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HolePunchRemoveCommand Constructor(HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags,HolePunchRemoveCommandLocation,Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32)


Initializes a new HolePunchRemoveCommand with explicit parameters.


WinRT C#
Public Function New( _ 
   ByVal flags As Leadtools.Imageprocessing.Core.HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags, _ 
   ByVal location As Leadtools.Imageprocessing.Core.HolePunchRemoveCommandLocation, _ 
   ByVal minimumHoleCount As Integer, _ 
   ByVal maximumHoleCount As Integer, _ 
   ByVal minimumHoleWidth As Integer, _ 
   ByVal minimumHoleHeight As Integer, _ 
   ByVal maximumHoleWidth As Integer, _ 
   ByVal maximumHoleHeight As Integer _ 
function HolePunchRemoveCommand(  
   flags , 
   location , 
   minimumHoleCount , 
   maximumHoleCount , 
   minimumHoleWidth , 
   minimumHoleHeight , 
   maximumHoleWidth , 


Flags that determine the behavior of the hole punch removal process.

Flag that indicates the location within the document of the hole punches to remove.

Minimum number of holes to detect. This member is valid only if HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseCount flag is set.

Maximum number of holes to detect. This member is valid only if HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseCount flag is set.

The minimum width of one of the holes of the hole punch configuration to be removed. If HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseDpi flag is set, units are in thousandths of an inch, otherwise units are in pixels. This parameter is valid only if HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseSize is set.

The minimum height of one of the holes of the hole punch configuration to be removed. If HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseDpi flag is set, units are in thousandths of an inch, otherwise units are in pixels. This parameter is valid only if HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseSize is set.

The maximum width of one of the holes of the hole punch configuration to be removed. If HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseDpi flag is set, units are in thousandths of an inch, otherwise units are in pixels. This parameter is valid only if HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseSize is set.

The maximum height of one of the holes of the hole punch configuration to be removed. If HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseDpi flag is set, units are in thousandths of an inch, otherwise units are in pixels. This parameter is valid only if HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseSize is set.


Run the HolePunchRemoveCommand on an image.

WinRT C#
Imports Leadtools 
Imports Leadtools.Codecs 
Imports Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core 
Public WithEvents holePunchCommand_S2 As HolePunchRemoveCommand 
Public Sub HolePunchRemoveConstructorExample() 
   Dim codecs As New RasterCodecs() 
   codecs.ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages = True 
   Dim leadImage As RasterImage = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Clean.tif")) 
   ' Prepare the command 
   holePunchCommand_S2 = New HolePunchRemoveCommand(HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseDpi Or _ 
                                                    HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseSize Or _ 
                                                    HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseLocation Or _ 
                                                    HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.SingleRegion, _ 
                                                    HolePunchRemoveCommandLocation.Left, _ 
                                                    0, 0, 0, 0, leadImage.Width, leadImage.Height) 
   leadImage.SetRegion(Nothing, holePunchCommand_S2.Region, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set) 
End Sub 
Private Sub HolePunchCommand_HolePunchRemove_S2(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs) Handles holePunchCommand_S2.HolePunchRemove 
   MessageBox.Show("Size " + "( " + e.BoundingRectangle.Left.ToString() + ", " + _ 
                   e.BoundingRectangle.Top.ToString() + ") - " + "( " + _ 
                   e.BoundingRectangle.Right.ToString() + ", " + _ 
                   e.BoundingRectangle.Bottom.ToString() + ")" + _ 
      Chr(13) + " Hole Index " + e.HoleIndex.ToString() + _ 
      Chr(13) + " Holes Total Count " + e.HoleTotalCount.ToString() + _ 
      Chr(13) + " Black Count " + e.BlackCount.ToString() + _ 
      Chr(13) + " White Count " + e.WhiteCount.ToString()) 
   e.Status = RemoveStatus.Remove 
End Sub 
Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS 
Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images" 
End Class 
using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core; 
public void HolePunchRemoveConstructorExample() 
   // Load an image 
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
   codecs.ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages = true; 
   RasterImage image = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Clean.tif")); 
   // Prepare the command 
   HolePunchRemoveCommand command = new HolePunchRemoveCommand(HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseDpi |   HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseCount |HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseLocation |   HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.SingleRegion, 
         HolePunchRemoveCommandLocation.Left, 2, 4, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height); 
   command.HolePunchRemove += new EventHandler<HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs>(HolePunchRemoveEvent_S2); 
   image.SetRegion(null, command.Region, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set); 
private void HolePunchRemoveEvent_S2(object sender, HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs e) 
   MessageBox.Show("Size " + "( " + e.BoundingRectangle.Left + ", " + e.BoundingRectangle.Top + ") - " + "( " + e.BoundingRectangle.Right + ", " + e.BoundingRectangle.Bottom + ")" + 
      "\n Hole Index " + e.HoleIndex.ToString() +  
      "\n Holes Total Count " + e.HoleTotalCount.ToString() +  
      "\n Black Count " + e.BlackCount.ToString() +  
      "\n White Count " + e.WhiteCount.ToString()); 
   e.Status= RemoveStatus.Remove; 
static class LEAD_VARS 
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"; 
using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core; 
public async Task HolePunchRemoveConstructorExample() 
   // Load an image 
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
   codecs.ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages = true; 
   // Load the image 
   string srcFileName = @"Assets\Clean.tif"; 
   StorageFile loadFile = await Tools.AppInstallFolder.GetFileAsync(srcFileName); 
   RasterImage image = await codecs.LoadAsync(LeadStreamFactory.Create(loadFile)); 
   // Prepare the command 
   HolePunchRemoveCommand command = new HolePunchRemoveCommand(HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseDpi |   HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseCount |HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.UseLocation |   HolePunchRemoveCommandFlags.SingleRegion, 
         HolePunchRemoveCommandLocation.Left, 2, 4, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height); 
   command.HolePunchRemove += new EventHandler<HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs>(HolePunchRemoveEvent_S2); 
   image.SetRegion(null, command.Region, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set); 
private void HolePunchRemoveEvent_S2(object sender, HolePunchRemoveCommandEventArgs e) 
   Debug.WriteLine("Size " + "( " + e.BoundingRectangle.X + ", " + e.BoundingRectangle.Y + ") - " + "( " + e.BoundingRectangle.Width + ", " + e.BoundingRectangle.Height + ")" + 
      "\n Hole Index " + e.HoleIndex.ToString() +  
      "\n Holes Total Count " + e.HoleTotalCount.ToString() +  
      "\n Black Count " + e.BlackCount.ToString() +  
      "\n White Count " + e.WhiteCount.ToString()); 
   e.Status= RemoveStatus.Remove; 


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