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Medical3DContainer Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by Medical3DContainer.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Medical3DContainer Initializes a new instance of the class Medical3DContainer with a custom path for the Temp3DFolder.

Public Methods

Name Description
HandleMouseDown Handles the mouse down event that occur on the control.
HandleMouseMove Handles the mouse move event that occurs on the control.
HandleMouseUp Handles the mouse up event that occurs on the control.
Render Renders the objects of the container on the specified control.
ResetPosition Resets the position of all objects in the container to (0, 0, 0).
ResetRotation Resets the rotation of all the objects to (0, 0, 0).
ResetScale Resets the scale of all the objects in the container.
RotateX Rotates all the objects in the container by a specific amount in the x-axis.
RotateY Rotates all the objects in the container by a specific amount in the y-axis.
RotateZ Rotates all the objects in the container by a specific amount in the z-axis.
Scale Scales all objects in the container by a specific amount in any direction.
ScaleX Scales all objects in the container by a specific amount in the x-axis.
ScaleY Scales all objects in the container by a specific amount in the y-axis.
ScaleZ Scales all objects in the container by a specific amount in the z-axis.
Translate Translates all objects in the container by a specific amount in the specific axis.
TranslateX Translates all objects in the container by a specific amount in the x-axis.
TranslateY Translates all objects in the container by a specific amount in the y-axis.
TranslateZ Translates all objects in the container by a specific amount in the z-axis.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Dispose Releases all the resources used by this Medical3DContainer.
Finalize Overrides Finalize.

Public Properties

Name Description
BackgroundColor Gets or sets the color of the background.
Camera Gets the class containing the camera properties.
CurrentObjectIndex Gets or sets the index of the object that will be affected by the mouse events.
Inverted Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the object in the inversion mode.
MIP Gets the class containing information, properties and methods that will be applied to all objects of the container when using the MIP rendering technique.
MPR Gets the class containing information, properties and methods that will be applied to all objects of the container when using the MPR rendering technique.
Objects Gets the Medical3DObjectCollection<Medical3DObject> assigned to the container.
OwnerControl Gets the 3D controls associated with this container.
Space Gets or sets the value that determines whether to rotate objects using the object space or the view space.
VolumeType Gets or sets the rendering volume type.
VRT Gets the class containing information, properties and methods that will be applied to all objects of the container when using the VRT rendering technique.

Public Events

Name Description
CreateObject Optional delegate method for additional processing.
PostPaint Optional delegate method for additional processing.
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