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Medical3DCamera Class


For a list of all members of this type, see Medical3DCamera members

Public Methods

Name Description
ResetPosition Resets the camera position to the default state (0, 0, 0)
ResetRotation Resets the camera rotation to the default state (0, 0, 0).
Rotate Rotates the camera by a specific amount in the specified axis (axes).
RotateX Rotates the camera in the x-axis by the specified amount.
RotateY Rotates the camera in the y-axis by the specified amount.
RotateZ Rotates the camera in the z-axis by specified amount.
Translate Translates or moves the camera by the specified amount along the specified axis (axes).
TranslateX Translates or moves the camera in the x-axis by the specified amount.
TranslateY Translates or moves the camera in the y-axis by the specified amount.
TranslateZ Translates or moves the camera in the z-axis by the specified amount.
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