Using Pictures in Annotation Objects

The AnnPicture class provides a picture object used by several LEADTOOLS annotation object classes. The following LEADTOOLS annotation objects use the AnnPicture class:

Each of these classes (either through direct implementation or inheritance), access properties that control how the AnnPicture is used in the annotation object.


The AnnImageObject class derives from AnnRectangleObject and adds the Picture property, which is used to fill the object's Bounds.


The AnnHotspotObject class derives from AnnImageObject and adds the DefaultPicture property, which can be used to set the default AnnPicture used to fill the object's Bounds.


The AnnFreehandHotspotObject class derives from AnnPolylineObject and adds both the Picture and DefaultPicture properties.


The AnnPointObject class derives from AnnObject and adds both the Picture and DefaultPicture properties.


The AnnStampObject class derives from AnnTextObject and adds the Picture property.

AnnPicture from External PNG File or Data

The following examples will create an AnnStampObject with a picture stored in an external PNG file or data:

  • Using a PNG image via URL, such as http://myserver/myimages/file.png:
    function createStampFromPngFile(container /*:AnnContainer*/, bounds /*:LeadRectD*/, pngImage /*:string*/) { 
       // Create a new AnnStampObject 
       var stampObject = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnStampObject(); 
       // Set its bounds 
       stampObject.rect = bounds; 
       // Set the picture from the PNG 
       var picture = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnPicture(pngImage); 
       stampObject.picture = picture; 
       // Add the stamp object to container 
  • Using PNG data URI:
    function createStampFromPngFile(container /*:AnnContainer*/, bounds /*:LeadRectD*/, pngImage /*:string*/) { 
       // Create a new AnnStampObject 
       var stampObject = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnStampObject(); 
       // Set its bounds 
       stampObject.rect = bounds; 
       // Load the picture as a data URL 
       var getDataUrl = function (img: HTMLImageElement) { 
          var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); 
          canvas.width = img.width; 
          canvas.height = img.height; 
          var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 
          ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); 
          return canvas.toDataURL(); 
       // Create HTML image to load the PNG 
       var img = <HTMLImageElement>document.createElement("img"); 
       img.addEventListener("load", function (event) { 
          // Render the image into the canvas to get its data 
          var dataUrl: string = getDataUrl(<HTMLImageElement>event.currentTarget); 
          // Get it into the AnnPicture object 
          var picture = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnPicture.empty; 
          // Set it in a pictureData object (this is the base 64 representation without the data URI format) 
          picture.pictureData = dataUrl.substring("data:image/png;base64,".length); 
          stampObject.picture = picture; 
          // Add the stamp object to the container 
       img.addEventListener("error", function (event) { 
          alert("error loading " + pngImage); 
       img.src = pngImage; 
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