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ConvertCtrl Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ConvertCtrl.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor ConvertCtrl The ConvertCtrl control object constructor.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method EstimateOutputBitRate Gets the estimated conversion output bit rate, in bits per second.
Public Method EstimateOutputSize Gets the estimated conversion output size for the specified duration, in bytes.
Public Method GetPreferredMediaSourceHandler Retrieves the preferred media source handler's GUID set using the SetPreferredMediaSourceHandler method.
Public Method HasDialog Checks whether the specified property dialog is available.
Public Method PauseConvert Pauses the conversion process.
Public Method ResetSource Resets the media source.
Public Method ResetTarget Resets the media target.
Public Method RunConvert Runs a paused conversion process.
Public Method SaveStillBitmap Saves a snapshot from the running stream to a file as a bitmap.
Public Method SetPreferredMediaSourceHandler Sets a preferred media source handler's GUID.
Public Method ShowDialog Shows the specified property dialog.
Public Method StartConvert Starts converting data.
Public Method StopConvert Stops converting data.
Public Method ToggleFullScreenMode Switched the state of the full screen mode.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method AttachInterfaces Internal method to attach interfaces to the underlying control object.
Protected Method CreateSink Internal method to create the event sink for the underlying control object.
Protected Method DetachSink Internal method to detach the event sink for the underlying control object.
Protected Method Dispose Releases internal control object and related object references.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AllowedStreams Gets or sets which streams can be converted.
Public Property AudioProcessors Gets the registered audio processors collection object.
Public Property ConvertError Gets the last conversion error code.
Public Property Duration Gets the duration of the media, in seconds.
Public Property FullScreenMode Gets or sets the video renderer full-screen mode state.
Public Property PercentComplete Gets the current conversion completion percentage.
Public Property PercentCompleteScalar Gets or sets the scalar value by which to divide the current conversion completion percentage.
Public Property Preview Gets or sets the Convert control's preview state.
Public Property PreviewVisible Gets or sets the preview visible state.
Public Property RenderedStreams Gets the streams that have been rendered.
Public Property SelectedAudioProcessors Gets the selected audio processor collection object.
Public Property SelectedVideoProcessors Gets the selected video processor collection object.
Public Property SelectionEnd Gets or sets the current selection end position in seconds.
Public Property SelectionStart Gets or sets the current selection start position in seconds.
Public Property SourceAudioFOURCC Gets the FOURCC format id of the source audio.
Public Property SourceAudioType Gets a string that represents the GUID of the source audio type.
Public Property SourceFile Gets or sets the media source filename, URL or UDP address.
Public Property SourceObject Gets or sets the media source object.
Public Property SourceStream Gets or sets the media source stream.
Public Property SourceType Gets the media source type.
Public Property SourceVideoFOURCC Gets the FOURCC format id of the source video format.
Public Property SourceVideoType Gets a string that represents the GUID of the source video type.
Public Property State Gets the convert control current state.
Public Property TargetFile Gets or sets the media target filename.
Public Property TargetFormat Gets or sets the media target file format.
Public Property TargetFormats Gets the target format collection object.
Public Property TargetType Gets and sets the media target type.
Public Property UnrenderedStreams Gets the streams that have not been rendered.
Public Property VideoHeight Gets the current video height in pixels.
Public Property VideoProcessors Gets the registered video processors collection object.
Public Property VideoWidth Gets the current video width in pixels.
Public Property VideoWindow Gets the handle to the current video window.
Public Property VideoWindowHeight Gets the height of the video window in pixels.
Public Property VideoWindowLeft Gets the left position of the video window in pixels.
Public Property VideoWindowSizeMode Gets or sets the current video window size mode.
Public Property VideoWindowTop Gets the top position of the video window in pixels.
Public Property VideoWindowWidth Gets the width of the video window in pixels.
Public Property Window Gets or sets the handle to the convert control window.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event Click Occurs when the control is clicked.
Public Event Complete Occurs when a conversion operation was successfully completed.
Public Event DoubleClick Occurs when the control is double-clicked.
Public Event ErrorAbort Occurs when an error has caused an operation to abort.
Public Event KeyDown Occurs when the control has detected a KeyDown event.
Public Event KeyPress Occurs when the control has detected a KeyPress event.
Public Event KeyUp Occurs when the control has detected a KeyUp event.
Public Event MouseDown Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed.
Public Event MouseMove Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the control.
Public Event MouseUp Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released.
Public Event Progress Occurs periodically during a conversion operation to notify percentage completed.
Public Event Resize Occurs when the control is resized.
Public Event Started Occurs when a conversion operation has started.
Public Event UserAbort Occurs when a conversion operation has been stopped programmatically.

See Also

ConvertCtrl Class

Leadtools.MediaFoundation Namespace

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