

Retrieves the description string for the specified vector object.


#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_UINT32 LVectorObject::GetDescription(pBuffer, uSize)


L_TCHAR * pBuffer

Pointer to a buffer to be updated with the object description string.

L_UINT32 uSize

Size of the buffer allocated for pBuffer.


If pBuffer is NULL, it will return the size of the buffer required for the description string. If pBuffer is not NULL, it will return the number of bytes actually written to the buffer.

Required DLLs and Libraries

See Also




L_INT LVectorObject__GetDescriptionExample( LVectorObject *pVecObj )  
   L_INT       nRet = SUCCESS; 
   L_UINT32    uSize; 
   L_TCHAR*    pszDesc; 
   uSize = pVecObj->GetDescription( NULL, 0 );  
   if( uSize > 0 )  
      pszDesc = (L_TCHAR *)malloc( sizeof( L_TCHAR ) * uSize );  
      if( NULL == pszDesc )  
         return ERROR_NO_MEMORY;  
      pVecObj->GetDescription( pszDesc, sizeof( L_TCHAR ) * uSize );  
      if( uSize > 4 )  
         pszDesc[ 0 ] = 'T';  
         pszDesc[ 1 ] = 'E';  
         pszDesc[ 2 ] = 'S';  
         pszDesc[ 3 ] = 'T';  
         nRet = pVecObj->SetDescription( pszDesc );  
         if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
            return nRet; 
      free( pszDesc );  
   return SUCCESS;  
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