LEAD Screen Capture Filter User Interface (2.0)

The Screen capture property pages provide a user interface for changing the filter's attributes. Changes will be applied when Apply or OK is clicked. Positioning the mouse pointer over a control displays general information for that control. The Capture source settings tab is shown in the following figure:

LEAD Screen Capture Filter Capture source settings tab

The following table shows the controls and their descriptions:



Capture source drop-down list box

Select the capture source type

Frame rate edit box

Set the capture frame rate in frames per second. Values range from 0.1 to 30.0 frames per second.

Track window check box

Check this to track the window and capture the contents of the window at its original position, even if the window is moved.

Fill color button

Select the fill color that used to fill areas of the video under certain conditions.

Finder tool control

Drag the finder control to select a window as the capture source.

Manual mode check box

Check this to Enable the manual-capturing mode.

Capture frames button

Start the manual mode capturing process.

Frames number edit box

Number of frames that needs to be captured in manual mode.

Outline source check box

Check this to enable the outline shape option.

Outline shape combo box

Select the outline shape region type.

Color button

Select the outline shape region color.

On source close combo box

Select the action if the capture source is closed.

On source minimize combo box

Select the action if the capture source is minimized.

On source area change combo box

Select the action if the capture source area is changed.

Capture option combo box

Select the option that determines what to capture from the window.

The Cursor settings tab is shown in the following figure:

LEAD Screen Capture Filter Cursor settings tab

The following table shows the controls and their descriptions:



Show cursor check box

Check this to display the cursor in the capture stream.

Use actual cursor check box

Check this to display the actual cursor icon in the capture stream. Or uncheck it to display the selected cursor from the combo box.

Cursors combo box

Select a cursor icon to be displayed in the capture stream.

Shape effect combo box

Select the highlight mouse shape effect.

Size slider bar

Specify the highlight mouse shape size.

Color button

Specify the highlight mouse shape color.

Translucent radio button

Make the mouse highlight is translucent.

Opaque radio button

Make the mouse highlight is opaque.

On left click shape effect combo box

Select the effect shape when the left button click.

On left click size slider bar

Set the effect shape size when the left button click.

On left click color button

Select the effect shape color when the left button click.

On right click shape effect combo box

Select the effect shape when the right button click.

On right click size slider bar

Set the effect shape size when the right button click.

On right click color button

Select the effect shape color when the right button click.

The Region settings tab is shown in the following figure:

LEAD Screen Capture Filter Region settings tab

The following table shows the controls and their descriptions:



Enable region check box

Check this to enable the region options.

Region tool button

To display the region selection tool to specify the capture region.

Show pan window check box

Check this to display the pan window when the selection process begins.

Show cross-line check box

Check this to display the cross-line when the selection process begins.

Show XY pos info check box

Check this to display the XY position window when the selection process begins.

Show WH pos info check box

Check this to display the width/height window when the selection process begins.

Left edit box

Specify the left boundary of the region.

Top edit box

Specify the top boundary of the region.

Right edit box

Specify the right boundary of the region.

Bottom edit box

Specify the bottom boundary of the region.

Zoom level edit box

Specify the zoom level factor.

Zoom steps edit box

Specify the zoom steps.

Min. zoom step size

Specify the minimum zoom steps.

Enable panning check box

Check this to enable the panning options.

Start process hot key edit box

Specify a hot key to start the panning process.

X Y positions radio button

Select this to pan the region to the specified X Y positions.

X edit box

Specify the X position.

Y edit box

Specify the Y position.

Cursor position radio button

Select this to pan the region to the cursor position.

Cursor position Follow check box

Check this to track the cursor when it is move.

Window under cursor check box

Select this to pan the region to the window that is under the cursor.

Window under cursor Follow check box

Check this to track the captured window when it is move.

Fit check box

Check this to fit the region to the captured window. This will change the zoom level.

Panning steps edit box

Specify the panning steps.

Min. pan step size edit box

Specify the minimum panning steps.

Horizontal alignment combo box

Select the horizontal alignment option for the region.

Vertical alignment combo box

Select the vertical alignment option for the region.

H. Center check box

Check this to make a horizontal-center alignment for the region.

V. Center check box

Check this to make a vertical-center alignment for the region.

LEAD Screen Capture Filter

ILMScrCap Interface

ILMScrCapUserCallback Interface

ILMScrCapUserEventsCallback Interface

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