.OffsetY | Gets or sets the value of the third row and first column of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.op_Equality(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) | Compares two Leadtools.LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.op_Inequality(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) | Compares two Leadtools.LeadMatrix objects to determine whether they do not contain the same coordinates. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.op_Multiply(LeadMatrix,LeadMatrix) | Multiplies a Leadtools.LeadMatrix by another Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Parse(string) | Parses a string and returns a new instance of Leadtools.LeadMatrix from it. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Prepend(LeadMatrix) | Prepends the specified Leadtools.LeadMatrix onto this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Rotate(double) | Applies a rotation of the specified angle about the origin of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.RotateAt(double,double,double) | Rotates this matrix about the specified point. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.RotateAtPrepend(double,double,double) | Prepends a rotation of the specified angle at the specified point to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.RotatePrepend(double) | Prepends a rotation of the specified angle to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Scale(double,double) | Appends the specified scale vector to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ScaleAt(double,double,double,double) | Scales this Leadtools.LeadMatrix by the specified amount about the specified point. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ScaleAtPrepend(double,double,double,double) | Prepends the specified scale about the specified point of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ScalePrepend(double,double) | Prepends the specified scale vector to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Set(double,double,double,double,double,double) | Sets the values of this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.SetIdentity | Changes this Leadtools.LeadMatrix into an identity matrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Skew(double,double) | Appends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.SkewPrepend(double,double) | Prepends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ToString | Converts this Leadtools.LeadMatrix to a human-readable string. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ToString(IFormatProvider) | Converts this Leadtools.LeadMatrix to a human-readable string using the specified provider. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.ToString(string,IFormatProvider) | Converts this Leadtools.LeadMatrix to a human-readable string using the specified format and provider. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Transform(LeadPointD) | Transforms the specified Leadtools.LeadPointD by the Leadtools.LeadMatrix and returns the result. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TransformPoint(LeadPointD) | Transforms the specified Leadtools.LeadPointD by the Leadtools.LeadMatrix and returns the result. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TransformPoints(LeadPointD[]) | Transforms the specified Leadtools.LeadPointD array by the Leadtools.LeadMatrix and returns the result. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TransformPoints(LeadPointD[],LeadPointD[]) | Transforms the specified points by this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TransformRect(LeadRectD) | Transforms the specified Leadtools.LeadRectD by the Leadtools.LeadMatrix and returns the result. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TransformVector(LeadPointD) | Transforms the specified vector point by the Leadtools.LeadMatrix and returns the result. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.Translate(double,double) | Appends a translation of the specified offsets to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrix.TranslatePrepend(double,double) | Prepends a translation of the specified offsets to this Leadtools.LeadMatrix. |
Leadtools.LeadMatrixConverter | - Converts a Leadtools.LeadMatrix from one data type to another. |
Leadtools.LeadPoint | - Stores two integer numbers that represent the coordinates of a point (X and Y). |
Leadtools.LeadPointConverter | - Converts a Leadtools.LeadPoint from one data type to another. |
Leadtools.LeadPointDConverter | - Converts a Leadtools.LeadPointD from one data type to another. |
Leadtools.LeadPointDHelper | - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadPointD |
Leadtools.LeadPointHelper | - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadPoint |
Leadtools.LeadRect | - Stores four integer numbers that represent the coordinates and size of a rectangle (X, Y, Width, and Height). |
Leadtools.LeadRectConverter | - Converts a Leadtools.LeadRect from one data type to another. |
Leadtools.LeadRectDConverter | - Converts a Leadtools.LeadRectD from one data type to another. |
Leadtools.LeadRectDHelper | - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadRectD |
Leadtools.LeadRectHelper | - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadRect |
Leadtools.LeadSeekOrigin | - Specifies the position in a stream to use for seeking. |
Leadtools.LeadSize | - Stores two integer numbers that represent a size (Width and Height). |
Leadtools.LeadSizeConverter | - Converts a Leadtools.LeadSize from one data type to another. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeDConverter | - Converts a Leadtools.LeadSizeD from one data type to another. |
Leadtools.LeadSizeDHelper | - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadSizeD |
Leadtools.LeadSizeHelper | - Utility class for Leadtools.LeadSize |
Leadtools.LeadStream | - The Leadtools.LeadStream class provides a generic implementation of the Leadtools.ILeadStream interface that operates on a variety of stream types. |
Leadtools.LeadStreamAccess | - Specifies the type of stream access requested. |
Leadtools.LeadStreamFactory | - The Leadtools.LeadStreamFactory class provides helper functions for creating an Leadtools.ILeadStream instance. |
Leadtools.LeadStreamMode | - Specifies how the operating system should open a stream. |
Leadtools.LeadStreamShare | - Defines constants for read, write, or read/write access to a stream. |
Leadtools.LeadtoolsException | - Base class for all exception classes thrown by LEADTOOLS. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.Action | Gets the action that caused the event. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.Create(NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction) | Creates a new instance of Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs with the specified action. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateMove(int,int) | Creates a new instance of Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a move operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateRemove(int) | Creates a new instance of Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a remove operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateReplace(int) | Creates a new instance of Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a replace operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.NewItems | Gets the list of new items involved in the change. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.NewStartingIndex | Gets the 0-based index at which the change occurred. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.OldItems | Gets the list of old items involved in the change. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.OldStartingIndex | Gets the 0-based index at which a Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction, Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction, or Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction action occurred. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventHandler | - Handler for the Leadtools.LeadCollection`1.CollectionChanged event. |
Leadtools.RasterBufferConverter | - Provides support for converting image data buffers. |
Leadtools.RasterBufferResize | - Provides support for resizing image data buffers. |
Leadtools.RasterByteOrder | - Indicates the color byte order of the image data |
Leadtools.RasterCollection`1 | - Represents a generic collection of objects. |
Leadtools.RasterCollectionEventArgs1 | - Provides information for *Leadtools.RasterCollection 1.ItemAdded* and Leadtools.RasterCollection1.ItemRemoved methods. |
Leadtools.RasterColor | - Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of alpha, red, green, and blue. |
Leadtools.RasterColor16 | - Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of alpha, red, green, and blue. |
Leadtools.RasterColor16Helper | - Helper methods for the Leadtools.RasterColor16 structure. |
Leadtools.RasterColorHelper | - Helper methods for the Leadtools.RasterColor structure. |
Leadtools.RasterColorSpace | - Provides support for converting buffered image data from one color space to another. |
Leadtools.RasterColorSpaceFormat16 | - Indicates the raster image data 16-bit color space format. |
Leadtools.RasterColorSpaceFormat8 | - Indicates the raster image data 8-bit colorspace format. |
Leadtools.RasterColorTypeConverter | - Converts Leadtools.RasterColor objects from one data type to another. Access this class through the System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter |
Leadtools.RasterCommentMetadata | - Extends the Leadtools.RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with comment metadata stored within various image file formats. |
Leadtools.RasterCommentMetadataDataType | - Indicates the data type for a metadata comment. |
Leadtools.RasterCommentMetadataType | - List of available metadata comments. |
Leadtools.RasterCompression | - Indicates the compression type for the image data. |
Leadtools.RasterConvertBufferFlags | - Options for the Leadtools.RasterBufferConverter.Convert(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Leadtools.RasterByteOrder,Leadtools.RasterByteOrder,Leadtools.RasterColor[],Leadtools.RasterColor[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Leadtools.RasterConvertBufferFlags) method. |
Leadtools.RasterConvertToDibType | - Options for converting image to Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB). |
Leadtools.RasterCurve | - Defines a curve. |
Leadtools.RasterCurveClose | - Indicates how to close the curve. |
Leadtools.RasterCurveType | - Indicates the type of curve that is being defined. |
Leadtools.RasterDefaults | - Specifies the default extra values used when creating Leadtools.RasterImage objects. |
Leadtools.RasterDitheringMethod | - Indicates the dithering method used for the image. |
Leadtools.RasterException | - The exception that is thrown when a LEADTOOLS error occurs. |
Leadtools.RasterExceptionCode | - Used as a value for the Leadtools.RasterException.Code property. |
Leadtools.RasterGetSetOverlayAttributesFlags | - Determines which attributes are to be retrieved or changed. |
Leadtools.RasterGetSetOverlayImageMode | - Determines how to set or retrieve the overlay Leadtools.RasterImage. |
Leadtools.RasterGrayscaleMode | - Indicates the kind of grayscale palette, if any, that an image has. |
Leadtools.RasterHsvColor | - Describes a color consisting of relative intensities of hue, saturation, value. |
Leadtools.RasterHsvColorHelper | - Helper methods for the Leadtools.RasterHsvColor structure. |
Leadtools.RasterImage | - The Leadtools.RasterImage class serves as a working area for image manipulation and conversion. LEADTOOLS functions use this class for accessing the image in memory and for maintaining the characteristics of the image. |
Leadtools.RasterImageAllocateCallback | - Callback to use when new Leadtools.RasterImage objects are crated by LEADTOOLS. |
Leadtools.RasterImageAllocateData | - Provides data for the Leadtools.RasterImageAllocateCallback callback. |
Leadtools.RasterImageAnimationDisposalMethod | - Used for the disposal methods used after rendering each frame in an animated image. |
Leadtools.RasterImageAnimator | - Animates an image that has time-based frames. |
Leadtools.RasterImageAnimatorState | - The Leadtools.RasterImageAnimator state. |
Leadtools.RasterImageChangedEventArgs | - Provides data for the Leadtools.RasterImage.Changed event. |
Leadtools.RasterImageChangedFlags | - Indicates the type(s) of change that has occurred in a Leadtools.RasterImage. |
Leadtools.RasterImageFormat | - Indicates the image file format. |
Leadtools.RasterImageInformationFlags | - Indicates which members of the Leadtools.RasterImageMemoryInformation structure are valid. |
Leadtools.RasterImageMemoryInformation | - Stores information about the memory allocated for the Leadtools.RasterImage's data. |
Leadtools.RasterImagePagesChangedAction | - Indicates whether pages are added, removed or inserted from a Leadtools.RasterImage object. |
Leadtools.RasterImagePagesChangedEventArgs | - Provides data for the Leadtools.RasterImage.PagesChanged event. |
Leadtools.RasterImageResize | - Provides support for resizing images. |
Leadtools.RasterImageResizeEventArgs | - Provides data for the Leadtools.RasterImageResize.Resize event. |
Leadtools.RasterImageUnderlayFlags | - Indicators of how the underlying image is to be positioned. |
Leadtools.RasterKernelType | - Indicates the Leadtools Kernel type. |
Leadtools.RasterKnownColor | - Specifies the known system colors. |
Leadtools.RasterMarkerMetadata | - Extends the Leadtools.RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with marker metadata stored within various image file formats. |
Leadtools.RasterMemoryFlags | - Indicates the type of memory to allocate. |
Leadtools.RasterMemoryThreshold | - Holds the memory restrictions used when allocating new Leadtools.RasterImage objects. |
Leadtools.RasterMetadata | - Provides base functionality for dealing with metadata stored in various image file formats. |
Leadtools.RasterMetadataFlags | - Indicates the type of metadata. |
Leadtools.RasterMetadataRational | - Encapsulates a rational value, for use with classes derived from Leadtools.RasterMetadata. |
Leadtools.RasterMetadataRationalHelper | - Utility class for Leadtools.RasterMetadataRational |
Leadtools.RasterMetadataURational | - Encapsulates an unsigned rational value, for use with classes derived from Leadtools.RasterMetadata. |
Leadtools.RasterMetadataURationalHelper | - Utility class for Leadtools.RasterMetadataURational |
Leadtools.RasterNativeBuffer | - Holds a native (unmanaged) pointer and its length. |
Leadtools.RasterOverlayAttributes | - Contains the overlay attributes of a DICOM image. |
Leadtools.RasterPaintAlignMode | - Determines how to align the image in the destination rectangle. |
Leadtools.RasterPaintSizeMode | - Determines how to fit the image in the destination rectangle. |
Leadtools.RasterPalette | - Encapsulates and provides support for managing image palettes. |
Leadtools.RasterPaletteWindowLevelFlags | - Indicates how the range is used to fill and type of the lookup table and whether it contains signed or unsigned data. |
Leadtools.RasterRegion | - Describes a region of interest in a Leadtools.RasterImage object. |
Leadtools.RasterRegionCombineMode | - Controls the creation of an image region. |
Leadtools.RasterRegionXForm | - Provides data for translating between region coordinates and external representations of those coordinates. |
Leadtools.RasterRleCompressor | - Provides support for working with compressed image data buffers. |
Leadtools.RasterSizeFlags | - Flags which control the behavior of image resize methods. |
Leadtools.RasterSupport | - The Leadtools.RasterSupport class provides methods for setting a LEADTOOLS runtime license and unlocking support for optional LEADTOOLS features, such as LEADTOOLS Document/Medical capabilities. For activating server licenses, see Leadtools.Topics.LEADTOOLSLicenseServer. |
Leadtools.RasterSupportType | - Indicates the optional LEADTOOLS feature to check. |
Leadtools.RasterTagMetadata | - Extends the Leadtools.RasterMetadata class to provide functionality for dealing with tag metadata stored within various image file formats. |
Leadtools.RasterTagMetadataDataType | - Indicates the data type for a metadata tag. |
Leadtools.RasterUpdateOverlayBitsFlags | - Determines whether the main image or the overlay image should be updated. |
Leadtools.RasterViewPerspective | - Indicates the view perspective of the image data. |
Leadtools.RasterWindowLevelMode | - Indicates whether window level changes are used by the paint and image processing functions or only by the paint functions. |
The following members have been added to the existing types:
Member | Description |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction | Describes the action that caused a CollectionChanged event. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction.Add | One or more items were added to the collection. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction.Remove | One or more items were removed from the collection. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction.Replace | One or more items were replaced in the collection. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction.Move | One or more items were moved within the collection. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction.Reset | The content of the collection changed dramatically. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the CollectionChanged event. |
Leadtools.LeadEventArgs.AddToEvent(Object,String,Delegate) | Adds a handler to an event. |
Leadtools.LeadEventArgs.RemoveFromEvent(Object,String,Delegate) | Removes a handler from an event. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs (Constructor) | Initializes a new NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs object. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.Create(Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction) | Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs with the specified action. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateMove(Int32,Int32) | Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a move operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateRemove(Int32) | Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a remove operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateReplace(Int32) | Creates a new instance of NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs for a replace operation. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.Action | Gets the action that caused the event. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.NewItems | Gets the list of new items involved in the change. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.OldItems | Gets the list of old items involved in the change. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.NewStartingIndex | Gets the 0-based index at which the change occurred. |
Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs.OldStartingIndex | Gets the 0-based index at which a Move, Remove, or Replace action occurred. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection | Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.ToArray | Gets an array of the items in this collection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection (Constructor) | Initializes a new empty instance of the LeadCollection class. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Clear | Removes all items from the LeadCollection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Remove(Object) | Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the LeadCollection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Add(Object) | Adds an object to the end of the LeadCollection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Contains(Object) | Determines whether an item is in the LeadCollection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.InsertItem(Int32,Object) | Inserts an item into the LeadCollection at the specified index. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Insert(Int32,Object) | Inserts an item into the LeadCollection at the specified index. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Move(Int32,Int32) | Moves the item at the specified index to a new location in the collection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.MoveItem(Int32,Int32) | Moves the item at the specified index to a new location in the collection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.OnCollectionChanged(Leadtools.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedEventArgs) | Raises the CollectionChanged event with the provided arguments. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.RemoveAt(Int32) |
Removes the item at the specified index of the LeadCollection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.RemoveItem(Int32) | Removes the item at the specified index of the collection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.SetItem(Int32,Object) | Replaces the item at the specified index. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.ClearItems | Removes all items from the collection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.IndexOf(Object) | Searches for the specified object and returns the 0-based index of the first occurrence within the entire LeadCollection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Count | Gets the number of items contained in the LeadCollection. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.Item(Int32) | Gets or sets the item at the specified index. |
Leadtools.LeadCollection.CollectionChanged | Occurs when an item is added, removed, changed, moved, or the entire list is refreshed. |
Leadtools.LeadEvent | LEADTOOLS support for JavaScript events. |
Leadtools.LeadEvent.Create(Object,String) | Creates a new LeadEvent object. |
Leadtools.LeadEvent.Invoke(Object,Leadtools.LeadEventArgs) | Invokes this event with the specified sender and data. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs | Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Progress event. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs (Constructor) | Initializes a new instance of ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs with default parameters. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs.Create(Int32) | Creates a new instance of ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs with the specified parameters. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs.Percentage | Gets the current image processing completion percentage. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingProgressEventArgs.Cancel | Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to abort the current image processing operation. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs | Contains data for the ImageProcessing.Completed event. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs (Constructor) | Initializes a new instance of ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.ImageData | Gets the result HTML5 canvas image data. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessingCompletedEventArgs.Results | Gets a dictionary that contains the extra results. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing | Provides support for image processing on a HTML5 ImageData. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing (Constructor) | Initializes a new instance of ImageProcessing. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Abort | Abort the current image processing. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Run | Run the current image processing. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.JSFilePath | Gets or sets the path to JavaScript file containing the image processing functions to use. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Command | Gets or sets the name of the image processing command to run. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.ImageData | Gets or sets the source HTML5 canvas image data. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Arguments | Get the dictionary to add the arguments for the current image processing command to. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Progress | Occurs while the command is running to provide progress report. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Completed | Occurs when the command finishes running. |
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.IsRunning | Gets a value that indicate whether the image processing command is currently running. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.SupportsWebWorker | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current browser supports HTML 5 Web Workers. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.LoadJS(String,Action) | Helper method to dynamically load a JS file and add it to the script section of the current document. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.RemoveJS(String) | Helper method to dynamically remove a JS file previously loaded from the script section of the current document. |
Leadtools.LTHelper.EnsureUsableCanvas(Leadtools.Html.CanvasElement) | Helper method to ensure that a canvas of a given size is usable. |
The following library has been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v17.5:
Namespace | Description |
Leadtools JavaScript | Provides objects and functions that define the basic primitives, enable image transformations, and support various browsers and operating systems. |