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The VECTOR_DISPLAY_OPTIONS structure has the display settings for the vector toolkit. Some or all of the members can be set to apply some effects or filters to the output.
L_INT nClipMode;
L_SIZE_T dwReserved;
Text rendering options.
Anti-aliasing setting. VECTOR_ANTIALIASING structure that contains the anti-aliasing information.
Flag that describes how the toolkit applies the clipping when two or more clipping polydraw objects exist. Possible values are:
Value | Meaning |
VECTOR_CLIPMODE_COPY | Overwrite the old clipping region with this one. |
VECTOR_CLIPMODE_AND | Generates a new clipping region from the intersection of the old and current regions. |
VECTOR_CLIPMODE_DIFF | Generates a new clipping region in the area between the old and current regions. |
VECTOR_CLIPMODE_OR | Generates a new clipping region from the area represented by both the old and current regions. |
VECTOR_CLIPMODE_XOR | Generates a clipping region from XORing the two clipping regions (the old one and the current) *. |
* The "old region" refers to the region specified by a clipping polydraw that was added previously to the vector space and the "current region" is a new region that is about to be drawn.
Reserved for future expansion. Use 0.
pVECTOR_DISPLAY_OPTIONS is a pointer to a VECTOR_DISPLAY_OPTIONS structure. Where the function parameter type is pVECTOR_DISPLAY_OPTIONS, you can declare a VECTOR_DISPLAY_OPTIONS variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pVECTOR_DISPLAY_OPTIONS variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.
A clipping polydraw sets a clipping region that is applied to any vector object added after the clipping polydraw is added. For example, if the user adds object #1, then adds a clipping polydraw, and then adds objects #2 and #3, the toolkit will draw object #1 without modification. It will then render the clipping polydraw, which will set a clipping region. the toolkit will then draw objects #2 and #3, which will be clipped according to the clipping polydraw and the clip mode specified in nClipMode.
If nClipMode is set to 0, no clipping will be performed.