CodecsAbcLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading ABC images. |
CodecsAbcOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving images using LEAD Advanced Bitonal Compression (ABC). |
CodecsAbcSaveOptions |
Provides options specifically for saving ABC images. |
CodecsAnzLoadOptions |
Provides options for loading ANZ (Analyze) images. |
CodecsAnzOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving ANZ (Analyze) images. |
CodecsAsyncCompletedEventArgs |
Base class for the CodecsGetInformationAsyncCompletedEventArgs, CodecsLoadAsyncCompletedEventArgs and CodecsSaveAsyncCompletedEventArgs classes. |
CodecsDocLoadOptions |
Provides the options for loading Microsoft Word (DOCX) and Word 97-2003 (DOC) documents as raster images. |
CodecsDocOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving Microsoft Word (DOCX) and Word 97-2003 (DOC) or files. |
CodecsDocumentImageInfo |
Provides information specific to document images. |
CodecsEcwLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading ECW images. |
CodecsEcwOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving ECW images. |
CodecsEcwSaveOptions |
Provides options specifically for saving ECW images. |
CodecsEnumGeoKeysEventArgs |
Provides data for the RasterCodecs.GeoKeyFound event. |
CodecsEnumTagsEventArgs |
Provides data for the RasterCodecs.TagFound event. |
CodecsEpsLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading EPS images. |
CodecsEpsOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving EPS images. |
CodecsExtensionList |
Exif extension information. |
CodecsFaxImageInfo |
Provides information specific to FAX images. |
CodecsFpxLoadOptions |
Gets the options for loading FPX images. |
CodecsFpxOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving FPX images. |
CodecsGetInformationAsyncCompletedEventArgs |
Contains data for the RasterCodecs.GetInformationAsyncCompleted event. |
CodecsGifImageInfo |
Provides information specific to GIF images. |
CodecsGifLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading GIF images. |
CodecsGifOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving GIF images. |
CodecsGifSaveOptions |
Provides options specifically for saving GIF images. |
CodecsImageInfo |
Provides functionality for getting information about image files supported by LEADTOOLS. |
CodecsJbig2LoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading JBIG2 images. |
CodecsJbig2Options |
Provides extra options for loading and saving JBIG2 images. |
CodecsJbig2SaveOptions |
Provides options specifically for saving JBIG2 images. |
CodecsJbigLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading JBIG images. |
CodecsJbigOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving JBIG images. |
CodecsJpeg2000LoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading JPEG 2000 and LEAD CMW images. |
CodecsJpeg2000Options |
Provides extra options for loading and saving JPEG 2000 and LEAD CMW images. |
CodecsJpeg2000SaveOptions |
Provides options specifically for saving JPEG and LEAD CMW images. |
CodecsJpegImageInfo |
Provides information specific to JPEG and LEAD CMP images. |
CodecsJpegLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading JPEG and LEAD CMP images. |
CodecsJpegOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving JPEG and LEAD CMP images. |
CodecsJpegSaveOptions |
Provides options specifically for saving JPEG and LEAD CMP images. |
CodecsLoadAsyncCompletedEventArgs |
Contains data for the RasterCodecs.LoadAsyncCompleted event. |
CodecsLoadImageEventArgs |
Provides information for the RasterCodecs.LoadImage event. |
CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs |
Provides information for the RasterCodecs.LoadInformation event. |
CodecsLoadOptions |
Provides access to generic file load options. |
CodecsLoadSvgAsyncCompletedEventArgs |
Contains data for the RasterCodecs.LoadSvgAsyncCompleted event. |
CodecsLoadSvgOptions |
Provides the options used when loading documents as SVG. |
CodecsOptions |
Provides access to all the specific file format load and save options supported by LEADTOOLS. |
CodecsOverlayData |
Contains information about the overlay image found in the file. |
CodecsPageEventArgs |
Provides information for the RasterCodecs.LoadPage event. |
CodecsPcdLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading PCD images. |
CodecsPcdOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving PCD images. |
CodecsPdfLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading PDF, PS and EPS file options. |
CodecsPdfOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving PDF images. |
CodecsPdfSaveOptions |
Provides options specifically for saving PDF images. |
CodecsPngLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading PNG images. |
CodecsPngOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving PNG images. |
CodecsPngSaveOptions |
Provides options specifically for saving PNG images. |
CodecsPsdChannelInfo |
Provides information about a specified channel in the PSD file. |
CodecsPsdImageInfo |
Provides information specific to PSD images. |
CodecsPsdLayerInfo |
Describes the layer position within a PSD file. |
CodecsPstImageInfo |
Provides information specific to PST files. |
CodecsPstLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading Outlook PST, MSG and EML files. |
CodecsPstOptions |
Provides extra options for loading Outlook PST, MSG and EML files. |
CodecsPtokaLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading PTOKA images. |
CodecsPtokaOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving PTOKA images. |
CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions |
Contains set options for loading a document file as a raster image (rasterization). |
CodecsRasterizeDocumentOptions |
Provides support for loading or saving a document file. |
CodecsRawOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving RAW Data images. |
CodecsRawSaveOptions |
Provides options specifically for saving RAW Data images. |
CodecsRedirectCloseEventArgs |
Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectClose event. |
CodecsRedirectOpenEventArgs |
Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectOpen event. |
CodecsRedirectReadEventArgs |
Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectRead event. |
CodecsRedirectSeekEventArgs |
Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectSeek event. |
CodecsRedirectWriteEventArgs |
Information for the RasterCodecs.RedirectWrite event. |
CodecsRtfLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading RTF files as raster images. |
CodecsRtfOptions |
Provides extra options for loading RTF files as raster images. |
CodecsSaveAsyncCompletedEventArgs |
Contains data for the RasterCodecs.SaveAsyncCompleted event. |
CodecsSaveImageEventArgs |
Provides information for the RasterCodecs.SaveImage event. |
CodecsSaveOptions |
Provides access to generic file save options. |
CodecsTiffImageInfo |
Provides information specific to TIFF images. |
CodecsTiffLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading TIFF images. |
CodecsTiffOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving TIFF images. |
CodecsTiffSaveOptions |
Provides options specifically for saving TIFF images. |
CodecsTxtLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading TEXT files as raster images. |
CodecsTxtOptions |
Provides extra options for loading TEXT files as raster images. |
CodecsVectorImageInfo |
Provides information specific to vector images. |
CodecsVectorLoadOptions |
Contains options for loading a vector file as a raster image (rasterization). |
CodecsVectorOptions |
Provides support for loading or saving a vector image file. |
CodecsVffLoadOptions |
Provides options for loading VFF (Sun TAAC Bitmap) images. |
CodecsVffOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving VFF (Sun TAAC Bitmap) images. |
CodecsWmfLoadOptions |
Provides options specifically for loading WMF images. |
CodecsWmfOptions |
Provides extra options for loading and saving WMF images. |
CodecsXlsLoadOptions |
Provides the options for loading Microsoft Excel (XLSX) and Excel 97-2003 (XLS) documents as a raster image. |
CodecsXlsOptions |
Provides the options for loading or saving Microsoft Excel (XLSX) and Excel 97-2003 (XLS) documents. |
CodecsXpsLoadOptions |
Provides the options for loading Open XML Paper Specification (XPS) documents as a raster image. |
CodecsXpsOptions |
Provides the options for loading or saving an Open XML Paper Specification (XPS) document. |
CodecsXpsSaveOptions |
Provides the options for saving a raster image as an Open XML Paper Specification (XPS) document. |
RasterCodecs |
Provides support for loading and saving raster image files. |
RasterImageTypeConverter |
RasterImageTypeConverter is a class that can be used to convert RasterImage objects from other data types. |