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IOcrPage Interface


For a list of all members of this type, see IOcrPage members

Public Methods

Name Description
AutoPreprocess Performs automatic image processing clean up on the image to enhance the quality of the page before beginning recognition.
AutoZone Performs auto decomposition of the page to find the text and graphics zones using predefined parameters
Copy Creates a copy of the source page.
CreateThumbnail Creates a thumbnail image of this IOcrPage.
DetectLanguages Detects the language of the page from a list of languages that is provided by the user.
DetectNativeFillMethod Detects the native type of zone text in this IOcrPage.
GetAreaOptions Gets the options for the area of interest on this page.
GetDeskewAngle Gets the angle of the skew of this IOcrPage.
GetOverlayImage Gets the overlay image of this IOcrPage.
GetPalette Gets the palette used by this page.
GetPreprocessValues Gets the accumulative values of any inversion, rotation or deskew applied to this page by the preprocessor.
GetRasterImage Gets the current or processing image data of this page as a raster image.
GetRecognizedCharacters Gets the last recognized character data of this IOcrPage
GetRotateAngle Gets the angle of the rotation of this IOcrPage.
GetText Gets the recognition OCR data for a zone in this IOcrPage as a string.
GetZoneBoundsInPixels Gets the bounding rectangle of a zone in pixels
HitTestZone Gets the zero-based index of the zone under a certain point.
HitTestZone (WinRT) Gets the zero-based index of the zone under a certain point.
IsInverted Gets a value that indicate whether this IOcrPage is inverted.
LoadZones Loads zones from a multi-page zones disk file.
LoadZonesAsync Loads zones from a multi-page zones Windows Runtime StorageFile.
NativeAutoZone Performs auto decomposition of the page to find the text and graphics zones using specified parameters.
Recognize Recognizes the OCR data found on this IOcrPage.
SaveXml Converts the accumulated recognition results stored in this page to XML data and stores it in a disk file with XML options.
SaveZones Saves the zones of this IOcrPage to a multi-page zones disk file with XML options.
SaveZonesAsync Saves the zones of this IOcrPage to a multi-page zones Windows Runtime StorageFile object.
SetAreaOptions Sets the options for the area of interest on this page.
SetOverlayImage Sets the overlay image of this IOcrPage
SetRasterImage Updates the page image data from a RasterImage object.
SetRecognizedCharacters Sets the recognized character data of this IOcrPage
Unrecognize Destroy the recognized data internally stored in this IOcrPage.
UpdateNativeFillMethod Update the type of text in the zones of this IOcrPage.
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