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AudioProcessors Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see AudioProcessors members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Callback LEAD Audio Callback audio processor.
Public Property Chorus LEAD Audio Chorus audio processor. The chorus effect makes one instrument sound like many instruments are being played.
Public Property Converter LEAD Converter audio processor.
Public Property Count Gets the number of items contained in the collection. (Inherited from Processors)
Public Property Detection LEAD Audio Detection audio processor.
Public Property Echo LEAD Audio Echo audio processor. The echo effect reflects a sound wave back to its source with sufficient strength and time lag to be separately distinguished.
Public Property Flanger LEAD Audio Flanger audio processor. Flanging has a characteristic sound often described as a "whooshing" sound, similar to the sound of a jet plane flying overhead.
Public Property IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only. (Inherited from Processors)
Public Property Item Gets or sets the Processor item at the specified index. (Inherited from Processors)
Public Property LiveProcessor The [LEAD Audio Live Processor] filter that provides support to correct discontinuous and overlapped timestamps over audio streams from live capture devices.
Public Property Phaser LEAD Audio Phaser audio processor. This distinctive sound is obtained by creating one or more notches in the frequency domain that eliminate sounds at the notch frequencies.
Public Property Volume LEAD Audio Volume audio processor.
Public Property VUMeter LEAD Audio VU meter audio processor. The VU meter allows the user to retrieve left and right channel audio levels. The filter can be used to monitor the output level of other filters placed before it in the stream.

See Also

AudioProcessors Class

Leadtools.Multimedia Namespace

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