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IOcrLanguageManager Interface Members


The following tables list the members exposed by IOcrLanguageManager.

Public Methods

Name Description
DetectLanguage Detects the language used in the specified IOcrPage from a list of languages that is provided by the user.
EnableLanguages Enable the language environment of the character sets used by the IOcrEngine.
GetAdditionalLanguages Gets an array of the additional languages supported by the IOcrEngine.
GetEnabledLanguages Gets the names of the current enabled languages environment of the character set used by the IOcrEngine.
GetSupportedLanguages Gets an array of the supported languages by the IOcrEngine.
IsLanguageSupported Gets a value that determine if a given language is supported by the IOcrEngine.

Public Properties

Name Description
SupportsEnablingMultipleLanguages Gets a value to indicate whether this engine supports enabling multiple languages at the same time.
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