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HolePunchRemoveCommand Class


For a list of all members of this type, see HolePunchRemoveCommand members

Public Properties

Name Description
Flags Gets or sets a flag that determines the behavior of the hole punch removal process.
ImageRegion This property is updated with a shallow copy of the image that also has a region that contains the hole punches.
Location Gets or sets a value that indicates the location within the document of the hole punches to remove.
MaximumHoleCount Gets or sets the maximum number of holes to detect.
MaximumHoleHeight Gets or sets the maximum height of one of the holes of the hole punch configuration to be removed.
MaximumHoleWidth Gets or sets the maximum width of one of the holes of the hole punch configuration to be removed.
MinimumHoleCount Gets or sets the minimum number of holes to detect.
MinimumHoleHeight Gets or sets the minimum height of one of the holes of the hole punch configuration to be removed.
MinimumHoleWidth Gets or sets the minimum width of one of the holes of the hole punch configuration to be removed.
Region Gets the handle to a windows region.
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