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The VECTORMARKER structure holds information about marker settings.
typedef struct tagVECTORMARKER
L_INT nSize;
L_UINT32 dwFlags;
Size of this structure. Used for versioning.
Flag that determines the brush and pen characteristics to use for the marker. Possible values are:
Value | Meaning |
VECTOR_MARKER_PEN_STYLE | Use the style member of Pen. |
VECTOR_MARKER_PEN_WIDTH | Use the width member of Pen. |
VECTOR_MARKER_PEN_COLOR | Use the color member of Pen. |
VECTOR_MARKER_BRUSH_STYLE | Use the style member of Brush. |
VECTOR_MARKER_BRUSH_COLOR | Use the color member of Brush. |
VECTORPEN structure that contains information about the pen to use when drawing markers. The actual parameters used depends on dwFlags.
VECTORBRUSH structure that contains information about the brush to use when drawing markers. The actual parameters used depends on dwFlags.
Markers are used to indicate which objects have been selected in a vector handle.
pVECTORMARKER is a pointer to a VECTORMARKER structure.