Changes from Version 14 to Version 14.5

Version 14.5 of the LEADTOOLS COM Objects has changed from Version 14 as follows:

image\sqrblit.gif With this mid-release of LEADTOOLS version 14, many new features are being introduced to the annotations. Some of these features alter the way annotations are displayed. Other features change or enhance the user interface. To maintain backward compatibility within version 14, most of these features must be enabled by calling the AnnSetOptions method. In LEADTOOLS version 15, these options will be enabled by default.

The following features are being introduced:

image\sqrblit.gif New Rubber Stamp Display Style

image\sqrblit.gif New XP Style Annotation Toolbar

image\sqrblit.gif New Alpha Background Fill Option

image\sqrblit.gif New Annotation Rotate Option

image\sqrblit.gif New Annotation Side Handles

image\sqrblit.gif New Annotation Multi-select

image\sqrblit.gif New Annotation Cursors

image\sqrblit.gif New ESC to Cancel

image\sqrblit.gif New Calibrate Ruler Feature

image\sqrblit.gif New Dot Dash Lines

image\sqrblit.gif New XML Format

image\sqrblit.gif New Text Annotation Options

For detailed information regarding the new features, refer to New Annotation Features of Version 14.5.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS supports now the Zoom View; which provides a means of "zooming in" on the image loaded into the window to which it is attached. This is similar to having multiple Magnifying Glasses on the same source image.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS supports the GeoKeys; which are TIFF files containing a few extra TIFF tags describing the image location, scale at which the picture was taken and many other information useful for topographic applications.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS has supported functionality to load and save embedded ICC profiles from JPEG, TIFF or EPS files.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS provides Image Optimization functionality to optimize certain image file formats, by saving images using the optimal bits per pixel, based on specific optimization options.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS has supported functionality to handle a mask image from a region.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS has supported functionality to extract bitmaps from a series.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS now supports the PDF Compressor to create compressed PDF files through MRC segmentation.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS has added the new functionality to MRC COM object to:

image\sqrblit.gif Automatically segment the specified bitmap, finding the best segment combination without specifying minimum segment dimensions.

image\sqrblit.gif Save MRC images contained in a bitmap list to a file using the MRC LEAD, standard Proprietary T44 or PDF format.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS has added new functionality to the Image List Control, for sorting the items in the image list based on their Text or Extended Text attributes, inserting a list of bitmaps into the Image List Control, and exporting a number of bitmaps from the Image List Control to a bitmap list.

image\sqrblit.gif When saving JBIG2 file, you can get or change the current values for the control options used by LEADTOOLS.

image\sqrblit.gif When loading TXT file, you can get or change the current values for the control options used by LEADTOOLS.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS supports CMYK functions, which handle CMYK TIFF Files as separate bitmaps.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS has added new functionality, which handles the TIFF and Exif files, such as compact TIFF files, enumerates all the tags in TIFF and Exif files, and deletes a tag from TIFF and Exif files.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS supports read a comment from a file at a specific location.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS has added functionality that enables or disables automatically inserting CLEAR codes during LZW compression. Saving LEAD TIFF LZW files uses the standard LZW compression, which uses CLEAR codes. Some IBM decoders cannot handle early CLEAR codes.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS provides functionality for compressing and decompressing ABIC images in buffers.

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS has improved the annotation toolkit by adding the following new features:

image\sqrblit.gif New functionality allows the user to extract information from annotation objects.

image\sqrblit.gif Several methods for manipulating annotation objects so they are flipped, reversed, or rotated.

image\sqrblit.gif Improve the annotation objects displaying and manipulating; such as; alter the object’s display order within the container, perform geometric transformations on an annotation, set the color display options of any annotation object, set the bitmap transparency if the annotation object(s) are Stamp or Point.

image\sqrblit.gif Please note that version 14.5 is the last version that will support the following:

File Formats: MrSid Format (SID)

File Formats: DjVu Format (DJVU)

image\sqrblit.gif LEADTOOLS now supports the following file formats:

File Formats: ABC Format (ABC)

File Formats: ABIC Format (ABIC, ICA)

File Formats: JBIG2 Format (JB2)

File Formats: Mixed Raster Content Format (MRC)

File Formats: TXT Format (TXT)

New properties, methods and events:

The following list is the new properties, methods and events in version 14.5.


AnnTextEdit method

AnnCalibrateRuler method

AnnSetOptions method

AnnGetOptions method

AnnSetRotateOptions method

AnnGetRotateOptions method

AnnShowRotateHandles property

AnnSetTextOptions method

AnnGetTextOptions method

AnnShowText property

AnnShowBorder property

AnnTextColor property

AnnAutoSnapCursor property

AnnGetFillModeExt method

AnnSetFillModeExt method

AnnFillMode property

AnnAlpha property


AutoSegmentExt method (ILEADRasterMrc)

MaskCoder property (ILEADRasterIO)

PictureCoder property (ILEADRasterIO)

Grayscale2BitCoder property (ILEADRasterIO)

Grayscale8BitCoder property (ILEADRasterIO)

Grayscale8BitQFactor property (ILEADRasterIO)

Text2BitCoder property (ILEADRasterIO)

PictureQFactor property (ILEADRasterIO)

MRCRasterCount property (ILEADRasterIO)

MRCRaster property (ILEADRasterIO)

SaveList method (ILEADRasterIO)

SegmentExt method (ILEADRasterMrc)

Using the Zoom View


SrcPenWidth property

CalloutPenWidth property

PenWidth property

AnnContainer property

BorderColor property

BorderStyle property

CalloutColor property

CalloutPenStyle property

DstHeight property

DstLeft property

DstTop property

DstWidth property

EnableCallouts property

Enabled property

ForceDst property

Index property

PenStyle property

SrcBorderColor property

SrcBorderStyle property

SrcHeight property

SrcLeft property

SrcPenStyle property

SrcTop property

SrcWidth property

ZoomFactor property


CreateZoomView method

DestroyZoomView method

EnableHiliteZoomView property

GetZoomView method

HasZoomView property

UpdateZoomView method

ZoomViewsCount property

Mask Image from a Region

CreateMaskFromRgn method

MaskBitmap property

SetRgnFromMask method

Image Optimization

DefaultOptions method

DirectoryInfo property

Distance property

EnableMethodErrors property

FilePercent property

JPEGColorSpace property

JPEGQFactor property

OnOptimize Event

OnOptimizeDir Event

OptimizeBuffer method

OptimizeDir method

OptimizedFileName property

OptimizeOptions property

OptimizingError property

OriginalFileName property

Percent property

PickSamePalette property

PNGQFactor property

StatusCode property

TotalFolderFilesCount property

TotalPercent property


SetGeoKey method

GetGeoKey method

GeoKeyType property

GeoKeyCount property

GeoKeyData property

WriteFileGeoKey method

ReadFileGeoKey method

EnumFileGeoKeys method

EnumGeoKeys event

StopFireEnumGeoKeys property

Extracting Bitmaps From A Series

Slice method

OnSliceBitmap event

SliceDeskewAngle property

ContinueSlicing property

ICC Profile

LoadICCProfile method

LoadICCProfile2 method

SaveICCProfile method

SaveICCProfile2 method

Compressed PDF File

BackGroundThreshold property

CleanSize property

ColorThreshold property

CombineThreshold property

EnableAddSegment property

EnableMethodErrors property

Flags property

ImageQuality property

MRCSegmentInfo property

OutputQuality property

PDFCompEvent event

PDFCompFree method

PDFCompInit method

PDFCompInsertMRC method

PDFCompInsertNormal method

PDFCompInsertSegments method

PDFCompSetCompression method

PDFCompWrite method

SegmentBottom property

SegmentColors property

SegmentColorsCount property

SegmentLeft property

SegmentQuality property

SegmentRight property

SegmentTop property

SegmentType property

UserSegmentInfo property

UserSegmentInfoCount property

Image List Control

ExportBitmapList method

ImportBitmapList method

SortExt method

ExportedBitmapList property

JBIG2 File Saving Options

JBIG2Flags property

JBIG2ImageFlags property

JBIG2ImageGBATX1 property

JBIG2ImageGBATX2 property

JBIG2ImageGBATX3 property

JBIG2ImageGBATX4 property

JBIG2ImageGBATY1 property

JBIG2ImageGBATY2 property

JBIG2ImageGBATY3 property

JBIG2ImageGBATY4 property

JBIG2ImageQFactor property

JBIG2ImageTemplateType property

JBIG2TextDifThreshold property

JBIG2TextFlags property

JBIG2TextGBATX1 property

JBIG2TextGBATX2 property

JBIG2TextGBATX3 property

JBIG2TextGBATX4 property

JBIG2TextGBATY1 property

JBIG2TextGBATY2 property

JBIG2TextGBATY3 property

JBIG2TextGBATY4 property

JBIG2TextMaxSymArea property

JBIG2TextMaxSymHeight property

JBIG2TextMaxSymWidth property

JBIG2TextMinSymArea property

JBIG2TextMinSymHeight property

JBIG2TextMinSymWidth property

JBIG2TextQFactor property

JBIG2TextTemplateType property

JBIG2XResolution property

JBIG2YResolution property

TXT Files Loading Options

TXTBold property

TXTBottomMarg property

TXTEnabled property

TXTFaceName property

TXTFontColor property

TXTFontSize property

TXTHighlight property

TXTItalic property

TXTLeftMarg property

TXTPaperHeight property

TXTPaperWidth property

TXTRightMarg property

TXTStrikeThrough property

TXTTopMarg property

TXTUnderLine property

Image Processing Functionality

AdjustTint method

BricksTexture method

Canvas method

Clouds method

ColoredBall property

ColoredBallsCount property

ColoredBalls method

ColoredPencil method

ColorHalfTone method

CorrelationList method

CorrelationList2 method

CorrelationListCount property

CorrelationListIndex property

CorrelationListMaxPoints property

CorrelationListX property

CorrelationListY property

DeskewExt method

DeskewExtAngle property

DiffuseGlow method

DisplaceMap method

GammaCorrectExt method

HalfTonePattern method

HighPassFilter method

MaskConvolution method

MosaicTiles method

Offset method

Perlin method

Perspective method

PerspectivePointsX property

PerspectivePointsY property

PlasmaFilter method

Pointillist method

RomanMosaic method

ShiftAmount property

ShiftMinimumToZero method

ShiftZeroToNegative method

Vignette method

ZigZag method


CMYKRasterCount property

LoadFileCMYKArray method

SaveFileCMYKArray method

CMYKRaster property

EnablePaintCMYKArray property

RasterIO property

Handling TIFF and Exif Files

CompactFile method

DeleteTag method

EnumFileTags method

EnumTags event

StopFireEnumTags property

Reading a comment from a file at a specific location

ReadFileCommentOffset method


SaveInitAlpha property

AnnEnableZoomView property

EnableLoadInfoEvent property

BitmapDataPathWriteCache property

EncodeABIC method

EncodeABIC2 method

DecodeABIC method

DecodeABIC2 method

FastLoad property

ColorSpace property

DoubleBuffer property

IgnoreViewPerspective property

LoadStatus property

LZWAutoClear property

ReadTagMemory method

SetMinMaxBits method

UseFastConversion property

vType property