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Factory Class


Factory class that can be used to quickly create ILeadStream objects from various input or output sources.

public sealed abstract class Factory 
class Factory: 

LeadStream.Factory is a class containing helper methods that can be used to quickly create ILeadStream objects form various input or output sources. For instance:

// From a .NET stream. This returns LeadStream 
ILeadStream leadStream1 = LeadStream.Factory.FromStream(stream); 
// From a file on disk. This returns LeadFileStream 
ILeadStream leadStream2 = LeadStream.Factory.OpenFile(fileName); 
// From a URL. This returns HttpClientLeadStream 
ILeadStream leadStream3 = await LeadStream.Factory.FromUri(new Uri(url))) 

Refer to RasterCodecs Async Operations for more information and examples.


For .NET Framework: A reference to the Leadtools.Async.dll assembly is required to use this functionality.

For .NET Standard: This functionality is included in the Leadtools.dll assembly.

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Help Version 23.0.2024.5.22
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Leadtools Assembly
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