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AutoZoningOptions Enumeration

Flags that determine the behavior of the auto zoning process.

public enum AutoZoningOptions 
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, LTAutoZoningOptions) 
public final class AutoZoningOptions 
    extends java.lang.Enum<AutoZoningOptions> 
public enum class AutoZoningOptions   
class AutoZoningOptions(Enum): 
   UseMultiThreading = 0 
   UseMultiThreading = 0 
   UseMultiThreading = 0 
   UseMultiThreading = 0 
   UseMultiThreading = 0 
   UseMultiThreading = 0 
   UseMultiThreading = 0 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, DetectText = 1 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, DetectGraphics = 2 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, DetectTable = 4 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, AllowOverlap = 16 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, ICRAutoZone = 128 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, DetectGeneralZones = 256 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, AsianAutoZone = 512 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, RecognizeOneCellTable = 4096 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, UseAdvancedTableDetection = 8192 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, UseLinesReconstruction = 16384 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, UseTextDetectionVersion = 32768 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, DetectCheckbox = 65536 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, DetectAll = 65543 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, VerticalText = 1048576 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, LowCheckboxDetectionSensitivity = 2097152 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, FavorGraphics = 4194304 
   None, DetectAccurateZones, HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity, DontRecognizeOneCellTable, DontAllowOverlap, UseNormalTableDetection, DontUseMultiThreading = -2147483648 
Value Member Description
0x80000000 DontUseMultiThreading Don't Use Multithreading (that will be used with a single-core CPUs)
0x00000000 DontRecognizeOneCellTable Do not recognize tables that contain only one cell. (ignore one-cell tables (borders), and detect what is inside.)
0x00000000 UseNormalTableDetection Use Normal Table Detection
0x00000000 DetectAccurateZones Don't merge text zones and keep them separated (paragraphs)
0x00000000 UseMultiThreading Use Multithreading (that will be faster with a multi-core CPUs)
0x00000000 None None.
0x00000000 DontAllowOverlap Don't allow overlapping zones.
0x00000000 HighCheckboxDetectionSensitivity The sensitivity of matching the checkboxes shape is high, and hence, the false negative detection is low.
0x00000001 DetectText Detect text zones.
0x00000002 DetectGraphics Detect graphic zones.
0x00000004 DetectTable Detect table zones.
0x00010007 DetectAll Detect all zones.
0x00000010 AllowOverlap Allows overlapping zones.
0x00000080 ICRAutoZone ICR Auto Zone
0x00000100 DetectGeneralZones Merge text zones to the maximum.
0x00000200 AsianAutoZone Detect Asian text (Japanese, Chinese, Korean...etc).
0x00001000 RecognizeOneCellTable Recognize tables that contain only one cell, (consider the borders as one-cell tables).
0x00002000 UseAdvancedTableDetection Use Advanced Table Detection to return more accurate results and detect complex tables
0x00004000 UseLinesReconstruction Use Lines Reconstruction to connect broken lines and for patterned tables.
0x00008000 UseTextDetectionVersion Modifies the input image removing tables and graphics, leaving only the text area. It won't return the text zones in the IList<T> containing the recognized zones. Note: Make a copy of the original image if you want to keep it, since when this function is set to UseTextDetectionVersion the original image is modified.
0x00010000 DetectCheckbox Detect checkboxes zones.
0x00100000 VerticalText Detect vertical text zones.
0x00200000 LowCheckboxDetectionSensitivity The sensitivity of matching the checkboxes shape is low, and hence, the false negative detection is high.
0x00400000 FavorGraphics Efficiently detects and cleans up Figures.

You can use a bitwise OR ( | ) to specify one or more flags.


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