Contains data for the IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.JobOperation event.
IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.JobOperation will trigger when Run, RunJob or RunJobAsync is called.
You can use this event to get information on the current operation (creating an OCR document, loading a page, zoning, recognizing, saving, etc.).
This class contains the following members:
Member | Description |
Status | The status of the job. You can set this from the default value of OcrAutoRecognizeManagerJobStatus.Success to OcrAutoRecognizeManagerJobStatus.Abort to abort the recognition process. |
Job | The instance of the IOcrAutoRecognizeJob currently being run. You can use this member to get information about the job, for example, the image file name and page numbers to recognize and the output document file name and format through IOcrAutoRecognizeJob.JobData. Note that OcrAutoRecognizeJobData.LastPageNumber will have the true value of the last page number in the image file if a value of -1 (for up to last page) was passed in the original object used to create IOcrAutoRecognizeJob. |
PostOperation | A boolean value that indicates whether the engine is preparing to run the operation (the value of PostOperation is false) or whether the operation has already run (the value of PostOperation is true). This is useful if you want to manipulate operation data as shown in the example. |
Operation | An OcrAutoRecognizeManagerJobOperation enumeration member that specifies the current operation. |
Document | An IOcrDocument instance that specifies the OCR document being used in the current operation. This object is not valid and will be null (Nothing in Visual Basic) when the current operation is ConvertDocument (or in CreateDocument with PostOperation equals to false). |
Page | an IOcrPage instance that specifies the OCR page being used in the current operation. This object is not valid and will be null (Nothing in Visual Basic) when the current operation is CreateDocument, PrepareDocument, SaveDocument or ConvertDocument. |
ImagePageNumber | The page number in the input (image) file name for the current operation. This member is not valid and will be 0 when the current operation is CreateDocument, PrepareDocument, SaveDocument or ConvertDocument. |
PageImage | The raster image object used for the current operation. This member is only valid when the current operation is LoadPage and SavePage. |
LtdFileName | The name of the LEAD Temporary Document (LTD) being used in the current operation. Depending on how the IOcrAutoRecognizeManager was setup, the engine might create LTD files during the recognition process to support multi-threading or recognition of images with large amount of pages. The value of this member is valid only when the current operation is SavePage (as the LTD for this page), AppendLtd (as the source file name) or ConvertDocument (as the source file name). |
Format | An DocumentFormat enumeration member that specifies the format being used in the current operation. This member will be equal to the original OcrAutoRecognizeJobData.Format value except for the following operations: SavePage and AppendLtd where it will be DocumentFormat.Ltd or SaveDocument where it can either be the original format or DocumentFormat.Ltd if LTD is being used to create a temporary document during recognition. |
DocumentFileName | The name of the document file being saved in the current operation. This member will be equal to the original OcrAutoRecognizeJobData.DocumentFileName value except for the following operations: SavePage and AppendLtd where it will be destination file name or SaveDocument where it can either be the original document file name or the name of a temporary LTD file if LTD is being used to create a temporary document during recognition. |
DocumentWriterInstance | The DocumentWriter instance being used in the current operation. This member will be equal to IOcrDocument.DocumentWriterInstance in all operations where an Document is available. When the operation is ConvertDocument, this instance will point to the DocumentWriter object being used to convert the document. |
This example will use the IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.JobOperation to change the zones of a document being recognized with IOcrAutoRecognizeManager.RunJob.
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Feedback: OcrAutoRecognizeJobOperationEventArgs Class - Leadtools.Forms.Ocr |
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