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Units to use for the page size.
public AutoFixImageResolutionUnit Unit { get; set; }
public AutoFixImageResolutionUnit getUnit();
public void setUnit(
AutoFixImageResolutionUnit autoFixImageResolutionUnit
property AutoFixImageResolutionUnit^ Unit
AutoFixImageResolutionUnit^ get()
void set(AutoFixImageResolutionUnit^ value)
Unit # get and set (AutoFixImageResolutionOptions)
The units to use for the page size. Default value is AutoFixImageResolutionUnit.Inch.
The page size is set in AutoFixImageResolutionOptions.PageWidth and AutoFixImageResolutionOptions.PageHeight and the unit is set in AutoFixImageResolutionUnit.Inch. The default values are 8.5 and 11 (in inches) respectively.
For more information, refer to AutoFixImageResolutionOptions.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
public static void AutoFixImageResolutionOptions_Example()
// Simulate a digital camera image
string fileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "digital-camera.jpg");
int pixelWidth = 3042;
int pixelHeight = 4032;
int resolution = 72;
using (var rasterImage = RasterImage.Create(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, 24, resolution, RasterColor.White))
using (var codecs = new RasterCodecs())
codecs.Save(rasterImage, fileName, RasterImageFormat.ExifJpeg411, 24);
// Load it using the default values, it should be the original size
using (var codecs = new RasterCodecs())
using (var rasterImage = codecs.Load(fileName, 1))
Console.WriteLine("image size {0} by {1} pixels at {2} DPI", rasterImage.Width, rasterImage.Height, rasterImage.XResolution);
// Show its size in inches
double inchesWidth = (double)rasterImage.Width / rasterImage.XResolution;
double inchesHeight = (double)rasterImage.Height / rasterImage.YResolution;
Console.WriteLine("size in inches {0} by {1}", inchesWidth, inchesHeight);
Debug.Assert(rasterImage.Width == pixelWidth);
Debug.Assert(rasterImage.Height == pixelHeight);
Debug.Assert(rasterImage.XResolution == resolution);
Debug.Assert(rasterImage.YResolution == resolution);
Console.WriteLine("Fixing the resolution");
// Automatically fix its resolution next time we load it
AutoFixImageResolutionOptions options = RasterDefaults.GetAutoFixImageResolutionOptions();
options.PageWidth = 8.5;
options.PageHeight = 11;
options.Unit = AutoFixImageResolutionUnit.Inch;
options.MinResolution = 96;
using (var codecs = new RasterCodecs())
// Use the option with this RasterCodecs
codecs.Options.Load.AutoFixImageResolution = true;
using (var rasterImage = codecs.Load(fileName, 1))
Console.WriteLine("image size {0} by {1} pixels at {2} DPI", rasterImage.Width, rasterImage.Height, rasterImage.XResolution);
// Show its size in inches
double inchesWidth = (double)rasterImage.Width / rasterImage.XResolution;
double inchesHeight = (double)rasterImage.Height / rasterImage.YResolution;
Console.WriteLine("size in inches {0} by {1}", inchesWidth, inchesHeight);
Debug.Assert(rasterImage.Width == pixelWidth);
Debug.Assert(rasterImage.Height == pixelHeight);
Debug.Assert((int)inchesWidth <= 8.5);
Debug.Assert((int)inchesHeight <= 11);
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images";
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import org.junit.*;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;
import org.junit.runner.Result;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import leadtools.*;
import leadtools.codecs.*;
public void rasterDefaultsAutoFixImageResolutionOptionsExample() {
// Simulate a digital camera image
final String LEAD_VARS_IMAGES_DIR = "C:\\LEADTOOLS23\\Resources\\Images";
String fileName = combine(LEAD_VARS_IMAGES_DIR, "digital-camera.jpg");
int pixelWidth = 3042;
int pixelHeight = 4032;
int resolution = 72;
RasterImage rasterImage = RasterImage.create(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, 24, resolution, RasterColor.WHITE);
RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();, fileName, RasterImageFormat.EXIF_JPEG_411, 24);
// Load it using the default values, it should be the original size
RasterImage rasterImage2 = codecs.load(fileName, 1);
System.out.printf("image size %d by %d pixels at %d DPI\n", rasterImage2.getWidth(), rasterImage2.getHeight(),
// Show its size in inches
double inchesWidth = (double) rasterImage2.getWidth() / rasterImage2.getXResolution();
double inchesHeight = (double) rasterImage2.getHeight() / rasterImage2.getYResolution();
System.out.printf("size in inches %f by %f", inchesWidth, inchesHeight);
assertTrue(rasterImage2.getWidth() == pixelWidth);
assertTrue(rasterImage2.getHeight() == pixelHeight);
assertTrue(rasterImage2.getXResolution() == resolution);
assertTrue(rasterImage2.getYResolution() == resolution);
System.out.println("Fixing the resolution");
// Automatically fix its resolution next time we load it
AutoFixImageResolutionOptions options = RasterDefaults.getAutoFixImageResolutionOptions();
// Use the option with this RasterCodecs
RasterImage rasterImage3 = codecs.load(fileName, 1);
System.out.printf("image size %d by %d pixels at %d DPI", rasterImage3.getWidth(), rasterImage3.getHeight(),
// Show its size in inches
double inchesWidth2 = (double) rasterImage3.getWidth() / rasterImage3.getXResolution();
double inchesHeight2 = (double) rasterImage3.getHeight() / rasterImage3.getYResolution();
System.out.printf("size in inches %f by %f", inchesWidth, inchesHeight);
assertTrue(rasterImage3.getWidth() == pixelWidth);
assertTrue(rasterImage3.getHeight() == pixelHeight);
assertTrue((int) inchesWidth2 <= 8.5);
assertTrue((int) inchesHeight2 <= 11);
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