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The DICOMTEXTOBJECT describes the attributes of a "Text Annotation" object.
typedef struct tagDICOMTEXTOBJECT
L_UINT uStructSize;
L_TCHAR *pszLayerName;
L_TCHAR *pszTextValue;
L_FLOAT *pTLHCorner;
L_FLOAT *pBRHCorner;
L_UINT uBoundingBoxUnits;
L_UINT uTextJustification;
L_FLOAT *pAnchorPoint;
L_UINT uAnchorPointUnits;
L_BOOL bAnchorPointVisible;
L_VOID *pReserved;
L_UINT uCompoundGraphicInstanceId;
L_UINT uOptions;
L_UINT uGraphicGroupId;
The size of the structure (use sizeof (DICOMTEXTOBJECT)).
Pointer to the "Graphic Layer" (0070,0002) attribute value in the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001).
Pointer to the "Unformatted Text Value" (0070,0006) attribute value.
Pointer to the "Bounding Box Top Left Hand Corner" (0070,0010) attribute value.
Pointer to the "Bounding Box Bottom Right Hand Corner" (0070,0011) attribute value.
"Bounding Box Annotation Units" (0070,0003) attribute value. Enumerated values are:
Value | Meaning |
DICANN_UNIT_PIXEL | [0x00000001] "PIXEL". |
"Bounding Box Text Horizontal Justification" (0070,0012) attribute value. Enumerated values are:
Value | Meaning |
DICANN_TEXT_LEFT | [0x00000000] "LEFT" |
DICANN_TEXT_RIGHT | [0x00000001] "RIGHT" |
DICANN_TEXT_CENTER | [0x00000002] "CENTER" |
Pointer to the "Anchor Point"(0070,0014) attribute value.
"Anchor Point Annotation Units" (0070,0004) attribute value. Enumerated values are:
Value | Meaning |
DICANN_UNIT_PIXEL | [0x00000001] "PIXEL" |
"Anchor Point Visibility" (0070,0015) attribute value. Possible values are:
Value | Meaning |
TRUE | "Y" |
FALSE | "N" |
Reserved for internal use -- Pass 0.
The members of this structure are based on some of the attributes of the "Graphic Annotation Module", please see "Graphic Annotation Module Attributes" in the DICOM standard for more details.
Special note about the following members: pszLayerName, pszTextValue, pTLHCorner, pBRHCorner and pAnchorPoint:
When you call a function, which updates this structure (ex. L_DicomGetTextObjectInfo), LEADTOOLS will fill these members with pointers to the internal memory, which LEADTOOLS manages. You must not free these pointers. When you call a function, which updates internal data from the structure you provide (ex. L_DicomSetTextObjectInfo), LEADTOOLS expects you to fill these members with pointers to memory that you have allocated and that you manage. You must free these pointers when they are no longer needed.
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