Gets or sets the camera's projection method.
public Leadtools.Medical3d.Medical3DProjectionMethod ProjectionMethod {get; set;}
Public Property ProjectionMethod As Leadtools.Medical3d.Medical3DProjectionMethod
property Leadtools.Medical3d.Medical3DProjectionMethod ProjectionMethod {
Leadtools.Medical3d.Medical3DProjectionMethod get();
void set ( Leadtools.Medical3d.Medical3DProjectionMethod );
A Medical3DProjectionMethod value that represents the projection method used for the camera.
You can set the value of this property to either Orthogonal or Perspective. The default value is Perspective. Using the Orthogonal value makes the camera neglect the distance factor when viewing the object. This means that if the object is viewed from two different distances it will NOT become smaller or bigger. The Perspective view resembles a real-life view by making the object appear smaller if it is further away and larger if it is closer.
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Codecs
Imports Leadtools.MedicalViewer
Imports Leadtools.Medical3D
Public Sub Medical3DControlExample()
Dim LoadObject As Medical3DLoadDICOMSeriesExamples = New Medical3DLoadDICOMSeriesExamples()
Dim output As MedicalViewerSeriesManager = LoadObject.LoadJamesHead()
Dim form As MainForm1 = New MainForm1(output)
End Sub
' MainForm1 will be the owner of the medical viewer control.
Private Class MainForm1 : Inherits Form
Private _medical3DControl As Medical3DControl
Public Sub New(ByVal output As MedicalViewerSeriesManager)
Dim _codecs As RasterCodecs = New RasterCodecs()
Dim _image As RasterImage
Dim codecsInformation As CodecsImageInfo
_medical3DControl = New Medical3DControl()
AddHandler SizeChanged, AddressOf MainForm1_SizeChanged
AddHandler FormClosing, AddressOf MainForm1_FormClosing
_medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Objects.Add(New Medical3DObject())
Dim index As Integer
codecsInformation = _codecs.GetInformation(CStr(output.Stacks(0).Items(0).Data), True)
Dim width As Integer = codecsInformation.Width
Dim height As Integer = codecsInformation.Height
Dim depth As Integer = 256
index = 0
Do While index < depth
_image = _codecs.Load(CStr(output.Stacks(0).Items(index).Data), 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGrayOrRomm, 1, 1)
_medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Objects(0).MemoryEfficientSetFrame(_image, index, output.Stacks(0).Items(index).ImagePosition, True)
index += 1
Dim spearator As String = ("\")
Dim test As String() = output.Stacks(0).Items(0).ImageOrientation.Split(spearator.ToCharArray())
Dim orientation As Single() = New Single(5){}
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 5
orientation(i) = CSng(Convert.ToDouble(test(i)))
Next i
_medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Objects(0).MemoryEfficientEnd(orientation, output.Stacks(0).PixelSpacing)
' Set Camera Projection Method to Orthogonal.
_medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Camera.ProjectionMethod = Medical3DProjectionMethod.Orthogonal
_medical3DControl.SetAction(MedicalViewerActionType.Rotate3DObject, MedicalViewerMouseButtons.Left, MedicalViewerActionFlags.Active)
End Sub
Private Sub MainForm1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormClosingEventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub MainForm1_SizeChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not _medical3DControl Is Nothing Then
_medical3DControl.Size = New Size(Me.ClientRectangle.Right, Me.ClientRectangle.Bottom)
End If
End Sub
End Class
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.MedicalViewer;
using Leadtools.Medical3D;
public void Medical3DControlExample()
Medical3DLoadDICOMSeriesExamples LoadObject = new Medical3DLoadDICOMSeriesExamples();
MedicalViewerSeriesManager output = LoadObject.LoadJamesHead();
MainForm1 form = new MainForm1(output);
// MainForm1 will be the owner of the medical viewer control.
class MainForm1 : Form
private Medical3DControl _medical3DControl;
public MainForm1(MedicalViewerSeriesManager output)
RasterCodecs _codecs = new RasterCodecs();
RasterImage _image;
CodecsImageInfo codecsInformation;
_medical3DControl = new Medical3DControl();
this.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(MainForm1_SizeChanged);
this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(MainForm1_FormClosing);
_medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Objects.Add(new Medical3DObject());
int index;
codecsInformation = _codecs.GetInformation((string)output.Stacks[0].Items[0].Data, true);
int width = codecsInformation.Width;
int height = codecsInformation.Height;
int depth = 256;
for (index = 0; index < depth; index++)
_image = _codecs.Load((string)output.Stacks[0].Items[index].Data, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGrayOrRomm, 1, 1);
_medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Objects[0].MemoryEfficientSetFrame(_image, index, output.Stacks[0].Items[index].ImagePosition, true);
string spearator = ("\\");
string[] test = output.Stacks[0].Items[0].ImageOrientation.Split(spearator.ToCharArray());
float[] orientation = new float[6];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
orientation[i] = (float)Convert.ToDouble(test[i]);
_medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Objects[0].MemoryEfficientEnd(orientation, output.Stacks[0].PixelSpacing);
// Set Camera Projection Method to Orthogonal.
_medical3DControl.ObjectsContainer.Camera.ProjectionMethod = Medical3DProjectionMethod.Orthogonal;
_medical3DControl.SetAction(MedicalViewerActionType.Rotate3DObject, MedicalViewerMouseButtons.Left, MedicalViewerActionFlags.Active);
void MainForm1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
void MainForm1_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_medical3DControl != null)
_medical3DControl.Size = new Size(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.ClientRectangle.Bottom);
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