Creating a Media Server Using the ltmsServer Object

Perform the following steps to create a media server using the ltmsServer object:

  1. Set up a folder containing the source media files.
  2. Make sure you have applied your license to the library. See Setting a Runtime License for details.
  3. Create an instance of the ltmsServer Object, acquiring the IltmsServer Interface. All properties are set to default values.
  4. (Optional) Set up logging by providing your implementation of an IltmsLogHandler through IltmsServer::putref_LogHandler.
  5. (Optional) Set up the server configuration by calling IltmsServer::ImportConfigFile, IltmsServer::ImportConfigString, or setting the ltmsServer properties individually.
  6. Call IltmsServer::Start to run the server.
  7. (Optional) Add Live Server sources. A new live source can be added by using the following steps for each:
  8. Stream video from the server using browsers or media players.
  9. Call IltmsServer::Stop when finished.
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