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Sets the current background color.
#include "ltvkrn.h"
L_LVKRN_API L_INT L_VecSetBackgroundColor(pVector, Color)
Pointer to a vector handle.
The background color to set.
Value | Meaning |
SUCCESS | The function was successful. |
< 1 | An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
If L_VecPaint is called, with bEraseBkgnd set to TRUE, this color will be used to erase the background.
This example will set the background color of a vector handle.
L_INT VecSetBackgroundColorExample(
HWND hWnd,
L_INT nRet;
CHOOSECOLOR cc; /* ChooseColor Windows structure */
COLORREF ccCustColors[16]; /* Custom colors */
memset( &cc, 0, sizeof( CHOOSECOLOR ));
cc.lStructSize = sizeof( CHOOSECOLOR );
cc.hwndOwner = hWnd;
cc.rgbResult = L_VecGetBackgroundColor( pVector );
cc.lpCustColors = ccCustColors;
cc.Flags = CC_RGBINIT;
if( ChooseColor( &cc ))
nRet = L_VecSetBackgroundColor( pVector, cc.rgbResult );
return nRet;