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ltmsSetLicenseFlags Enumeration Constants


Defines the possible flags for setting the license.


typedef enum ltmsSetLicenseFlags 
   ltmsSetLicenseFlags_LicenseIsFile = 1, 
   ltmsSetLicenseFlags_KeyIsFile = 2, 
   ltmsSetLicenseFlags_Overwrite = 4, 
} ltmsSetLicenseFlags; 
Constant Description
ltmsSetLicenseFlags_LicenseIsFile Specifies that the license parameter is a path to the license file. Absence of this flag indicates that the license parameter is a string containing the license data.
ltmsSetLicenseFlags_KeyIsFile Specifies that the key parameter is a path to a key file. Absence of this flag indicates that the key parameter is a string containing the key data.
ltmsSetLicenseFlags_Overwrite Specifies that the previous license state should be overwritten. Absence of this flag indicates that any existing valid license should not be overwritten.

See Also

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