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OcrZone Structure Members


The following tables list the members exposed by OcrZone.

Public Properties

Name Description
BackColor Gets or sets the background color of zone.
Bounds Gets or sets the coordinates of the zone in logical units.
Bounds (WinRT) Gets or sets the coordinates of the zone in pixels.
CharacterFilters Gets or sets the character set filter for the zone.
FontRatio Gets or sets a value that determines the font ratio of the zone.
ForeColor Gets or sets the foreground color of zone.
Id Gets the zone ID.
IsEngineZone Gets or sets a value that indicate whether this is an engine zone.
Language Gets or sets the zone language.
Name Gets or sets the optional zone name.
TextDirection Gets or sets a value that determines the text direction of the zone.
TextStyle Gets or sets a value that determines the text style of the zone.
ViewPerspective Gets or sets a value that determines the orientation and rotation of the zone.
ZoneType Gets or sets the zone type.
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