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BlankPageDetectorCommand Class


For a list of all members of this type, see BlankPageDetectorCommand members

Public Properties

Name Description
Accuracy The accuracy of the result, in hundredths of a percent.
BottomMargin Number of pixels to exclude from the Bottom of the image
Flags Gets or sets flags that indicate whether the page is empty or noisy, whether to ignore bleed-through, whether to ignore lines, whether to use the active area and whether to use default margins or the user-specified margins.
IsBlank (Read-only) Gets a value that indicates whether the page is blank or not.
LeftMargin Number of pixels to exclude from the left of the image.
RightMargin Number of pixels to exclude from the Right of the image
Sensitivity Gets or sets the sensitivity of the blank page detection engine.
TopMargin Number of pixels to exclude from the Top of the image
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