Perform the following steps to create a media server using the ltmsServer object:
1. |
Set up a folder containing the source media files. |
2. |
Make sure you have applied your license to the library. See Setting a Runtime License for details. |
3. |
Create an instance of the ltmsServer Object, acquiring the IltmsServer Interface. All properties are set to default values. |
4. |
(Optional) Set up logging by providing your implementation of an IltmsLogHandler through IltmsServer::putref_LogHandler. |
5. |
(Optional) Set up the server configuration by calling IltmsServer::ImportConfigFile, IltmsServer::ImportConfigString, or setting the ltmsServer properties individually. |
6. | Call IltmsServer::Start to run the server. |
7. |
(Optional) Add Live Server sources. A new live source can be added by using the following steps for each:
8. |
Stream video from the server using browsers or media players. |
9. |
Call IltmsServer::Stop when finished. |