Version Changes: 18 to 19
The following members have been added:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnAutomationControlGetContainersCallback | - Callback that is used to obtain the collection of annotation containers used by the automation. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnBrush.#ctor | Initializes a new instance of this class. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCheckModifierCallback(AnnKeys) | - Callback used to determine whther a specific key is pressed in this platform. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Load(Stream,int,double,double) | Loads an annotation container from the specified stream with the specified resolution (for annotation files saved with LEADTOOLS prior to version 15). |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Load(string,int,double,double) | Loads an annotation container from the specified file with the specified resolution (for annotation files saved with LEADTOOLS prior to version 15). |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadAll(Stream) | Loads all the annotation containers from the specified stream containing a multi-page annotation file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadAll(Stream,double,double) | Loads all the annotation containers from the specified stream containing a multi-page annotation file. with the specified resolution (for annotation files saved with LEADTOOLS prior to version 15). |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadAll(string) | Loads all the annotation containers from the specified multi-page annotation file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadAll(string,double,double) | Loads all the annotation containers from the specified multi-page annotation file with the specified resolution (for annotation files saved with LEADTOOLS prior to version 15). |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadAllAsync(StorageFile) | Loads all the annotation containers from the specified multi-page storage file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadAllFromString(string) | Loads an array of annotation containers from the specified xml data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadSourceResolution | Gets or sets the source resolution to use when loading annotation containers. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadTargetResolution | Gets or sets the target resolution to use when loading annotation containers. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadUseDpi | Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to use the target resolution during load. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveAll(Stream,AnnContainer[],AnnFormat) | Saves an array of annotation containers to a stream. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveAll(string,AnnContainer[],AnnFormat) | Saves an array of annotation containers to a file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveAllAsync(StorageFile,AnnContainer[],AnnFormat) | Saves an array of annotation containers to a storage file data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveAllToString(AnnContainer[],AnnFormat) | Saves an array of annotation containers to a string. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveLayer(Writer,AnnLayer,AnnFormat,int) | Saves an annotation layer to a writer. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveLayerAsync(StorageFile,AnnLayer,AnnFormat,int) | Saves an annotation layer to a storage file data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveToTag(AnnContainer,bool) | Saves the annotation objects in a container to a TIFF tag. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer.GroupsRoles | Gets or sets the AnnGroupsRoles associated with this container. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer.IsModified | Indicates that the objects in this container have been modified. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer.Rotate(double) | Rotates this AnnContainer and its children by the specified value. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper.BurnScaleFactor | Extra scaling factor to use for fixed state objects when burning the container. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper.CalibrationUnit | The default unit of measure to use when creating new ruler objects in the container after calibration has been performed. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper.IgnoreDpiScale | For internal use by LEADTOOLS. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper.ScrollOffset | Gets or sets the current scroll offset for this AnnContainerMapper. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCrossProductObject.GetInvalidateRect(AnnContainerMapper,IAnnObjectRenderer) | Gets a Leadtools.LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnCrossProductObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnDataProvider | - Provider for annotations image data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEditContentEventArgs | - Provides data for the AnnAutomation.EditContent event. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.Apply(AnnDataProvider,AnnContainer) | Applies this AnnEncryptObject object to an image using the specified data provider. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFont.OnPropertyChanged(AnnPropertyChangedEventArgs) | Raises the PropertyChanged event. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFont.PropertyChanged | Occurs when a property value changes. AnnPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat.LegacyAnnotations | Legacy LEADTOOLS annotations. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat.PDFAnnotations | Annotations within a PDF file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat.TifTagAnnotations | Annotations tags within a TIFF file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat.WangTagAnnotations | Annotations Wang tags within a TIFF file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFreehandHotspotObject.GetInvalidateRect(AnnContainerMapper,IAnnObjectRenderer) | Gets a Leadtools.LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnFreehandHotspotObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnGradientBrush | - Describes a brush with a gradient, composed of gradient stops. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnGradientStop | - Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnGradientStopCollection | - Represents a dynamic collection of AnnGradientStop's and provides notifications when items are added or removed. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnGroupsRoles | - Provides support for user roles in the annotations framework. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnHatchBrush | - Defines a brush with a hatch style, foreground color, and background color. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnHatchStyle | - Enumeration listing the different patterns available for AnnHatchBrush. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.Back | Backspace key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.ControlKey | Control key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.DeleteKey | Delete key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.Insert | Insert key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.Menu | Menu (Alt) key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.ShiftKey | Shift key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.Tab | Tab key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabel.OffsetHeight | Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to offset the label from the bottom-left instead of top-left position. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabel.Parent | Gets or sets the owner annotation object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabel.PositionMode | Gets or sets a value that controls how the label is positioned from its Parent. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabel.RenderedLabelBounds | Gets or sets the bounding rectangle of the label as it was last rendered. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabel.RestrictionMode | Gets or sets the restriction mode for this AnnLabel. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabel.RestrictionRectangle | Gets or sets the uiser restriction rectangle for this AnnLabel. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabelPositionMode | - Indicates how the label is positioned relative to its parent. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabelRestriction | - Indicates the restriction mode of AnnLabel objects. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLinearGradientBrush | - Describes a brush with a linear gradient. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLinearGradientMode | - Specifies the direction of a linear gradient. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.AuthorMetadataKey | Author metadata key. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.ContentMetadataKey | Content metadata key. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.ContentPicture | Gets or sets the id of the picture used when drawing the content of this object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.CreatedMetadataKey | Created metadata key. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.DateFromString(string) | Converts a string value to a date time. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.DateToString(DateTime) | Converts a date time to a string. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.GetArea | Returns the pixel count of this AnnObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.ModifiedMetadataKey | Modified metadata key. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.RenderedObjectBounds | Gets or sets the bounding rectangle of the object as it was last rendered. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.Reviews | Gets the items that can be used to add review comments and replies to this AnnObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.SelectionStroke | Gets or sets the stroke to use when drawing the frame of this object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.StickyNoteObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnStickyNoteObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.SubjectMetadataKey | Subject metadata key. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.SupportsContent | Indicates if this object supports content. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.SupportsOpacity | Indicates if this object supports an opacity. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.SupportsSelectionStroke | Indicates if this object supports a selection stroke. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.TextHiliteObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnTextHiliteObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.TextRedactionObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnTextRedactionObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.TextStrikeoutObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnTextStrikeoutObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.TextUnderlineObjectId | Returns the ID for an AnnTextUnderlineObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.TitleMetadataKey | Title metadata key. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.UserId | Gets or sets the user ID of this AnnObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T> | - A generic observable collection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnOperationInfoEventArgs | - Defines an annotation operation information including its type and the annotation object involved. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnOperationType | - Specifies an annotation operation type. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPicture.#ctor(Image) | Initializes a new instance of the AnnPicture object from the specified windows image. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPointerEventArgs.Clone | Creates an exact copy of this AnnPointerEventArgs object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPointerEventArgs.IsHandled | Gets or sets whether the event has been handled by the automation. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPointObject.GetInvalidateRect(AnnContainerMapper,IAnnObjectRenderer) | Gets a Leadtools.LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPolyRulerObject.Calibrate | Sets a specific ruler's calibration scale. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPolyRulerObject.CalibrationScale | Gets the current calibration scaling factor. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPolyRulerObject.ShowTickValue | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tick mark values for this AnnPolyRulerObject are visible. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnProtractorObject.GetInvalidateRect(AnnContainerMapper,IAnnObjectRenderer) | Gets a Leadtools.LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnProtractorObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnProtractorObject.ShowArc | Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to view the protractor arc for thisAnnProtractorObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject.ImageData | Gets or sets the image pixel data for the realized area of this AnnRedactionObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject.Realize(AnnDataProvider,AnnContainer) | Realizes this AnnRedactionObject to an image using the specified data provider. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject.Restore(AnnDataProvider,AnnContainer) | Restores the background behind AnnRedactionObject using the specified data provider. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject.SupportsOpacity | Indicates if this object supports opacity. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.Attach(AnnContainer,object) | Attaches a container and a context to this drawing engine. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.RenderGrid(bool,AnnContainer) | Renders the overlaying grid into the container. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.RenderOnImage(AnnContainer,RasterImage) | Renders the container into the specified image. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.RenderState | Gets or sets the states parts of the annotation objects to render. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.SnapToGridOptions | Gets or sets the default AnnSnapToGridOptions. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderState | - Indicates different state of an AnnObject that can be rendered. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnReview | - Represents an annotation review comment item. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRoles | - List of roles used by the application. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSelectionObject.CanRotate | Indicates if this object supports rotation. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSelectionObject.SelectionOpacity | Gets or sets the selection opacity for AnnSelectionObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSelectionObject.SupportsContent | Indicates if this object supports content. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSizeMode | - Specifies how to render a picture inside the destination bounding rectangle. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSnapToGridOptions | - Options for annotation snap to grid behavior in annotation automation design mode. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnStampObject.DrawShadow | Renders a drop shadow around the object's bounds. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnStampObject.GetInvalidateRect | Gets a LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnStampObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnStampObject.PictureSizeMode | Gets or sets a value that controls how the picture is rendered inside the bounding rectangle of this object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnStickyNoteObject | - Defines an annotation sticky note object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnStroke.OnPropertyChanged(AnnPropertyChangedEventArgs) | Raises the PropertyChanged event. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnStroke.PropertyChanged | Occurs when a property value changes. AnnPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnStroke.StrokeAlignment | Gets or sets the alignment of this AnnStroke object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnStrokeAlignment | - Specifies the alignment of the stroke width. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextHiliteObject | - Defines an annotation hilite text review object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextObject.AutoSize | Adjusts this AnnTextObject object so its bounds closely fit its contents. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextObject.SupportsContent | Indicates if this object supports content. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextObject.TextSize | Used internally by LEADTOOLS. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextPointerObject.GetInvalidateRect | Gets a LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnTextPointerObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextPointerObject.ShowArrow | Indicates whether to show an arrow at the end of the pointer. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextRedactionObject | - Defines an annotation redaction text review object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextReviewObject | - Base class for annotation text review objects |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextStrikeoutObject | - Defines an annotation strikeout text review object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextUnderlineObject | - Defines an annotation underline text review object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnUnitConverter.SmartEnglishMaximumUnit | Gets or sets the maximum AnnUnit to use when using smart English units. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnUnitConverter.SmartMetricMaximumUnit | Gets or sets the maximum AnnUnit to use when using smart Metric units. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnUserMode.Render | Render mode. Used for viewing objects only. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationAntiAlias | Gets or sets a value that indicate whether anti-aliasing should be used during rendering. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationContainerIndex | Gets or sets the active container index. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationDataProvider | Gets or sets the data provider to use for getting and setting image data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationGetContainersCallback | Gets or sets the callback that is used to obtain the collection of annotation containers used by the automation. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationObject | Gets or sets the automation object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationScrollOffset | Gets the scroll offset being used by the control. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.OnAutomationDoubleClick(AnnPointerEventArgs) | Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is double clicked or tapped on the control. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.OnAutomationPointerDown(AnnPointerEventArgs) | Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is pressed down or tapped on the control. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.OnAutomationPointerMove(AnnPointerEventArgs) | Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is moving or dragging on the control. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.OnAutomationPointerUp(AnnPointerEventArgs) | Must be called when the pointer (mouse or touch) is released up from the control. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnObjectRenderer.RenderAlignmentTarget(AnnContainerMapper,AnnObject) | Renders highlight rectangle above the bounds of alignment target object when Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationManager.EnableObjectsAlignment is turned on and the object is target alignment. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnObjectRenderer.RenderContent(AnnContainerMapper,AnnObject,AnnFixedStateOperations) | Renders the content of an annotation object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnObjectRenderer.RenderSelection(AnnContainerMapper,AnnObject) | Renders the selected part of this object if it supports a selection stroke. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.LeadPointCollection.#ctor | Initializes a new LeadPointCollection class object. |
The following members have been removed:
Name | Description |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCheckModifierCallback | - Callback used to determine whther a specific key is pressed in this platform. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer.Resources | Gets or sets the annotations resources used by this container. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.Apply(RasterImage,AnnContainerMapper) | Applies this AnnEncryptObject object to an image. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabel.IsRestricted | Enables or disables this Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabel from being positioned outside of the Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer boundaries. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection`1 | - A generic observable collection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject.Image | Gets or sets the image for the realized area of this Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject.Realize(RasterImage,AnnContainerMapper) | Realizes this Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject to the specified image data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject.Restore(RasterImage,AnnContainerMapper) | Restores the background behind the Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSelectionObject.SelectionStroke | Gets or sets the stroke to use when drawing the frame of this object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnThickness.op_Equality(AnnThickness,AnnThickness) | Compares two Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnThickness objects for equality. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnThickness.op_Inequality(AnnThickness,AnnThickness) | Compares two Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnThickness objects for inequality. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationContainer | Gets the annotation container associated with this control. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationOffset | Gets the offset the automation control. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationSize | Gets the size of the automation control. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.Image | Gets the Leadtools.RasterImage to use when a redaction object is realized or restored. |
Leadtools.Annotations.IO.AnnIo | - Provides support for loading annotation files saved by previous versions of LEADTOOLS. |
Android, iOS / macOS, and .NET WinForms support - LEADTOOLS V18 adds Android support to its toolkits through the new LEADTOOLS Android SDK. In addition, iOS / macOS support for its toolkits has been added through the new LEADTOOLS iOS / macOS SDK; and .NET WinForms support has been added through the new LEADTOOLS .NET WinForms SDK. These toolkits provide everything a developer needs to create imaging-enabled Android, iOS / macOS, or .NET WinForms applications.
The following Libraries have been added to LEADTOOLS version 18:
Member | Description |
Leadtools.Annotations.IO.AnnIo | Provides support for loading annotation files saved by previous versions of LEADTOOLS. |
Leadtools.Annotations.IO.AnnIo (Constructor) | Initializes a new instance of Leadtools.Annotations.IO.AnnIo |
Leadtools.Annotations.IO.AnnIo.Load(String,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Int32) | Loads the annotation stored in a file at the specified page. |
Leadtools.Annotations.IO.AnnIo.Load(IO.Stream,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Int32) | Loads the annotation stored in a stream at the specified page. |
Leadtools.Annotations.IO.AnnIo.Load(String) | Loads the annotation stored in a file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.IO.AnnIo.Load(IO.Stream) | Loads the annotation stored in a stream. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveToString(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat,Int32) | Saves an annotation container to a string. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.GetInfoFromString(String) | Gets information about the specified annotation xml data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.GetInfo(IO.Stream) | Gets information about the specified annotation file stored in a stream. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadFromString(String,Int32) | Loads an annotation container from the specified xml data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Load(IO.Stream,Int32) | Loads an annotation container from the specified stream. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Save(String,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat,Int32) | Saves an annotation container to a file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Save(IO.Stream,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat,Int32) | Saves an annotation container to a stream. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.GetInfoAsync(StorageFile) | Gets information about the specified annotation file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadAsync(StorageFile,Int32) | Loads an annotation container from the specified storage file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveAsync(StorageFile,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat,Int32) | Saves an annotation container to a storage file data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadFromXmlDocument(Document,Int32) (Java) | Loads an annotation container from the specified XML document. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.LoadFromXmlDocument(Document,Int32) (Objective C) | Loads an annotation container from the specified XML document. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.GetInfoFromXmlDocument(Document) (Java) | Gets information about the specified XML document. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.GetInfoFromXmlDocument(Document) (Objective C) | Gets information about the specified XML document. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Load(String,Int32) (Java) | Loads an annotation container from the specified XML data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Load(String,Int32) (Objective C) | Loads an annotation container from the specified XML data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Load(File,Int32) (Java) | Loads an annotation container from the specified file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Save(IO.Stream,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat,String,Int32) (Java) | Saves an annotation container to a stream. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Save(Writer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat,String,Int32) (Java) | Saves an annotation container to a writer. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Save(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat,String,Int32) (Java) | Saves an annotation container to XML data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.Save(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat,String,Int32) (Objective C) | Saves an annotation container to XML data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveLayer(IO.Stream,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat,Int32) | Saves an annotation layer to a stream. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveLayer(String,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat,Int32) | Saves an annotation layer to a file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs.SaveLayerToString(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFormat) | Saves an annotation layer to a string. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCheckModifierCallback | Callback used to determine whether a specific key is pressed in this platform. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeMode | Determines how to resize the container in the new dimension values. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeMode.Fit |
Fit the container into the destination size while maintaining the aspect ratio. If the container size is smaller than the destination size, do not perform resizing. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeMode.FitAlways |
Always fit the container into the destination size while maintaining the aspect ratio, even if the container size is smaller than the destination size. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeMode.FitWidth |
Adjust the container width so it has the same value as the destination size, while maintaining the aspect ratio |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeMode.FitHeight |
Adjust the container height so it has the same value as the destination size, while maintaining the aspect ratio |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeMode.Stretch |
Adjust the container so it has the same exact size as the destination size. Aspect ratio may not be maintained |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeContainerFlags | Flags for the AnnContainer.Resize method. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeContainerFlags.None |
Resize only the container. The annotations objects will not be affected. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeContainerFlags.ResizeObjects | Resize the container and the objects inside. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeContainerFlags.AutoCalibrate | If used along with **ResizeObject**, then any rulers inside the container will be auto-calibrated using the new size. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer.Resize(Leadtools.LeadSizeD,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeContainerFlags,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnResizeMode) | Resizes this container to the specified size using the specified options. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer.Layers | Gets the collection of AnnLayers in this AnnContainer. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer.ActiveLayer | Gets or sets the active layer in this container. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer.IsEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the object is enabled. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer.HitTestBehavior | Gets or sets a value that determines how objects are hit-tested using a selection rectangle. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer.UserData | Gets or sets a user-defined value associated with this container |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper.StrokeFromContainerCoordinates(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnStroke,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFixedStateOperations) | Converts a stroke to container coordinates. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper.FontRelativeToDevice | Gets or sets a value that indicate whether font size is relative to the device (screen). |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper.Offset | Gets or sets the offset for this AnnContainerMapper. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.MediaObjectId | Returns the ID for a "media" object. Not used in this version of the annotation framework. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.GetInvalidateRect(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnObjectRenderer) | Gets a LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.ScaleVector(Double,Double,Leadtools.LeadPointD,Leadtools.LeadPointD,Leadtools.LeadPointD) | Scales the AnnObject by the specified ratios, unit vector and center point. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.StateId | Gets or sets the optional state ID of this object to be used with state rendering engines. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.Layer | Get the optional layer that contain this object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.Opacity | Gets or sets a value indicating the opacity value to use when rendering this object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject.Metadata | Gets the metadata associated with this object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPolyRulerObject.GetInvalidateRect(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnObjectRenderer) | Gets a LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCrossProductObject.GetRulerLength(Double) | Gets the calibrated length of this AnnCrossProductObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCrossProductObject.SupportsFill | Indicates if this object supports a fill. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCurveObject.GetBoundingRectangle | Gets the bounding rectangle for this AnnCurveObject object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRectangleObject(Leadtools.LeadRectD) (Constructor) | Initializes a new AnnRectangleObject class object with specified values. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject | Defines an annotation encrypt object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject (Constructor) | Initializes a new AnnEncryptObject class object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.ScaleVector(Double,Double,Leadtools.LeadPointD,Leadtools.LeadPointD,Leadtools.LeadPointD) | Scales the AnnEncryptObject by the specified ratios, unit vector and center point. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.Rotate(Double,Leadtools.LeadPointD) | Rotates the AnnEncryptObject around the specified point by the specified number of degrees. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.Translate(Double,Double) | Translates the AnnEncryptObject by the specified values. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.Create | Creates a new instance of AnnEncryptObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.Clone | Creates an exact copy of this AnnEncryptObject object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.Apply(Leadtools.RasterImage,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper) | Applies this AnnEncryptObject object to an image. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.Serialize(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSerializeOptions,Xml.XmlNode,Xml.XmlDocument) | Serializes the object to an XML document. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.Deserialize(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnDeserializeOptions,Xml.XmlNode,Xml.XmlDocument) | Loads this object with data from the specified XML. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.FriendlyName | Gets the friendly name for AnnEncryptObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.PrimaryPicture | Gets or sets the primary AnnPicture object associated with this AnnEncryptObject object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.SecondaryPicture | Gets or sets the secondary AnnPicture object associated with this AnnEncryptObject object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.DefaultPrimaryPicture | Gets or sets the id of the default primary picture used for the AnnEncryptObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.DefaultSecondaryPicture | Gets or sets the id of the default secondary picture used for the AnnEncryptObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.Key | Gets or sets the key used to encrypt or decrypt this AnnEncryptObject object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.ResetKeyIfApplied | Gets or sets a value to indicate whether the Key of this AnnEncryptObject object is reset to 0 when applied. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.SerializeKeyIfEncrypted | Gets or sets a value to indicate whether the Key of this AnnEncryptObject object is serialized along with the rest of the object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.Encryptor | Gets or sets a value to indicate whether this AnnEncryptObject object is in an encryptor or a decryptor. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.IsEncrypted | Gets a value indicating whether this AnnEncryptObject object is currently encrypted. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.CanEncrypt | Gets a value indicating whether this AnnEncryptObject object is ready to encrypt. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.CanDecrypt | Gets a value indicating whether this AnnEncryptObject object is ready to decrypt. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.SupportsStroke | Indicates if this object supports AnnStroke. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.SupportsFill | Indicates if this object supports a fill. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.CanRotate | Indicates if this object supports rotation. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnEncryptObject.HitTestInterior | Indicates if this AnnEncryptObject supports hit testing of its interior. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextObject.WordWrap | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an AnnTextObject automatically wraps words to the beginning of the next line when necessary. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnNoteObject.GetInvalidateRect(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnObjectRenderer) | Gets a LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPointerObject.GetBoundingRectangle | Gets the bounding rectangle for this AnnPointerObject object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPointerObject.SupportsFill | Indicates if this object supports a fill. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnProtractorObject(Leadtools.LeadPointD,Leadtools.LeadPointD,Leadtools.LeadPointD) (Constructor) | Initializes a new AnnProtractorObject class object with specified values. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnProtractorObject.SupportsFill | Indicates if this object supports a fill. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject.Realize(Leadtools.RasterImage,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper) | Realizes this AnnRedactionObject to the specified image data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject.Restore(Leadtools.RasterImage,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper) | Restores the background behind the AnnRedactionObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRedactionObject.Image | Gets or sets the image for the realized area of this AnnRedactionObject |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSelectionObject.ApplyProperties | Applies the properties of this selection object to its children. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSelectionObject.GetInvalidateRect(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnObjectRenderer) | Gets a LeadRectD object that specifies the current physical rectangle of this AnnSelectionObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSelectionObject.SelectionStroke | Gets or sets the stroke to use when drawing the frame of this object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextPointerObject.GetBoundingRectangle | Gets the bounding rectangle for this AnnTextPointerObject object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnTextPointerObject.Rotate(Double,Leadtools.LeadPointD) | Rotates the AnnTextPointerObject around the specified point by the specified number of degrees. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMediaObject | Defines a media (Audio or Video) object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMediaObject (Constructor) | Initializes a new AnnMediaObject class object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMediaObject.Create | Creates a new instance of AnnMediaObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMediaObject.Clone | Creates an exact copy of this AnnMediaObject object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMediaObject.Serialize(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSerializeOptions,Xml.XmlNode,Xml.XmlDocument) | Serializes the object to an XML document. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMediaObject.Deserialize(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnDeserializeOptions,Xml.XmlNode,Xml.XmlDocument) | Loads this object with data from the specified XML. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMediaObject.FriendlyName | Gets the friendly name for AnnMediaObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMediaObject.Media | Gets or sets the media associated with this object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMediaObject.HitTestInterior | Indicates if this AnnMediaObject supports hit testing of its interior. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnAudioObject | Defines an audio object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnAudioObject (Constructor) | Initializes a new AnnAudioObject class object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnAudioObject.Create | Creates a new instance of AnnAudioObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnAudioObject.Clone | Creates an exact copy of this AnnAudioObject object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnAudioObject.Serialize(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSerializeOptions,Xml.XmlNode,Xml.XmlDocument) | Serializes the object to an XML document. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnAudioObject.Deserialize(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnDeserializeOptions,Xml.XmlNode,Xml.XmlDocument) | Loads this object with data from the specified XML. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnAudioObject.FriendlyName | Gets the friendly name for AnnAudioObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnAudioObject.HitTestInterior | Indicates if this AnnAudioObject supports hit testing of its interior. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine (Constructor) | Initializes a new instance of AnnRenderingEngine. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.MeasureString(String,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFont) | Measures the specified string when drawn with the specified font. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.AttachContainer(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer) | Attaches a container to this drawing engine. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.Detach | Detaches this this drawing engine from the container. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.RenderLayer(Leadtools.LeadRectD,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Boolean) | Renders an individual layer using the specified clip rectangle. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.RenderLayers(Leadtools.LeadRectD,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayerCollection,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Boolean) | Renders annotation layers using the specified clip rectangle. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.RenderContainer(Leadtools.LeadRectD,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer,Boolean) | Renders a container using the specified clip rectangle. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnRenderingEngine.Stateless | Gets a value that indicate whether this rendering engine is stateless. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnUnit.Pixel | Specifies the pixel as the unit of measure. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys | Indicates a key code. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.None | No key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.Enter | Enter key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.Escape | Escape key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.Space | Space key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.Alt | ALT key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.Shift | Shift key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.Control | Control key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.KeyCode | Indicate the key code |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnKeys.Modifiers | Modifiers key |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnHitTestBehavior | Indicates the hit-test behavior. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnHitTestBehavior.Intersects |
The selection rectangle can intersect with any part of the object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnHitTestBehavior.Contains |
The selection rectangle must fully contain the object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnNotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateRemove(Int32) | Creates a new instance of Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnNotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs for a remove operation. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnNotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateMove(Int32,Int32) | Creates a new Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnNotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs for a move item event. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnNotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs.CreateReplace(Int32) | Creates a new Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnNotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs for a replace item event. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnToolTipEventArgs | Provides data for the AnnAutomation.ToolTip event. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnToolTipEventArgs.Create(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject,Leadtools.LeadRectD) | Creates a new AnnToolTipEventArgs with the specified parameters. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnToolTipEventArgs.AnnotationObject | Gets the annotation object requesting the tooltip. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnToolTipEventArgs.Bounds | Gets the boundary of the object requesting the tooltip. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnToolTipEventArgs.Cancel | Gets or sets a value whether to cancel showing the tooltip. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnSolidColorBrush.brush(String) (Objective C) | Creates an AnnSolidColorBrush object with the specified color. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabel.StateId | Gets or sets the optional state ID of this label to be used with state rendering engines. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayerCollection | Represents a dynamic collection of AnnLayers and provides notifications when items are added or removed. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T> | A generic observable collection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnNotifyCollectionChanged | Defines an interface to notify when a collection has changed. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnNotifyCollectionChanged.CollectionChanged | Occurs when the collection changes. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T>.ToArray | Gets the item of this collection as an array. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T> Constructor(Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>) | Initializes a new instance of AnnObservableCollection> from the specified collection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T> Constructor(Collections.Generic.List<T>) | Initializes a new instance of AnnObservableCollection from the specified list. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T> Constructor | Initializes a new empty AnnObservableCollection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T>.InsertItem(Int32,<T>) | Inserts an item into this collection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T>.Move(Int32,Int32) | Moves an item to a new index. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T>.MoveItem(Int32,Int32) | Moves an item to a new index. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T>.OnCollectionChanged(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnNotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) | Forces the event. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T>.RemoveItem(Int32) | Remove an item from the collection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T>.SetItem(Int32,<T>) | Sets an item in the collection with a new value. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T>.ClearItems | Clears the collection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObservableCollection<T>.CollectionChanged | Occurs when the collection changes. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayerCollection(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer) (Constructor) | Creates a new layer collection for the specified owner. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayerCollection.InsertItem(Int32,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer) | Inserts an item into this collection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayerCollection.RemoveItem(Int32) | Removes an item from this collection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayerCollection.SendToBack(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer,Boolean) | Moves a layer down in the Z-order of the list. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayerCollection.BringToFront(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer,Boolean) | Moves a layer up in the Z-order of the list. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayerCollection.Owner | Gets the owner layer of this collection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer | Defines an annotation layer to logically group common annotations objects. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer (Constructor) | Creates a new layer. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer.Create(String) | Creates a new layer with the specified name. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer.Parent | Gets the parent of this layer. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer.Name | Gets or sets the optional name of this layer. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer.IsVisible | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this layer is visible. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer.Children | Gets the collection of AnnObjects in this layer. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLayer.Layers | Gets the collection of children AnnLayers of this layer. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObjectCollection(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject[]) (Constructor) | Creates a new AnnObjectCollection with values. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObjectCollection.SendToBack(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject,Boolean) | Moves an object down in the Z-order of the list. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObjectCollection.BringToFront(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject,Boolean) | Moves an object up in the Z-order of the list. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPicture(Byte[]) (Constructor) | Creates a new instance of the AnnPicture from PNG data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPicture(Resources,Int32) (Constructor) | Initializes a new instance of the AnnPicture class from resources. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPicture(InputStream) (Constructor) | Initializes a new instance of the AnnPicture object from the specified input stream. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPicture.Resources (Java) | Gets the resources object that contains the image. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPicture.ResourcesId (Java) | Gets the image resource id. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnPicture.Stream (Java) | Gets the InputStream containing the raw image data. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnThickness.op_Equality(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnThickness,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnThickness) | Compares two AnnThickness objects for equality. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnThickness.op_Inequality(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnThickness,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnThickness) | Compares two AnnThickness objects for inequality. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMedia | Defines a media (audio or video) source. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMedia (Constructor) | Initializes a new instance of AnnMedia. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMedia.Clone | Creates an exact copy of this AnnMedia object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMedia.Source1 | Gets or sets the URL to the main media file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMedia.Type1 | Gets or sets the optional media type for Source1 |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMedia.Source2 | Gets or sets the optional first alternate URL to the main media file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMedia.Type2 | Gets or sets the optional media type for Source2 |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMedia.Source3 | Gets or sets the optional second alternate URL to the main media file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnMedia.Type3 | Gets or sets the optional media type for Source3 |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerCollection | Represents a dynamic collection of AnnContainer's and provides notifications when items are added or removed. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerCollection(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainer[]) (Constructor) | Creates a new Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerCollection with values. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerCollection (Constructor) | Creates a new empty Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerCollection. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.Image | Gets the RasterImage to use when a redaction object is realized or restored. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnAutomationControl.AutomationTouchListener (Java) | Represents events that are fired when the pointer is down(touched), moved, up (released) or double-tapped on the surface of the view. AnnPointerEventArgs |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnLabelRenderer.GetBounds(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnLabel,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnFixedStateOperations) | Gets the bound of the label. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnNotifyPropertyChanged | Defines an interface to notify when a property changes. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnNotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged | Occurs when a property changes. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnObjectRenderer.AddObject(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject) | Called by the state annotation rendering engine to add the element for this object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnObjectRenderer.RemoveObject(Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnObject) | Called by the state annotation rendering engine to remove the element for this object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnThumbStyle.RenderHitTest(Leadtools.LeadPointD,Leadtools.LeadPointD,Double,Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnContainerMapper) | Queries the specified location to determine if a test point is over the thumb using the specified mapper. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnThumbStyle.IsVisible | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this thumbnail in visible. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.IAnnThumbStyle.Renderer | Gets or sets the renderer for the parent object. |
The following members have been added to the existing types:
Packages, Frameworks or DLLs | Comments |
leadtools.annotations.core.jar | Android support for providing low-level annotation functionality. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.framework | iOS / macOS support for providing low-level annotation functionality. |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.DLL | .NET WinForms support for providing low-level annotation functionality. |
For more information, refer to New in 18.
Assemblies | Metadata | Comments |
Leadtools.Annotations.Core.DLL | N/A | The AnnObject class is the base class for all LEADTOOLS Annotation objects. This class (and other classes from the Leadtools.Annotations namespace), provide low-level annotation functionality. |
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Feedback: Leadtools.Annotations.Core Assembly Changes |
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Help Version 19.0.2017.6.21