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LEADTOOLS NuGet Packages Dependency Tree

LEADTOOLS binaries for .NET Framework require the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Runtime.
LEADTOOLS binaries for .NET Core for Windows require the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Runtime.

Most of the LEADTOOLS Windows dlls are compiled with Visual Studio 2017 and are linked statically to the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Runtime.
The Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Package cannot be installed on some versions of Windows. For supported versions, see Choosing a Deployment Method and Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows. The Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Runtime also requires the Windows Universal CRT library, which is distributed as part of Windows 10. For information on how to redistribute the universal CRT, see Introducing the Universal CRT.

The file names are the same for Win32 and x64. However, the actual binaries are different. The latest Microsoft Visual C/C++ Redistributables, include the latest C/C++ standards conformance updates and are recommended for Visual Studio 2015-2022

The tree below represents the dependency graph of the LEADTOOLS NuGet packages.

All LEADTOOLS NuGet packages require "Leadtools.dll.NETFramework" or "Leadtools.dll.NETStandard", depending on the target .NET runtime for your application. Although these are required packages, for simplicity, they are not shown in the tree below.

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