Export Configuration To Registry Example for C++

HRESULT ExportConfigToRegistry(IltmsServer* server, HKEY hkeyParent, LPCTSTR pszKeyName, LPCTSTR pszValueName) 
   HRESULT hr; 
   CRegKey key; 
   LONG result; 
   CComBSTR v; 
   // get the configuration from the server 
   hr = server->ExportConfigString(&v); 
      goto error; 
   // write it to the registry 
   result = key.Create(hkeyParent, pszKeyName); 
   if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS) 
      hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(result); 
      goto error; 
   result = key.SetStringValue(pszValueName, CString(v)); 
   if(result != ERROR_SUCCESS) 
      hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(result); 
      goto error; 
   return hr; 
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