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IOcrSettingManager Interface


For a list of all members of this type, see IOcrSettingManager members

Public Methods

Name Description
GetBooleanValue Gets the current value of a boolean setting.
GetCharacterValue Gets the current value of a character setting.
GetDoubleValue Gets the current value of a double setting.
GetEnumValue Gets the current value of an enum setting as an integer.
GetEnumValueAsString Gets the current value of an enum setting as string.
GetIntegerValue Gets the current value of an integer setting.
GetRectangleValue Gets the current value of a logical rectangle setting.
GetRectangleValue (WinRT) Gets the current value of a rectangle setting.
GetSettingDescriptor Gets the descriptor of the given setting.
GetSettingNames Gets all the names of the supported engine-specific settings.
GetSettingValueType Gets a value indicating the type of the given setting.
GetStringValue Gets the current value of a string setting.
GetValue Gets the current value of a setting as a string.
IsSettingNameSupported Gets a value indicating whether the given setting name is supported by the IOcrEngine.
Load Loads the OCR engine settings from a disk file.
Save Saves the OCR engine current settings to a disk file.
SetBooleanValue Sets the value of a boolean setting.
SetCharacterValue Sets the value of a character setting.
SetDoubleValue Sets the value of a double setting.
SetEnumValue Sets the value of an enum setting from string.
SetIntegerValue Sets the value of an integer setting.
SetRectangleValue Sets the value of a logical rectangle setting.
SetRectangleValue (WinRT) Sets the value of a rectangle setting.
SetStringValue Sets the value of a string setting.
SetValue Sets the value of a setting from a string.
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