Demo Programs

The following demo programs are in separate EXAMPLES subdirectories of the path where you installed your product (such as C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\).

The executable files for these examples were compiled with all LEADTOOLS capabilities unlocked. However, for redeployment, some of these capabilities require product-specific unlock keys. Otherwise, if you recompile the examples, the resulting executable files will not have the locked capabilities.

To unlock and redeploy these capabilities, you must purchase an appropriate product license, such as that included with a LEADTOOLS Document/Medical toolkit.

The following demos are available:

Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
SVG \Examples\Vector\C\SVGDemo \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\SVGDemo.exe

Demonstrates SVG features.

  • Load document and vector files as SVG (PDF, DOC, DXF, etc.)
  • Render the SVG document data
  • Pan and Zoom the display
  • Get text from the SVG document
  • Print the SVG document
Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
Vector Automation \Examples\Vector\C\VecAut \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\VecAut.exe

Demonstrates how to load and render a vector file

Shows how to load, render, and also make modifications to a vector file

Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
Vector Overlay \Examples\Vector\C\VecOvrly \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\VecOvrly.exe

Demonstrates how to overlay a vector and raster image

Shows how to load and render a vector image as an overlay to a raster image

Demo Name Source Code Path Pre-Compiled Executable Path Description
Vector \Examples\Vector\C\Vector \Bin\CDLL\<Win32/Win32/x64/x64>\Vector.exe

Demonstrates how to load and render a vector image

Shows how to load, render, and save a vector image

See Also

Programming with LEADTOOLS Vector

Getting Started

Summary of All Supported Image File Formats

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