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public virtual SizeMode VideoWindowSizeMode { get; set; }
A SizeMode value representing the video window size mode. The default value is SizeMode.Fit.
The default size mode is SizeMode.Fit. Assignment can raise an error exception. For more information, refer to the Error Codes.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.MediaFoundation;
using LeadtoolsMediaFoundationExamples.Fixtures;
public bool _result = false;
public PlayCtrlForm _form = new PlayCtrlForm();
public void VideoWindowExample()
// reference the play control
PlayCtrl playctrl = _form.PlayCtrl;
// input file
string inFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "PlayCtrl_Source.avi");
// turn off auto start
playctrl.AutoStart = false;
// set the source file
playctrl.SourceFile = inFile;
// get the video window handle
IntPtr handle = playctrl.VideoWindow;
// get the video and video window info
float vwt = playctrl.VideoWindowTop;
float vwl = playctrl.VideoWindowLeft;
float vwh = playctrl.VideoWindowHeight;
float vww = playctrl.VideoWindowWidth;
float vh = playctrl.VideoHeight;
float vw = playctrl.VideoWidth;
ScaleMode scm = playctrl.ScaleMode;
float sch = playctrl.ScaleHeight;
float scw = playctrl.ScaleWidth;
float sct = playctrl.ScaleTop;
float scl = playctrl.ScaleLeft;
SizeMode sm = playctrl.VideoWindowSizeMode;
bool isFullScreen = playctrl.FullScreenMode;
// check sizes for sizemode setting
if (vw > vww && vh > vwh && sm != SizeMode.Fit)
playctrl.VideoWindowSizeMode = SizeMode.Fit;
else if (vw < vww && vh < vwh)
playctrl.VideoWindowSizeMode = SizeMode.Stretch;
// set the result to what we expect
_result = (handle != null);
// run the video
catch (Exception)
_result = false;
// we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example.
// but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application.
while (playctrl.State == PlayState.Running)
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string MediaDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Media";
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