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Medical3DObject Class


For a list of all members of this type, see Medical3DObject members

Public Properties

Name Description
BoundaryBoxColor Gets or sets the color of the 3D object boundary box.
ClippingBoundaryBoxColor Gets or sets the color of the polygon resulting from the intersection between the clipping plane and the boundary box.
ClippingPlanesColor Gets or sets the color of the 3D object clipping plane.
ColorMap Sets the color map will be used to render the 3D object.
EnableBoundaryBox Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to show the boundary box of the 3D object or not.
EnableClippingBoundaryBox Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to show the clipping boundary box of the 3D object or not.
EnableClippingPlanes Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to show the clipping planes of the 3D object or not.
EnableThresholding Gets or sets the value that indicates whether to enable or disable the thresholding feature.
FrameOfReferenceUID Gets or sets the value that indicates the ID of the DICOM file that was used to create this 3D object.
Histogram Gets the grayscale histogram of the 3D object.
Image Gets or sets the image that is used to render the 3D object.
ImageOrientation Gets or sets the orientation of the image.
LowerThreshold Gets or sets the low threshold value.
MaximumValue Gets the maximum intensity value allowed for this 3D object.
MinimumValue Gets the minimum intensity value allowed for this 3D object.
MissingFramesFillType Gets or sets the method that will be used to fill the missing frames in the 3D volume.
MPR Gets the class that contains the information, properties and methods that will be applied on this 3D object when using the MPR rendering technique.
Opacity Gets or sets the opacity value (transparency) of the 3D object.
Palette Gets or sets the color palette that will be used to render the 3D object.
PixelSpacing Gets or sets the distance length in millimeters between two successive pixels in both the horizontal and the vertical directions.
Planes Gets the clipping planes array used to clip the 3D object when it is rendered.
RemoveInterval Gets or sets the enumeration value that specifies the thresholding behavior
Scale Gets or sets the scale of the 3D object.
Slab Gets or sets the class that contains the slab values.
SSD Gets the class that contains the information, properties and methods that will be applied to this 3D object when using the SSD rendering technique.
UpperThreshold Gets or set the upper threshold value.
WindowLevelProperties Gets the class containing information and properties that control the window-leveling of the 3D object.
XOffset Gets or sets the value that represents the offset of the object in the x-axis.
XRotation Gets the rotation angle around the x-axis.
XScale Gets or sets the value that represents the scale of the object in the x-axis.
YOffset Gets or sets the value that represents the offset of the object on the y-axis.
YRotation Gets the rotation angle around the y-axis.
YScale Gets or sets the value that represents the scale of the object on the y-axis.
ZOffset Gets or sets the value that represents the offset of the object in the z-axis.
ZRotation Gets the rotation angle around the z-axis.
ZScale Gets or sets the value that represents the scale of the object in the z-axis.
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Leadtools.Medical3D Assembly
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