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DotRemoveCommandFlags Enumeration

Flags that determine the behavior of the dot removal process.

public enum DotRemoveCommandFlags   
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, LTDotRemoveCommandFlags) 
public final class DotRemoveCommandFlags 
    extends java.lang.Enum<DotRemoveCommandFlags> 
public enum class DotRemoveCommandFlags   
class DotRemoveCommandFlags(Enum): 
   None = 0 
   UseDpi = 1 
   SingleRegion = 2 
   LeadRegion = 4 
   CallBackRegion = 8 
   ImageUnchanged = 16 
   UseSize = 32 
   UseDiagonals = 4096 
0x00000000None No flags.
0x00000001UseDpi The unit of measure for all properties of the DotRemoveCommand is thousandths of an inch. Use the image's DPI to convert to pixels. This allows the processing of many images with different DPI. If this flag is not set, the unit of measure for all properties of the DotRemoveCommand is pixels.
0x00000002SingleRegion For each dot encountered by DotRemoveCommand, if the Status is set to RemoveStatus.Remove, the removed dot is added to an internal single region. If it is set to RemoveStatus.NoRemove, the dot is not added to the single region. When DotRemoveCommand returns, either ImageRegion or Region will reference a region that contains all the removed dots. If LeadRegion is also set, ImageRegion will be updated with a shallow copy of image that has a LEAD region that contains all the removed dots. If LeadRegion is not set, Region is updated with a LEADTOOLS RasterRegion that contains all the removed dots. When the region (either LEAD or Windows) is no longer needed, it must be disposed (either region allocated in ImageRegion or Region).
0x00000004LeadRegion When DotRemoveCommand returns, ImageRegion is updated with a shallow copy of the image that also contains a region with all the removed dots. This flag must be used in conjunction with SingleRegion.
0x00000008CallBackRegion The Region property is updated with a LEADTOOLS RasterRegion that contains the current dot to be removed. Setting this flag lets the user create his or her own composite of removed dots by combining the regions received, if Status is set to RemoveStatus.Remove. The regions can be combined using a logical OR operator. Combining all regions received when the Status is set to RemoveStatus.Remove results in a region identical to the region created when SingleRegion is set in Flags. For an example, refer to DotRemoveCommand. When the region received by the Region property is no longer needed, it must be released.
0x00000010ImageUnchanged The resulting image is unchanged.
0x00000020UseSize Use the MinimumDotWidth, MinimumDotHeight, MaximumDotWidth, MaximumDotHeight properties of the DotRemoveCommand to indicate the size of the dots to remove. If this flag is not set, default values for the four sizes will be used. These defaults are as follows: MinimumDotWidth = 1, MinimumDotHeight = 1, MaximumDotWidth = 2, MaximumDotHeight= 2.
0x00001000UseDiagonals Considers pixels that are diagonal as part of the dot. Consider the "speck" below consisting of nine pixels.

If this flag is used, this speck is considered a single dot that is 5x5 pixels. If this flag is not used, the speck is considered three dots (2x2, 1x1, 2x2).


You can use a bitwise OR ( | ) to specify one or more flags.


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