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ExportPages(Int32,Int32,Stream,RasterImageFormat,Int32,Int32,CodecsSavePageMode) Method


Exports one of more page at the specified index to a .NET stream.


WinRT C#
Overloads Sub ExportPages( _ 
   ByVal firstPageIndex As Integer, _ 
   ByVal lastPageIndex As Integer, _ 
   ByVal stream As Stream, _ 
   ByVal format As Leadtools.RasterImageFormat, _ 
   ByVal bitsPerPixel As Integer, _ 
   ByVal firstSavePageNumber As Integer, _ 
   ByVal pageMode As Leadtools.Codecs.CodecsSavePageMode _ 
- (BOOL)exportPagesInRange:(NSRange)range 
                    stream:(LTLeadStream *)stream 
                     error:(NSError **)error 
public void exportPages(int firstPageIndex, 
                        int lastPageIndex, 
                        ILeadStream stream, 
                        RasterImageFormat format, 
                        int bitsPerPixel, 
                        int firstSavePageNumber, 
                        CodecsSavePageMode pageMode) 
function Leadtools.Forms.Ocr.IOcrPageCollection.ExportPages(Int32,Int32,Stream,RasterImageFormat,Int32,Int32,CodecsSavePageMode)(  
   firstPageIndex , 
   lastPageIndex , 
   stream , 
   format , 
   bitsPerPixel , 
   firstSavePageNumber , 


The zero-based index of the first page to export.

The zero-based index of the last page to export. A value of -1 means export up to and including the last page in the OCR document.

The .NET stream to save the pages to.

The image file format to use.

The bits/pixel value of the result image file.

1-based index of the first output page. If the output file already exists, then this parameter lets you control which pages to overwrite and/or where to append the new pages.

Determines how to handle the page when saving to multipage formats. This can be one of the following:

Value Meaning
CodecsSavePageMode.Append Append the new page(s) to the end of the file. If the file does not exist, this option will create the file and add the pages to it. firstSavePageNumber is not used.
CodecsSavePageMode.Insert Insert the new page(s) at the index specified by firstSavePageNumber.
CodecsSavePageMode.Replace Replace the page(s) starting at the index specified by firstSavePageNumber.
CodecsSavePageMode.Overwrite Overwrite the page(s) starting at the index specified by firstSavePageNumber.
CodecsSavePageMode.Append Append the new page(s) to the end of the file. If the file does not exist, this option will create the file and add the pages to it.

To export one page to a .NET stream, use ExportPages(int pageIndex, Stream stream, RasterImageFormat format, int bitsPerPixel)

. You can export the page to any of the file formats supported by LEADTOOLS. For more information, refer to Summary of All Supported Image File Formats.

This member only works with memory-based documents and will throw an exception otherwise. For more information, refer to IOcrDocumentManager.CreateDocument and Programming with the LEADTOOLS .NET OCR.


This example will add pages to an OCR document before exporting a range of it back to a .NET stream.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Forms.Ocr; 
using Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters; 
using Leadtools.Forms; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core; 
public void ExportPagesToStream() 
   string tifFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "OcrMultiPage.tif"); 
   // Create an instance of the engine 
   using (IOcrEngine ocrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.Advantage, false)) 
      // Since we have a RasterCodecs object, re-use it in the OCR engine. Although 
      // this demo will not use it, it is always a good practice 
      ocrEngine.Startup(null, null, null, LEAD_VARS.OcrAdvantageRuntimeDir); 
      // Create an OCR document 
      using (IOcrDocument ocrDocument = ocrEngine.DocumentManager.CreateDocument()) 
         // Loop through the images, add them to the document 
         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) 
            string pageFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, string.Format("Ocr{0}.tif", i + 1)); 
            ocrDocument.Pages.AddPage(pageFileName, null); 
         Console.WriteLine("OCR Document contains {0} pages", ocrDocument.Pages.Count); 
         // Export the pages from index 1 to 3 to disk 
         using (FileStream fs = File.Create(tifFileName)) 
            ocrDocument.Pages.ExportPages(1, 3, fs, RasterImageFormat.Tif, 1, 1, CodecsSavePageMode.Overwrite); 
      // Shutdown the engine 
      // Note: calling Dispose will also automatically shutdown the engine if it has been started 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"; 
   public const string OcrAdvantageRuntimeDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS 19\Bin\Common\OcrAdvantageRuntime"; 
Imports Leadtools 
Imports Leadtools.Codecs 
Imports Leadtools.Forms.Ocr 
Imports Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters 
Imports Leadtools.Forms 
Imports Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core 
Public Sub ExportPagesToStream() 
   Dim tifFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "OcrMultiPage.tif") 
   ' Create an instance of the engine 
   Using ocrEngine As IOcrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.Advantage, False) 
      ' Since we have a RasterCodecs object, re-use it in the OCR engine. Although 
      ' this demo will not use it, it is always a good practice 
      ocrEngine.Startup(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, LEAD_VARS.OcrAdvantageRuntimeDir) 
      ' Create an OCR document 
      Using ocrDocument As IOcrDocument = ocrEngine.DocumentManager.CreateDocument() 
         ' Loop through the images, add them to the document 
         For i As Integer = 0 To 3 
            Dim pageFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, String.Format("Ocr{0}.tif", i + 1)) 
            ocrDocument.Pages.AddPage(pageFileName, Nothing) 
         Console.WriteLine("OCR Document contains {0} pages", ocrDocument.Pages.Count) 
         ' Export the pages from index 1 to 3 to disk 
         Using fs As FileStream = File.Create(tifFileName) 
            ocrDocument.Pages.ExportPages(1, 3, fs, RasterImageFormat.Tif, 1, 1, 
         End Using 
      End Using 
      ' Shutdown the engine 
      ' Note: calling Dispose will also automatically shutdown the engine if it has been started 
   End Using 
End Sub 
Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS 
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images" 
   Public Const OcrAdvantageRuntimeDir As String = "C:\LEADTOOLS 19\Bin\Common\OcrAdvantageRuntime" 
End Class 


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