QR Code Barcodes in LEADTOOLS

The QR Code, or Quick Response Code barcode, is one of the most popular 2D barcodes available today and is used in a variety of industries including commercial tracking applications and mobile phone tagging applications.

Sample Barcode

QR Barcode
QR Code barcodes offer more data storage than linear (1D) barcodes: up to 2,953 bytes, 4,296 alphanumeric characters, or 7,089 numeric digits. Additionally, it includes Error Correction Code (ECC) for error-free reading even when a symbol is partially lost or destroyed.

Barcode Support

Data Options Member
LEADTOOLS Symbology Identifier BarcodeSymbology.QR
Data Class QRBarcodeData
Read Options QRBarcodeReadOptions
Write Options QRBarcodeWriteOptions

Information for Writing QR Barcodes with LEADTOOLS

The QR standard specifies 40 different sizes for the QR barcode. The maximum data capacity varies, depending on the size of the barcode and its Error Correction level.

The following table contains information for writing 2D QR codes:

Modules ECC Level
Data Bits Numeric Alphanumeric Binary Kanji
1 21x21 L 152 41 25 17 10
M 128 34 20 14 8
Q 104 27 16 11 7
H 72 17 10 7 4
2 25x25 L 272 77 47 32 20
M 224 63 38 26 16
Q 176 48 29 20 12
H 128 34 20 14 8
3 29x29 L 440 127 77 53 32
M 352 101 61 42 26
Q 272 77 47 32 20
H 208 58 35 24 15
4 33x33 L 640 187 114 78 48
M 512 149 90 62 38
Q 384 111 67 46 28
H 288 82 50 34 21
5 37x37 L 864 255 154 106 65
M 688 202 122 84 52
Q 496 144 87 60 37
H 368 106 64 44 27
6 41x41 L 1,088 322 195 134 82
M 864 255 154 106 65
Q 608 178 108 74 45
H 480 139 84 58 36
7 45x45 L 1,248 370 224 154 95
M 992 293 178 122 75
Q 704 207 125 32 20
H 528 154 93 64 39
8 49x49 L 1,552 461 279 192 118
M 1,232 365 221 152 93
Q 880 259 157 108 66
H 688 202 122 84 52
9 53x53 L 1,856 552 335 230 141
M 1,456 432 262 180 111
Q 1,056 312 189 130 80
H 800 235 143 98 60
10 57x57 L 2,192 652 395 271 167
M 1,728 513 311 213 131
Q 1,232 364 221 151 93
H 976 288 174 119 74
11 61x61 L 2,592 772 468 321 198
M 2,032 604 366 251 155
Q 1,440 427 259 177 109
H 1,120 331 200 137 85
12 65x65 L 2,960 883 535 367 226
M 2,320 691 419 287 177
Q 1,648 489 296 203 125
H 1,264 374 227 155 96
13 69x69 L 3,424 1,022 619 425 262
M 2,672 796 483 331 204
Q 1,952 580 352 241 149
H 1,440 427 259 177 109
14 73x73 L 3,688 1,101 667 458 282
M 2,920 871 528 362 223
Q 2,088 621 376 258 159
H 1,576 468 283 194 120
15 77x77 L 4,184 1,250 758 520 320
M 3,320 991 600 412 254
Q 2,360 703 426 292 180
H 1,784 530 321 220 136
16 81x81 L 4,712 1,408 854 586 361
M 3,624 1,082 656 450 277
Q 2,600 775 470 322 198
H 2,024 602 365 250 154
17 85x85 L 5,176 1,548 938 644 397
M 4,056 1,212 734 504 310
Q 2,936 876 531 364 224
H 2,264 674 408 280 173
18 89x89 L 5,768 1,725 1,046 718 442
M 4,056 1,212 734 504 310
Q 3,176 948 574 394 243
H 2,504 746 452 310 191
19 93x93 L 6,360 1,903 1,153 792 488
M 5,016 1,500 909 624 384
Q 3,560 1,063 644 442 272
H 2,728 813 493 338 208
20 97x97 L 6,888 2,061 1,249 858 528
M 5,352 1,600 970 666 410
Q 3,880 1,159 702 482 297
H 3,080 919 557 382 235
21 101x101 L 7,456 2,232 1,352 929 572
M 5,712 1,708 1,035 711 438
Q 4,096 1,224 742 509 314
H 3,248 969 587 403 248
22 105x105 L 8,048 2,409 1,460 1,003 618
M 6,256 1,872 1,134 779 480
Q 4,544 1,358 823 565 348
H 3,536 1,056 640 439 270
23 109x109 L 8,752 2,620 1,588 1,091 672
M 6,880 2,059 1,248 857 528
Q 4,912 1,468 890 611 376
H 3,712 1,108 672 461 284
24 113x113 L 9,392 2,812 1,704 1,171 721
M 7,312 2,188 1,326 911 561
Q 5,312 1,588 963 661 407
H 4,112 1,228 744 511 315
25 117x117 L 10,208 3,057 1,853 1,273 784
M 8,000 2,395 1,451 997 614
Q 5,744 1,718 1,041 715 440
H 4,304 1,286 779 535 330
26 121x121 L 10,960 3,283 1,990 1,367 842
M 8,496 2,544 1,542 1,059 652
Q 6,032 1,804 1,094 751 462
H 4,768 1,452 864 593 365
27 117x117 L 11,744 3,514 2,132 1,465 902
M 9,024 2,701 1,637 1,125 692
Q 6,464 1,933 1,172 805 496
H 5,288 1,581 958 658 405
28 129x129 L 12,248 3,669 2,223 1,528 940
M 9,544 2,857 1,732 1,190 732
Q 6,968 2,085 1,263 868 534
H 5,288 1,581 958 658 405
29 133x133 L 13,048 3,909 2,369 1,628 1,002
M 10,136 3,035 1,839 1,264 778
Q 7,288 2,181 1,322 908 559
H 5,608 1,677 1,016 698 430
30 137x137 L 13,880 4,158 2,520 1,732 1,066
M 10,984 3,289 1,994 1,370 843
Q 7,880 2,358 1,429 982 604
H 5,960 1,677 1,016 698 430
31 141x141 L 14,744 4,417 2,677 1,840 1,132
M 11,640 3,486 12,113 1,452 894
Q 8,264 2,473 1,499 1,030 634
H 6,344 1,897 1,150 790 486
32 145x145 L 15,640 4,686 2,840 1,952 1,201
M 12,328 3,693 2,238 1,538 947
Q 8,920 2,670 1,618 1,112 684
H 6,760 2,022 1,226 842 518
33 149x149 L 16,568 4,965 3,009 2,068 1,273
M 12,328 3,693 2,238 1,538 947
Q 9,368 2,805 1,700 1,168 719
H 7,208 2,157 1,307 898 553
34 153x153 L 17,528 5,253 3,183 2,188 1,273
M 13,800 4,134 2,506 1,722 1,060
Q 9,848 2,949 1,787 1,228 756
H 7,688 2,301 1,394 958 590
35 157x157 L 18,448 5,529 3,351 2,303 1,417
M 14,496 4,343 2,632 1,809 1,113
Q 10,288 3,081 1,867 1,283 790
H 7,888 2,361 1,431 983 605
36 161x161 L 19,472 5,836 3,537 2,431 1,496
M 15,312 4,588 2,780 1,911 1,176
Q 10,832 3,244 1,966 1,351 832
H 8,432 2,524 1,530 1,051 647
37 165x165 L 20,528 6,153 3,729 2,563 1,577
M 15,936 4,775 2,894 1,989 1,224
Q 11,408 3,417 2,071 1,423 876
H 8,768 2,625 1,591 1,093 673
38 169x169 L 21,616 6,497 3,927 2,699 1,661
M 16,816 5,039 3,054 2,099 1,292
Q 12,016 3,599 2,181 1,499 923
H 9,136 2,735 1,658 1,139 701
39 173x173 L 22,496 6,743 4,087 2,809 1,729
M 17,728 5,313 3,220 2,213 1,362
Q 12,656 3,791 2,298 1,579 972
H 9,776 2,927 1,774 1,219 750
40 177x177 L 23,648 7,089 4,296 2,953 1,817
M 18,672 5,596 3,391 2,331 1,435
Q 13,328 3,993 2,420 1,663 1,024
H 10,208 3,057 1,852 1,273 784
Help Version 23.0.2024.12.11
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